Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.

Ya, but it was the anti tank weapons and missiles that enabled Iran to stall the Iraq's, even when the Iraqi's were able to acquire WMD's in the form of chemical weapon ingredients and expertise from US companies. Of course this was going on while he was supporting the Islamic freedom fighters/terrorist in Afghanistan. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism and the terrorist groups we deal with today.
This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.

Ya, but it was the anti tank weapons and missiles that enabled Iran to stall the Iraq's, even when the Iraqi's were able to acquire WMD's in the form of chemical weapon ingredients and expertise from US companies. Of course this was going on while he was supporting the Islamic freedom fighters/terrorist in Afghanistan. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism and the terrorist groups we deal with today.

You don't think that supporting the Mujahdeen was a good idea?

It was such a no brainer that even Carter did it.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.

Ya, but it was the anti tank weapons and missiles that enabled Iran to stall the Iraq's, even when the Iraqi's were able to acquire WMD's in the form of chemical weapon ingredients and expertise from US companies. Of course this was going on while he was supporting the Islamic freedom fighters/terrorist in Afghanistan. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism and the terrorist groups we deal with today.

You don't think that supporting the Mujahdeen was a good idea?

It was such a no brainer that even Carter did it.


You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.

Ya, but it was the anti tank weapons and missiles that enabled Iran to stall the Iraq's, even when the Iraqi's were able to acquire WMD's in the form of chemical weapon ingredients and expertise from US companies. Of course this was going on while he was supporting the Islamic freedom fighters/terrorist in Afghanistan. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism and the terrorist groups we deal with today.

You don't think that supporting the Mujahdeen was a good idea?

It was such a no brainer that even Carter did it.

It was a big mistake. Carter did it on a very small scale. It enable the US to gather intelligence and develop relationships with the groups that would be the prevalent rebel groups or powers after the Russians left. That was the original intent. Reagan let it get out of hand and out of control. Democrats deserve shared blame. It was a Democrat, Charlie Wilson who took the program to extremes by providing Stingers and other advanced weaponry, but the Reagan CIA approved the escalation. In the end they morphed into the Taliban and al Qaeda.
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Willfully ignorant Republicans.
No, if you want to talk about 'willfully ignorant', let's talk about the American people who voted for Obama...twice.

In 2008, before the election, Obama never denied or tried to hide the fact that he was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski - even quoted his book 'Rules for Radicals' during his inauguration speech, that he was mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor for decades, and that one of his friends was an unrepentant terrorist who had bombed his own country, killed cops, and declared he wished he had done more of it. He had books already on the market talking about how his Muslim Daddy, an Anti-Colonialist, believed the US had become great by plundering the world and needed to be eliminated as a world power and influence....and Obama declared before the election that his goal was to fundamentally change the US - Coincidence? Hardly! In another book he claimed how he had learned to be a chameleon - learning to be all things to all people, saying and doing whatever it took in college to be accepted and get his way...we'll call this his pre-Presidential Training. In both elections, 2008 & 2012, he promise 'black folk' he would buy them new kitchens, gas for their cars, etc it they voted for him.

In 2012, after 20 US Embassies were simultaneously attacked throughout the Middle East on the same day - the anniversary of 9/11/01 - and 4 Americans died, Obama did not mention the 20 Embassy attacks, lied about Benghazi being over a video, and declared 'Al Qaeida is on the run and the War on Terror is over' in order to secure his video. More obvious was that Obama arrogantly believed people were SO STUPID (sadly he was proven to be right) that he chose a WIDELY-known historical Socialist SLOGAN ('Forward') for his Re-election Campaign AND chose a Socialist SYMBOL for his re-election campaign, thinking people would not notice. Mistake? After INTELLIGENT media (even CNN) pointed this out to him he refused to change them....

The TRUTH about Barak Obama was out there, obvious, and could NOT have been more so even if it had been tattooed on his forehead....but unfortunately 'black' cells outnumbered stupid Americans' 'BRAIN' cells, and despite his massive failure (policy /agenda / economy / terrorist empathy/sympathy, etc people voted him into office...twice.

And the TRUTH, everyone will admit if they are completely honest with themselves, is that if the man described above would have been WHITE ...AND / OR a REPUBLICAN....he would have NEVER been elected the 1st (FIRST) time!
You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

iraq invaded iran before reagan was even elected. "reagan's decade" my ass.
Ya, but it was the anti tank weapons and missiles that enabled Iran to stall the Iraq's, even when the Iraqi's were able to acquire WMD's in the form of chemical weapon ingredients and expertise from US companies. Of course this was going on while he was supporting the Islamic freedom fighters/terrorist in Afghanistan. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism and the terrorist groups we deal with today.

You don't think that supporting the Mujahdeen was a good idea?

It was such a no brainer that even Carter did it.
It was a big mistake. Carter did it on a very small scale. It enable the US to gather intelligence and develop relationships with the groups that would be the prevalent rebel groups or powers after the Russians left. That was the original intent. Reagan let it get out of hand and out of control. Democrats deserve shared blame. It was a Democrat, Charlie Wilson who took the program to extremes by providing Stingers and other advanced weaponry, but the Reagan CIA approved the escalation. In the end they morphed into the Taliban and al Qaeda.

"Developing relationships" was the original intent?

Well, I don't know what's Carter's long term plans were.

Reagan wanted to win, and he did.

Which is a good thing.

Years after that, the Taliban came in from Pakistan and took over. That they look like the people who were working with Reagan is enough for you libs to see them as the same people.

al Qadeda? The was more from the Arab/saudi side of support for the Mujhadeen.
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf

This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?
If Carter hadn't armed the terrorists, he'd claim he should have and cited that for support Reagan was right.
A significant number of Republicans believe Obama did a terrible job after Katrina. How stupid can you be?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?

Because if he was polite to you, you would return the favor and civilly reply in a serious and honest fashion?

Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?
If Carter hadn't armed the terrorists, he'd claim he should have and cited that for support Reagan was right.
Exactly they are gonna rant and rave regardless...
Just like the RW dummies who said they are in favor of ACA but against ObamaCare or didn't know Hawaii is a state.

And some actually believe Obama bought up ammo and coffins. Their hysteria over Jade Helm was funny but its scary how dumb these people are.

We are not all conspiracy-driven morons, you leftist cocksucker. Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge. The prick is acting as a leftist activist, not as an Article I President.
Have you thought of switching to de-caf


Wow. That in no way answered any of his point(s).

Have you thought about a Clown Avatar? You would fit right in.

Might have to try to use the Race Card more...
I am not responding intellectually enough to the numb nut using pejoratives points like :
"you leftist cocksucker". Just because Obamafuck was born in America does not make him one of us. If you want to take that and make it a racial thing then have at it, you limp-brained puddle of infected twat discharge."

You are a moron you know that right ?

Because if he was polite to you, you would return the favor and civilly reply in a serious and honest fashion?

OK at least you are able to recognize that yes you are a moron and a conservative but I repeat myself......

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