Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Back to the OP

Trump has a crowd of over 6000, plus thousands more outside, Biden has a crowd of 40, and the media says that Trump cannot draw a crowd.

Lunacy prevails in the USA today.

Biden is not having rallies. No responsible politician is having rallies. They practice something called “social distancing“

Only Trump would put his own ego above the need for public safety. Tulsa was a disgrace. They had empty seats so they could spread people out but Trump wanted the illusion of a packed house

with each new post you confirm your partisan stupidity. People like you are why dems keep losing and will continue losing.

We took the House from Republicans in the last election. Are you so senile, you forgot??
Back to the OP

Trump has a crowd of over 6000, plus thousands more outside, Biden has a crowd of 40, and the media says that Trump cannot draw a crowd.

Lunacy prevails in the USA today.

Biden is not having rallies. No responsible politician is having rallies. They practice something called “social distancing“

Only Trump would put his own ego above the need for public safety. Tulsa was a disgrace. They had empty seats so they could spread people out but Trump wanted the illusion of a packed house
Back to the OP

Trump has a crowd of over 6000, plus thousands more outside, Biden has a crowd of 40, and the media says that Trump cannot draw a crowd.

Lunacy prevails in the USA today.

Biden is not having rallies. No responsible politician is having rallies. They practice something called “social distancing“

Only Trump would put his own ego above the need for public safety. Tulsa was a disgrace. They had empty seats so they could spread people out but Trump wanted the illusion of a packed house
Former Vice President Biden is demonstrating true leadership. Mr. Biden is show his concern for the health and safety of the American People by NOT holding rallies.

The Orange Shit Gibbon does not give a flying fuck through a goddamn rolling donut about the health and safety of his dead from the neck up followers, hence making those idiots who stupid enough to attend his Bund Rally sign a waiver saying they would not use the Fuck Wad 45's campaign if they contracted COVID-19.

True leadership is putting the health and welfare of your followers ahead of your need to hold a Love Me/Love Me Rally in an enclosed venue social could not enforced.

45 has an overwhelming narcissistic need to loved and to have people show slaving devotion to him.

The Lying Yellow Belly Yankee Coward does not care about the people who showed to love him in Tulsa or in Arizona. Those events were about his ego and his ego alone.

Mr. Biden does not screaming crowds of people shouting his name to feel complete, that is all 45.

One MAN, Joe Biden is demonstrating leadership and care for his supporters, the other is an Orange Faced Whinny Diaper who is only interested in feeding his fragile ego.
Last edited:
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
Liar, Impeached Trump did not do everything he could have to prevent the spread. He could have banned air travel from other countries. He could have quarantined everyone who flew here from other countries. Like it or not, the buck stops at his desk. And there's nothing Democrats could have done to stop him.
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

Cry me river. That blimp racist dog is never responsible of anything.

if he knew what he was doing thwe won’t be in this predicament. Look at his attitude and behaviors after 6 months from January till today.

Does it look that he cares of the deaths and cases? Trump WAS the problem then and still the problem today.

Look at the resurge of new cases and deaths. Probably will never get done with this crisis till that blimp is out of WH.
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
There were about 13k there.
Biden couldnt draw thousand if he gave out free BJs, you stupid moron.

Nah! You are talking about Putin’s lover Donnie.
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
Trump denied it was a threat, no worse than the flu, pay no attention to that social distancing or masks.......The President doesn’t.

We can blame the virus on the Chinese and the spread in this country on Trump
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.

Joke was on him
He came across as an over sensitive cry baby.
Who spends 15 minutes talking about a ramp?

the media spent hours talking about it, WTF is wrong with you? I get it that you will vote for corrupt old senile Biden and thereby put some incompetent far left woman in the whitehouse. Your motives are glaringly obvious and extremely stupid.
Boy, Trump can dish it out but he sure can’t take it

Look at Biden! He is old and senile

<sob>. But, but.....I had trouble walking down a ramp because I salute too much, I had sunburn, I had on my slippery shoes, the ramp was wet.

he was refuting the media lies. nothing more.

