Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?
If Carter hadn't armed the terrorists, he'd claim he should have and cited that for support Reagan was right.

Carter did arm the Mujahideen.

Because it was obviously in the US's interest to arm those fighting against the Soviet Union, especially soviet forces without striking distance of the GUlf.
We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?

Because if he was polite to you, you would return the favor and civilly reply in a serious and honest fashion?

OK at least you are able to recognize that yes you are a moron and a conservative but I repeat myself......

And I didn't call you a leftist cocksucker and you did not "respond intellectually" to me either.

So, instead of this being us cons fault, it seems to be more of a what type of person you are.

Are you incapable of "responding intellectually" or are you just choosing to behave like a leftist cocksucker?
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?

Because if he was polite to you, you would return the favor and civilly reply in a serious and honest fashion?

OK at least you are able to recognize that yes you are a moron and a conservative but I repeat myself......

And I didn't call you a leftist cocksucker and you did not "respond intellectually" to me either.

So, instead of this being us cons fault, it seems to be more of a what type of person you are.

Are you incapable of "responding intellectually" or are you just choosing to behave like a leftist cocksucker?
To another person of intellect yes...you do not qualify...no quota system,

here is a learning moment for you Mr T bag taking America back to before "Unions ruined our Freedoms"
He's given American Citizens good reason to suspect that. I know i do. He hasn't done anything for Americans. He's only served foreign interests since he's been in there. He's basically told American Citizens to 'FUCK OFF!'

So i can see why so many see him as a Muslim Foreigner Globalist. It has nothing to do with 'Low Information.' That's just a term used by his loyal apologists to defend him.
obama is most likely 100% American-born, half-Irish Kansas trailer trailer trash just like his mom.

i hope this clears things up
Muslim or not, foreigner or not, it's clear the NWO Globalists placed him into power to serve foreign interests. He's done everything in his power to screw American Citizens. If he's not a Muslim Foreigner Globalist, he sure ruled as one.
Obamafuckenstein was not socialized as a traditional American. He is unlike us and the majority of Americans for that reason.

Secondly, you know he is fucked up in the head because of his past. An absent black Kenyan communist sired him by violating a white American chick who clearly did not want offspring. He was bounced around, here and there, and fell under the influence of some seedy cocksuckers, like communists. Obama didn't know if he was white or black. He acknowledges all of this bullshit in his book. He is one fucked up negro.

Obama's exposure to leftist pinko anti-American ideology, coupled with his whole weird identity issue, led to his present and very anti-American philosophy. Normal people do not go to Church with Rev. Wright. Normal people do not go hang out at Bill Ayers house. Normal Americans do not adopt a view that America is a colonial power that has caused horrible wealth and social disparity around the globe. Normal American presidents do not seek to diminish Anerican influence around the world.

Obama can say that he is an American. He can prove that he is a legal American citizen. But do not be fooled: he is NO AMERICAN, regardless of where he was spawned.

This motherfucker has fooled half of the American electorate, twice. That is really the scary part, for as vile and patently absurd as is the idea of a Barrack Hussein Obama presidency, it never had to come into existence but for the ignorance of half of the electorate. Obama voters have brought great shame down upon the United States.

Oh, and to the Moderators: fuck you!!!!!!
and now for a moment of Conservative Heartburn...enjoy it suckers


I agree that Obama's Presidency has been remarkable. It is quite remarkable that he:

- Fucked Hosni Mubarack, a long time ally, and helped usher in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt;

- Shunned Israel and Netanyahu every chance he got;

- Alienated most of our allies;

- Was stupid enough to propose a "reset" of US- Russian relations, thereby insulting Russians by implying that hundreds of years of Russian history are meaningless;

- That he drew a "Red Line" regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria;

- That he failed to honor the implications of having drawn the "Red Line" with Syria when Assad used chemical weapons.

- That he threw Ukraine under the bus by refusing to fast-track them into NATO like America promised in exchange for their giving up their nuclear weapons;

- Negotiated with Iran over ANYTHING;

- Entered into a nuclear arms accord with Iran;

- Pledged to destroy ISIS, then does nothing on the scale necessary to do so, thereby putting our security at risk;

- That he backed out of our commitment to locate missile defense systems in Poland;

- That he pulled out of Iraq at a time when it comes as clear that such withdrawal would create a catastrophe;

- That he has failed to develop any sort of policy to deal with cyber terrorism, and failed to answer cyber attacks waged against us by both China and Russia;

These are just a few things that I find remarkable
about Obama's presidency, and they are merely a few matters in the area of foreign policy that are not even arguable fuck-ups.

