Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"

He said in that video "John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith" ...that is NOT the same thing you're trying to say he said. It also is not denying that he's a muslim. Supposedly he 'meant' his Christian faith (at least that's what they want us to think), but a Christian would never make a mistake like that!

More evidence of USMB low information voters, unable to understand the english language

Any more out there?

I showed you what he actually said on the video....it is not anywhere close to what you posted. Seems you need a reading comprehension class.

Let me ask you...

What is it about rightwing low information voters that causes you to look at a video where Obama is clearly commenting that John McCain has not called me a Muslim as "I am a Muslim"?

Are you completely incapable of understanding the context of a series of statements so that you are unable to comprehend more than a three word phrase?

Is it poor education, inbreeding or rightwing indoctrination that interferes with your ability to understand the english language in the context it is being used?

You still believe Rush coined the phrase "low information voter" when that is something only a low information person would claim. You are the low information person and giving a long lecture on the topic. You think because you have a lot of information you are not low information. You can have a ton of misinformation in your head and you still will not escape being low information. If you have bad information it is the same as having low information.

Rush may have coined the phrase "low information voter" to describe the Liberals that really don't have a clue what they are doing when they vote for Democrats but Jonathan Gruber drove the point home with his description of "stupid Americans" that will believe anything the Democrats tell them.

These "Gruberidiots" believed Obama when he told them that Obamacare would drive down the cost of health care and they could keep their doctor. They believed Obama when he told them there was not "one smidgen of wrongdoing in the IRS scandal". They believe that Obama giving billions of dollars and having a non verifiable treaty with Iran will somehow produce peace in the Middle East. They believe that Hillary Clinton is not a crook. You know, stupid things like that only comes from having a limited amount of information about a subject. Low information voters.
Why am I surprised that the OP only did the poll of Republicans. The Guardian, Daily Mail, and the Atlantic all had polls showing that one half of all Americans think Obama is a Muslim. And that 35% believes he was not born in the USA.

What does that say?
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

I can't speak for RWs, but for myself, all of them. The man has done nothing right since taking office.

Please be specific.

EXACTLY what has President Obama done that you are against?
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.
Why am I surprised that the OP only did the poll of Republicans. The Guardian, Daily Mail, and the Atlantic all had polls showing that one half of all Americans think Obama is a Muslim. And that 35% believes he was not born in the USA.

What does that say?

Half of America is too damn stupid to think for themselves?
Obama turned NASA into a Muslim outreach Agency.

Do our satellites point to Mecca 5 times a day?


EXACTLY what did President Obama do that "turned NASA into a Muslim outreach Agency"?

Please be specific and include links.


Oh, you missed that?

LOL! It's pretty funny. It a sad, end of America sort of way.

Of course I know what he's talking about.

My point is, in the US, we have freedom of religion and "religion" does not just mean "fundie nutters".
Obama turned NASA into a Muslim outreach Agency.

Do our satellites point to Mecca 5 times a day?


EXACTLY what did President Obama do that "turned NASA into a Muslim outreach Agency"?

Please be specific and include links.


Oh, you missed that?

LOL! It's pretty funny. It a sad, end of America sort of way.

Of course I know what he's talking about.

My point is, in the US, we have freedom of religion and "religion" does not just mean "fundie nutters".

And what does that have to do with Nasa's historical mission of space exploration?
His father was a muslem and Barry's book claims to adhere to the "dreams of my father". Apparently Barry claimed to be a foreign born muslem student when he attended Harvard. In light of the insane foreign policy that seems to have intentionally destabilized countries in order to turn them over to the "muslem brotherhood" it seems that Barry is at least more sympathetic to the muslem faith than he is to Christianity.
'The Sweetest sound ever heard is the Muslim Call to Prayer'.

He helped the TERRORIST GROUP the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt.
He ran weapons to 'rebels' (Al Qaeida) in Libya to help them oust Qadaffi

He took the country to war on his own to help Al '9/11/01 and 9/11/12' Qaeida take over Libya

He ran weapons to Syrian Rebels (who became ISIS) from Libya

He claimed the OBVIOUS terrorist attack on Ft Hood was a case of 'Workplace Violence'

He remained silent when terrorists attacked a Military Recruiting Center

He ALLOWED the Boston Marathon attack to happen after doing NOTHING to prevent it after being warned by Putin / Russia - AFTER the attack Obama put the attackers' faces on TV and asked the public to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH THEY ARREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!

The Obama administration hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador and DECREASED the number of US security members on his detail AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on the compound and WHILE knowing not only Middle-East-wide attacks on US Embassies on 9/11/12 had been called for but also while knowing an Al Qaeida leader had called for the death of Ambassador Stevens on the anniversary of 9/11/01 in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi due to a drone strike several months earlier!
-- He and Hillary disappeared for approx. 14 hours while 20 US Embassies were attacked - 4 overrun & 4 Americans killed - on 9/11/12. When they finally resurfaced, they pushed a lie about a video, presented a CIA report that had been modified 13 times - removing all references to terrorism, and Obama's response to the world did not come the next day resembling 'I hear you, the world hears you, & those who did this will hear you' but instead came a month later in a speech to the UN where he again pushed the lie about a video and almost apologetically declared to the world, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Obama PAID a ransom for the traitor/deserter Bo Berghdahl and seized the opportunity to release the Taliban 5. The terrorist group that held Berghdahl never asked for the release of the '5'; however, Obama had been releasing terrorists from Gitmo. The '5' were too big simply to release...so he used the Berghdahl release as a cover to release the '5'. He LIED to the American people by claiming they were part of the deal, which they were NOT!

PATHETICALLY AND TREASONOUSLY Obama gave up the Taliban 5 'in exchange for Berghdahl', according to Obama, because 'We don't leave a man behind'... When Obama was on his knees befire Iran's leaders agreeing to their demands for a 'nuke agreement' HE DIDN'T THINK THE 4 AMERICANS BEING HELD BY IRAN WERE EVEN WORTH ASKING FOR THEIR RELEASE BECAUSE 'IT MIGHT HAVE MESSED UP THE DEAL'

All that being said...I don't give a d@mn if he is a Muslim or not! Take race, sex, religion, & political party out of the equation in EVERY single one of the events above, and what is important is that it makes for a completely FAILED President, and potentially / arguably a TREASONOUS ENEMY OF THE STATE as well!
His father was a muslem and Barry's book claims to adhere to the "dreams of my father". Apparently Barry claimed to be a foreign born muslem student when he attended Harvard. In light of the insane foreign policy that seems to have intentionally destabilized countries in order to turn them over to the "muslem brotherhood" it seems that Barry is at least more sympathetic to the muslem faith than he is to Christianity.

Another USMB low information voter

Come on...I know there are more of you reading....chime in
Lets see?

43% of Republicans believe he is Muslim, half the country is Republican. That means 21% of the 29% are Republicans

Talk about low information voters

Sorry, Polls don't work like that. If I specifically target Liberals...or GOP...when conducting a nation-wide poll I can come up with data supporting some point rather than another point based on random polling. Polling is BIASED as hail...or at least CAN be. WHO is conducting the poll and their political leanings are just as important as the questions asked (which can also be worded in ways to get the answer you're looking for). This is like Journalism 101...or 102.

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.

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