Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

Obama must be a Muslim, that's why he armed Al Qaeda and ISIS, that's why he switched sides in the Middle East to support his brothers in Jihad. All the refugees fleeing the ME are BECAUSE Obama is a Muslim and supports Jihad
Obama said he's Muslim

Why is this up for debate?

No he didn't. That is one of the talking points that has kept people misinformed and tricked into believing the "Obama is Muslim" disinformation. Scamming the American people is dependent on people like you, either suckers and low information citizens or simply dishonest people who self justify their lying and dishonesty.

How else can you explain Obama's actions?
There are rational and logical explanations for all the goofy allegations made by conspiracy theories and nonsense promoted by the propagandist that are able to trick and fool the low information folks. If you stubbornly refuse to look at various sides of issues you become low information. Low information folks come from all sides of the political spectrum. They are liberal and conservative and all other ideologies. Political beliefs have nothing to do with it. It is about limiting ones access to information and becoming a kind of limited source individual. It is about not being able to recognize propaganda from objective news sources.
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.
With Obama you have a choice.

On one hand you have a shithead being raised as a Muslim.

On the other hand you have a shithead attending a church for 20 years where hate against Whites and Jews was preached from the pulpit by Obama's "spiritual advisor".

Take your pick.

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

Not with the lack of effective Republican opposition that he enjoys. He has time to do much further damage before leaving office.
Well there are certainly loads of low info voters out there.

After all Barry got elected twice.

Need I say more??
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
First the poll is bullshit. The percent is that high. Second, the claim is that he is a secret Muslim. 1. His actions favor Muslims over all other religions. 2. He is supposed to be a Christian, but he is openly anti-Christian. 3. In any of his speeches, Islam is the only one he praises. 3. His father and step-father were Muslims. 4. He partially grew up in a Muslim country.

All these facts feed the conspiracy that he is Muslim. I don't buy it. I think he is just so infected with The leftist ideology that people confuse his actions with that of an American hating Muslim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Except,of course, that none of that is true.

"Low information" doesn't begin to describe the willful ignorance of the rabid right.
The poll also reflects that 29% of ALL polled think Obama is Muslim.


From the OP

"Overall, 29% of Americans say they think the President is a Muslim, including 43% of Republicans."

Lets see?

43% of Republicans believe he is Muslim, half the country is Republican. That means 21% of the 29% are Republicans

Talk about low information voters

Actually 43% of American identify as Independent, only 26% identify as Republican, about a quarter, instead of the HALF you claimed.

So, who is the "low information voter" here, RW?

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