You mentally catatonic cocksucking cockroaches on the left ought to put down your goddamn bongs long enough to read a fucking newspaper at least daily. Of course, to your uneducated, comatose little brains even reading a newspaper will have limited effect. Maybe you ought to do your country a favor and stop voting. We are very good to you, giving you food stamps, housing assistance, educational stipends, grants and loans, medicinal marijuana, AFDC, TANF, or whatever the fuck it is called today, disability benefits, SSI, unemployment compensation, Medicaid, EIC (which means "Earned Income Credit" to those of you that get this tax credit), etc... 47% pay no income tax, so you do nothing but live a parasitic existence.

As Kennedy said: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Here's what you can do: sit down, shut the fuck up, and don't vote. Let the tax paying adults worry about the country, you useless twats!!!!
and now for a moment of Conservative Heartburn...enjoy it suckers


I agree that Obama's Presidency has been remarkable. It is quite remarkable that he:

- Fucked Hosni Mubarack, a long time ally, and helped usher in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt;

- Shunned Israel and Netanyahu every chance he got;

- Alienated most of our allies;

- Was stupid enough to propose a "reset" of US- Russian relations, thereby insulting Russians by implying that hundreds of years of Russian history are meaningless;

- That he drew a "Red Line" regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria;

- That he failed to honor the implications of having drawn the "Red Line" with Syria when Assad used chemical weapons.

- That he threw Ukraine under the bus by refusing to fast-track them into NATO like America promised in exchange for their giving up their nuclear weapons;

- Negotiated with Iran over ANYTHING;

- Entered into a nuclear arms accord with Iran;

- Pledged to destroy ISIS, then does nothing on the scale necessary to do so, thereby putting our security at risk;

- That he backed out of our commitment to locate missile defense systems in Poland;

- That he pulled out of Iraq at a time when it comes as clear that such withdrawal would create a catastrophe;

- That he has failed to develop any sort of policy to deal with cyber terrorism, and failed to answer cyber attacks waged against us by both China and Russia;

These are just a few things that I find remarkable
about Obama's presidency, and they are merely a few matters in the area of foreign policy that are not even arguable fuck-ups.

You mentally catatonic cocksucking cockroaches on the left ought to put down your goddamn bongs long enough to read a fucking newspaper at least daily. Of course, to your uneducated, comatose little brains even reading a newspaper will have limited effect. Maybe you ought to do your country a favor and stop voting. We are very good to you, giving you food stamps, housing assistance, educational stipends, grants and loans, medicinal marijuana, AFDC, TANF, or whatever the fuck it is called today, disability benefits, SSI, unemployment compensation, Medicaid, EIC (which means "Earned Income Credit" to those of you that get this tax credit), etc... 47% pay no income tax, so you do nothing but live a parasitic existence.

As Kennedy said: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Here's what you can do: sit down, shut the fuck up, and don't vote. Let the tax paying adults worry about the country, you useless twats!!!!
"catatonic cocksucking cockroaches" would be a good name for a band........
and now for a moment of Conservative Heartburn...enjoy it suckers


I agree that Obama's Presidency has been remarkable. It is quite remarkable that he:

- Fucked Hosni Mubarack, a long time ally, and helped usher in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt;

- Shunned Israel and Netanyahu every chance he got;

- Alienated most of our allies;

- Was stupid enough to propose a "reset" of US- Russian relations, thereby insulting Russians by implying that hundreds of years of Russian history are meaningless;

- That he drew a "Red Line" regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria;

- That he failed to honor the implications of having drawn the "Red Line" with Syria when Assad used chemical weapons.

- That he threw Ukraine under the bus by refusing to fast-track them into NATO like America promised in exchange for their giving up their nuclear weapons;

- Negotiated with Iran over ANYTHING;

- Entered into a nuclear arms accord with Iran;

- Pledged to destroy ISIS, then does nothing on the scale necessary to do so, thereby putting our security at risk;

- That he backed out of our commitment to locate missile defense systems in Poland;

- That he pulled out of Iraq at a time when it comes as clear that such withdrawal would create a catastrophe;

- That he has failed to develop any sort of policy to deal with cyber terrorism, and failed to answer cyber attacks waged against us by both China and Russia;

These are just a few things that I find remarkable
about Obama's presidency, and they are merely a few matters in the area of foreign policy that are not even arguable fuck-ups.