Can‘t walk down a ramp because he was tired from saluting so much?

No, even the media can’t make up something that lame
More lies by you. He clearly explained it was a wet steel ramp and he was in dress shoes.

Your desperate lies are pathetic.
He did?

He also explained he had been sitting in the sun all afternoon and had gotten sunburn.

How was the ramp wet?

More desperate lies from our president
I went back and looked at it. He said it was “slick”, not wet.

Doesnt change the fact you lied when you claimed he blames saluting for the way he handled a slick ramp.

15 fucking minutes trying to explain why he walked down the ramp like a little pussy. About eight of that was spent explaining how he saluted “600 times” and was tired.

Dry ramps are not “slick”

a steel ramp can be very slick. He spent that time explaining because the media had been lying about it for days.

Care to discuss Biden not knowing what state he is in or Hillary falling into her plane and into her car?

A steel ramp can be very slippery. That is why you are required to have a slip resistant surface. This was no fly by night ramp that was just thrown together for Trump. It had been in use for years. Trump lied, it was not “like ice”

A politician flying from state to state will often mess up what state they are in.
As for Hillary, she was just tired from saluting so much and may have had her slippery shoes on.

and you are an idiot, thanks for the confirmation
Try to build or buy a handicapped compliant ramp.
Sorry, but bare steel is not going to cut it.
Trump lied, it was not like ice

were you there?
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
Trump denied it was a threat, no worse than the flu, pay no attention to that social distancing or masks.......The President doesn’t.

We can blame the virus on the Chinese and the spread in this country on Trump

No, if you had even the beginnings of a brain you would understand that the chinese created this virus and released it on the world because their economy was tanking due to Trump finally playing hardball with them on trade. but I get it, you are too fricken dumb and brain washed to see what is really going on.
Yes I do they are chickenshit leftist who can't get laid

been married & still married for 35 years ... that's a lotta getting laid.

While the Orange Shit is a Serial Adulterer who cheated of his wives, including Melania. 45 boasted of "Moving On" on a Married Woman, "Like A Bitch". He boasted of grabbing Women "By The Pussy".

I've been married to same Woman for 27-Years. We lived to for 6-Years and dated for 1-Year.

45 is an amoral asshole and misogynist.

i remember him bragging on stern about the time he brought current wife #1 AND soon to be whore/wife #2 on an aspen ski vacation, at the same time; & they crossed paths on the slope.

they got into it right there & made a spectacle of themselves, while he stood & watched.

Incels can't comprehend what men do and a thing called locker room talk

No we learned how to respect Women. You people view them as sex objects.
You're a lying sack of pig shit
You fuckers attack women if they don't agree with you politically

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Yellow Belly Yankee Coward cheated on each of his wives. He is a serial adulterer. He boasted of grabbing Women by "The Pussy". He was proud of having "Moved On" a Married Woman "Like A Bitch". That is who YOU defend.
Yet swift boat Kerry you think he served the country honorably? you are a lying sack of shit
Silver Star winner

As opposed to those who faked Heel Spurs
Swiftboat Kerry

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth


Swift Vets and POWs for Truth, formerly known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, was a political group of United States Swift boat veterans and former prisoners of war of the Vietnam War, formed during the 2004 presidential election campaign for the purpose of opposing John Kerry's candidacy for the presidency
They lied

Those who actually served with Kerry called him a hero

The whole Swift Boat thing was a set up from the jump. The whole was a lie and after investigation it was proven to be a lie. Mr. Kerry got a Silver Star, 45 had bone spurs and cannot for the life of him remember in which foot.
Our President loves to mock those who actually served

As do his brain dead followers. Here they are, carping on John Kerry and the lies about his service in Viet Nam, and yet the silence on Fuck Wad 45 being a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward is truly deafening. They say not one word about that lying Yellow Belly Yankee Coward never served, a sick pathetic little man who thought that never catching the Clap in 1980's New York was "My Viet Nam".

