Low Information Voters: 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

You prove the point of what a low information person is. You see conspiracy while educated people recognize diplomacy, intelligence, understanding and rational analysis needed for resolving a complicated global crisis. Bush started the fire. All that can be done in the aftermath is try to contain it.
And remember Frank. It was during your favorite President's decade of power that Iran became the power it is today. He had plenty of reason to crush Iran, but instead be did business deals with the terroist as he provided weapons to them while he supplied WMD's to Iraq.

Err, the Shah built up Iran quite nicely way before that.

During Reagan's decade, Iran was so weak that Iraq invaded despite being much smaller.

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"
Obama turned NASA into a Muslim outreach Agency.

Do our satellites point to Mecca 5 times a day?
A majority of Democrats believe 9-11 was an inside job is this relevant to anything no other than to point out there are people on all sides of the political specturm who will believe anything no matter how silly.
Obamafuckenstein was not socialized as a traditional American. He is unlike us and the majority of Americans for that reason.

Secondly, you know he is fucked up in the head because of his past. An absent black Kenyan communist sired him by violating a white American chick who clearly did not want offspring. He was bounced around, here and there, and fell under the influence of some seedy cocksuckers, like communists. Obama didn't know if he was white or black. He acknowledges all of this bullshit in his book. He is one fucked up negro.

Obama's exposure to leftist pinko anti-American ideology, coupled with his whole weird identity issue, led to his present and very anti-American philosophy. Normal people do not go to Church with Rev. Wright. Normal people do not go hang out at Bill Ayers house. Normal Americans do not adopt a view that America is a colonial power that has caused horrible wealth and social disparity around the globe. Normal American presidents do not seek to diminish Anerican influence around the world.

Obama can say that he is an American. He can prove that he is a legal American citizen. But do not be fooled: he is NO AMERICAN, regardless of where he was spawned.

This motherfucker has fooled half of the American electorate, twice. That is really the scary part, for as vile and patently absurd as is the idea of a Barrack Hussein Obama presidency, it never had to come into existence but for the ignorance of half of the electorate. Obama voters have brought great shame down upon the United States.

Oh, and to the Moderators: fuck you!!!!!!

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"

He said in that video "John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith" ...that is NOT the same thing you're trying to say he said. It also is not denying that he's a muslim. Supposedly he 'meant' his Christian faith (at least that's what they want us to think), but a Christian would never make a mistake like that!
I always laugh when bed wetters use the term "low information voter" which was coined by their arch nemesis, Rush Limbaugh.

They don't even understand the term.

The term refers to vacuous people who's political philosophy amounts to 6 short words on a bumper sticker. "People" who know intimate details about Kim Kardashian, but don't know who represents them in the US House and don't care as long as it's a democrook because that's what's fashionable with vapid tools.

Those of us who have consumed a lot of information, the well informed voters, have speculated that obozo is a moose limb thanks to his own words.

I submit to you through my own analysis of much more information than wrongwinger can comprehend, that the moonbat messiah is an atheist. He believes in nothing of a spiritual or divine concept. He only believes in a collectivist state that would turn mankind into an ant colony.

obama-tripping (1).jpg

If he were a mooselimb he would not have lit the WH up in queer lights or be married to a wookie that is obviously more manly than himself. Even the HuffingandBitchington Post has articles that shed light on the possible deviance of the meat muppet with big ass ears.


I disagree with Rush. Liberals are not "low information" voters, they're NO INFORMATION voters. They resist knowledge and do everything they can to shut down the spread of information. They are of course helped along by the trendy vacuous tools who "think" that by pretending to care about shit makes them better people than those who actually do care about others and put in actual work to make the world a better place.

It is clear to me however that even the low information voter is getting informed little by little in spite of the desperate attempts of liberals to maintain the status quo.


This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"

He said in that video "John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith" ...that is NOT the same thing you're trying to say he said. It also is not denying that he's a muslim. Supposedly he 'meant' his Christian faith (at least that's what they want us to think), but a Christian would never make a mistake like that!