You mentally catatonic cocksucking cockroaches on the left ought to put down your goddamn bongs long enough to read a fucking newspaper at least daily. Of course, to your uneducated, comatose little brains even reading a newspaper will have limited effect. Maybe you ought to do your country a favor and stop voting. We are very good to you, giving you food stamps, housing assistance, educational stipends, grants and loans, medicinal marijuana, AFDC, TANF, or whatever the fuck it is called today, disability benefits, SSI, unemployment compensation, Medicaid, EIC (which means "Earned Income Credit" to those of you that get this tax credit), etc... 47% pay no income tax, so you do nothing but live a parasitic existence.

As Kennedy said: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Here's what you can do: sit down, shut the fuck up, and don't vote. Let the tax paying adults worry about the country, you useless twats!!!!

Ha, anything but 'Low Information.' Spot On. Thanks. Nominated for 'Post of the Year.'
Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?

Because if he was polite to you, you would return the favor and civilly reply in a serious and honest fashion?

OK at least you are able to recognize that yes you are a moron and a conservative but I repeat myself......

And I didn't call you a leftist cocksucker and you did not "respond intellectually" to me either.

So, instead of this being us cons fault, it seems to be more of a what type of person you are.

Are you incapable of "responding intellectually" or are you just choosing to behave like a leftist cocksucker?
To another person of intellect yes...you do not qualify...no quota system,

here is a learning moment for you Mr T bag taking America back to before "Unions ruined our Freedoms"

Not even honest enough to admit when you are stone cold busted.
some of the richest people on earth are running around agreeing with obama and left-wing nutjobs that they must be taxed more; because they know it isnt going to happen

libs are losers who lie to themselves
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

I can't speak for RWs, but for myself, all of them. The man has done nothing right since taking office.

Please be specific.

EXACTLY what has President Obama done that you are against?

I could not be more specific. His errors encompass all of his administration.
Why am I surprised that the OP only did the poll of Republicans. The Guardian, Daily Mail, and the Atlantic all had polls showing that one half of all Americans think Obama is a Muslim. And that 35% believes he was not born in the USA.

What does that say?

Half of America is too damn stupid to think for themselves?

That should read "Half of America is too stupid to think for themselves." The Left has done an excellent job of stupefying Americans.
It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

I can't speak for RWs, but for myself, all of them. The man has done nothing right since taking office.

Please be specific.

EXACTLY what has President Obama done that you are against?

I could not be more specific. His errors encompass all of his administration.

What you seem to believe, is he and his administrators don't do what you want them to do.

What errors do you have in mind?
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

I can't speak for RWs, but for myself, all of them. The man has done nothing right since taking office.

Please be specific.

EXACTLY what has President Obama done that you are against?

I could not be more specific. His errors encompass all of his administration.

What you seem to believe, is he and his administrators don't do what you want them to do.

What errors do you have in mind?

Wow, thick parietals there, bud. What is it about all that confuses you?

Read a chronological listing of his actions as president, and the epiphany may fall upon you.
We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?
If Carter hadn't armed the terrorists, he'd claim he should have and cited that for support Reagan was right.

Carter did arm the Mujahideen.

Because it was obviously in the US's interest to arm those fighting against the Soviet Union, especially soviet forces without striking distance of the GUlf.
I know you didn't call anyone a cocksucker, and because of that I will briefly respond. Yes Carter and later Reagan, and to a greater extent, armed the mujahideen. I don't think a direct link to the cia's efforts and bin laden was ever established, because bin laden and other Saudi's didn't need the cia. Eventually, the Taliban emerged, and they were directly tied to the mujahideen factions tied to the Saudis. And they wiped out the former elements that once were tied to us, and whom we abandoned after the soviets' fall. At least that's my understanding.


Back at the time, I couldn't see the logic of Carter arming them, and certainly not Reagan's arming them, selling arms to Iran, giving arms to the contras (and others) and selling cocaine in American cities. The soviets were an evil enemy, but sometimes the enemy you know is preferable to the one you don't yet know.

Have a nice day.

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