When they finally work up the balls to question why 45 never served and demand he stop attacking Gold Star families, then maybe just maybe I will start to believe what they say. For now they support a Draft Dodging Coward and is all we need to know.

"tell Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election" Trump? no Obozo the kenyan.

speaking of military service, where was bubba clinton during the viet nam war?
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
Trump denied it was a threat, no worse than the flu, pay no attention to that social distancing or masks.......The President doesn’t.

We can blame the virus on the Chinese and the spread in this country on Trump

No, if you had even the beginnings of a brain you would understand that the chinese created this virus and released it on the world because their economy was tanking due to Trump finally playing hardball with them on trade. but I get it, you are too fricken dumb and brain washed to see what is really going on.

Oh Lordy. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

Chinese created the virus??? Even the new head of intelligence director John Ratcliffe hired by Trump last month. You are lying.

I bet you. I’m 100% sure. You don’t know how the virus transferred to human.

Trade War..... we are the losers of the Trade War. This is one example how Donnie screwed up the economy.

Trump casualties of TW are the farmers, fisheries, wine industry, fruits, shoes, clothes, electronics and electrical products, school supplies etc etc etc etc...

Remember not a single industries or any technologies or any retailers or manufacturers or any categories supported Trump. NONE.... NOBODY.
China lied...Americans died

this election will be about jobs, China and law and order, and Trump runs the table on all 3

This election will be about jobs and 40 million are out of work
COVID and Trumps leadership has been a disaster
Race Relations and Trump has come off as a thug

That is why his ratings have tanked
Your TDS influenced mind blocked the fact that you just spelled out the defeat of the democrats who shut down the economy
It is the TRUMP economy
Worst economy in 70 years
It wasn't Trump policy that shut the economy down
It was democrat leadership in states they run that did it.

The bad news buck never stops at Impeached Trump's desk, does it, PussyBitch?
dumbass Specifically what policy of the president shut the economy down?
Who shut the economy down and placed 40 million out of work?
Letting the virus get into the U.S. led to that. He shut down flights from China but let folks come into the U.S. from every other nation.
And the democrat controlled house started legislation to restrict the president's authority to make any travel restriction
Impeached Trump could have restricted air travel to/from any country. Just like he did with Europe when it got bad over there. Regrettably, that was too late, it was already spreading here. He was too busy tweeting to protect Americans.
Come to Chinatown we have it all under control Nancy Pelosi

Your deflection is noted and laughed at as is your concession.
No deflection. The president was doing everything he could do to stop the spread the democrats were doing everything they could do to stop him. Stop acting as if it has been forgotten.
Trump denied it was a threat, no worse than the flu, pay no attention to that social distancing or masks.......The President doesn’t.

We can blame the virus on the Chinese and the spread in this country on Trump

No, if you had even the beginnings of a brain you would understand that the chinese created this virus and released it on the world because their economy was tanking due to Trump finally playing hardball with them on trade. but I get it, you are too fricken dumb and brain washed to see what is really going on.
Why in the world China will do that to themselves just because of bad economy?
Oh we are having a bad economy I will kill my people then spread it around the world. Do you realized how stupid that is?

Chinese economy rely very heavily with US economy. Bad US economy means we purchase less from them. So why would they want to hurt US? Keep that in mind.
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.

Joke was on him
He came across as an over sensitive cry baby.
Who spends 15 minutes talking about a ramp?

the media spent hours talking about it, WTF is wrong with you? I get it that you will vote for corrupt old senile Biden and thereby put some incompetent far left woman in the whitehouse. Your motives are glaringly obvious and extremely stupid.
Boy, Trump can dish it out but he sure can’t take it

Look at Biden! He is old and senile

<sob>. But, but.....I had trouble walking down a ramp because I salute too much, I had sunburn, I had on my slippery shoes, the ramp was wet.

he was refuting the media lies. nothing more.

Can‘t walk down a ramp because he was tired from saluting so much?

No, even the media can’t make up something that lame
More lies by you. He clearly explained it was a wet steel ramp and he was in dress shoes.

Your desperate lies are pathetic.
He did?

He also explained he had been sitting in the sun all afternoon and had gotten sunburn.

How was the ramp wet?

More desperate lies from our president
I went back and looked at it. He said it was “slick”, not wet.

Doesnt change the fact you lied when you claimed he blames saluting for the way he handled a slick ramp.

15 fucking minutes trying to explain why he walked down the ramp like a little pussy. About eight of that was spent explaining how he saluted “600 times” and was tired.

Dry ramps are not “slick”

a steel ramp can be very slick. He spent that time explaining because the media had been lying about it for days.

Care to discuss Biden not knowing what state he is in or Hillary falling into her plane and into her car?

A steel ramp can be very slippery. That is why you are required to have a slip resistant surface. This was no fly by night ramp that was just thrown together for Trump. It had been in use for years. Trump lied, it was not “like ice”

A politician flying from state to state will often mess up what state they are in.
As for Hillary, she was just tired from saluting so much and may have had her slippery shoes on.

and you are an idiot, thanks for the confirmation
Try to build or buy a handicapped compliant ramp.
Sorry, but bare steel is not going to cut it.
Trump lied, it was not like ice

were you there?
Don’t have to be
Trump lied

I have never seen a bare steel ramp without cut ridges or a nonslip coating of some kind.
Yes I do they are chickenshit leftist who can't get laid

been married & still married for 35 years ... that's a lotta getting laid.

While the Orange Shit is a Serial Adulterer who cheated of his wives, including Melania. 45 boasted of "Moving On" on a Married Woman, "Like A Bitch". He boasted of grabbing Women "By The Pussy".

I've been married to same Woman for 27-Years. We lived to for 6-Years and dated for 1-Year.

45 is an amoral asshole and misogynist.

i remember him bragging on stern about the time he brought current wife #1 AND soon to be whore/wife #2 on an aspen ski vacation, at the same time; & they crossed paths on the slope.

they got into it right there & made a spectacle of themselves, while he stood & watched.

Incels can't comprehend what men do and a thing called locker room talk

No we learned how to respect Women. You people view them as sex objects.
You're a lying sack of pig shit
You fuckers attack women if they don't agree with you politically

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Yellow Belly Yankee Coward cheated on each of his wives. He is a serial adulterer. He boasted of grabbing Women by "The Pussy". He was proud of having "Moved On" a Married Woman "Like A Bitch". That is who YOU defend.
Yet swift boat Kerry you think he served the country honorably? you are a lying sack of shit
Silver Star winner

As opposed to those who faked Heel Spurs
Swiftboat Kerry

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth


Swift Vets and POWs for Truth, formerly known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, was a political group of United States Swift boat veterans and former prisoners of war of the Vietnam War, formed during the 2004 presidential election campaign for the purpose of opposing John Kerry's candidacy for the presidency
They lied

Those who actually served with Kerry called him a hero

The whole Swift Boat thing was a set up from the jump. The whole was a lie and after investigation it was proven to be a lie. Mr. Kerry got a Silver Star, 45 had bone spurs and cannot for the life of him remember in which foot.
Our President loves to mock those who actually served

As do his brain dead followers. Here they are, carping on John Kerry and the lies about his service in Viet Nam, and yet the silence on Fuck Wad 45 being a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward is truly deafening. They say not one word about that lying Yellow Belly Yankee Coward never served, a sick pathetic little man who thought that never catching the Clap in 1980's New York was "My Viet Nam".

When they finally work up the balls to question why 45 never served and demand he stop attacking Gold Star families, then maybe just maybe I will start to believe what they say. For now they support a Draft Dodging Coward and is all we need to know.

"tell Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election" Trump? no Obozo the kenyan.

speaking of military service, where was bubba clinton during the viet nam war?
He didn’t have to fake bone spurs

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