More evidence of USMB low information voters, unable to understand the english language

Any more out there?

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"

He said in that video "John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith" ...that is NOT the same thing you're trying to say he said. It also is not denying that he's a muslim. Supposedly he 'meant' his Christian faith (at least that's what they want us to think), but a Christian would never make a mistake like that!

it's his 57 states religious moment

This is the kind of misrepresentation and distortion that creates low information voters. A person with just a little intellect and curiosity would see this for what it is. It is a distortion created by the use of editing to create a distortion to take a comment out of context. It works. Guys like the poster have posted it on message boards endlessly. Hence, the lie repeated over and over is believed.

One of my favorite USMB low information voters

Obama saying McCain hasn't called me a Muslim gets interpreted as "I am a Muslim"

He said in that video "John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith" ...that is NOT the same thing you're trying to say he said. It also is not denying that he's a muslim. Supposedly he 'meant' his Christian faith (at least that's what they want us to think), but a Christian would never make a mistake like that!

More evidence of USMB low information voters, unable to understand the english language

Any more out there?

I showed you what he actually said on the video....it is not anywhere close to what you posted. Seems you need a reading comprehension class.
And then folks wonder why Trump, the original birther, is doing so well in the GOP.

Not so fast SeaHag, Trump isn't doing so bad among the democrook base that has some common sense and a little patriotism.

They don't like unregulated immigration, and they're not devoted to PC dogma. They're impressed with Trump's idea to go after the wealth democrook political whores protected with trust laws and hedge fund tax rates.

Keep in mind that I'm a Cruz fan, and I believe Trump is a RINO. However he's an anti-establishment RINO and that appeals to a lot more people in both parties than any establishment RINO or criminally insane totalitarian sociopath ever could.

This looks like the Republican constituency that supports Trump

Poll: 43 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim

A new poll finds that 43 percent of Republicans believe President Obama is a Muslim, and 20 percent of all adults believe he was born outside the United States.
100% of the gop believe he is a terrible president.

80% of democrats are too stupid to know any different.

Who gives a fuck what make believe god he does or doesn't believe in.

It's not a question of religion, but intent.

His intentions are quite clear.
At this point the ONLY things that matter are his actions. Intent is irrelevant this late in his presidency.

EXACTLY what actions are you RWs against?

I can't speak for RWs, but for myself, all of them. The man has done nothing right since taking office.
I always laugh when bed wetters use the term "low information voter" which was coined by their arch nemesis, Rush Limbaugh.

They don't even understand the term.

The term refers to vacuous people who's political philosophy amounts to 6 short words on a bumper sticker. "People" who know intimate details about Kim Kardashian, but don't know who represents them in the US House and don't care as long as it's a democrook because that's what's fashionable with vapid tools.

Those of us who have consumed a lot of information, the well informed voters, have speculated that obozo is a moose limb thanks to his own words.

I submit to you through my own analysis of much more information than wrongwinger can comprehend, that the moonbat messiah is an atheist. He believes in nothing of a spiritual or divine concept. He only believes in a collectivist state that would turn mankind into an ant colony.

View attachment 50148

If he were a mooselimb he would not have lit the WH up in queer lights or be married to a wookie that is obviously more manly than himself. Even the HuffingandBitchington Post has articles that shed light on the possible deviance of the meat muppet with big ass ears.

View attachment 50149

I disagree with Rush. Liberals are not "low information" voters, they're NO INFORMATION voters. They resist knowledge and do everything they can to shut down the spread of information. They are of course helped along by the trendy vacuous tools who "think" that by pretending to care about shit makes them better people than those who actually do care about others and put in actual work to make the world a better place.

It is clear to me however that even the low information voter is getting informed little by little in spite of the desperate attempts of liberals to maintain the status quo.

You still believe Rush coined the phrase "low information voter" when that is something only a low information person would claim. You are the low information person and giving a long lecture on the topic. You think because you have a lot of information you are not low information. You can have a ton of misinformation in your head and you still will not escape being low information. If you have bad information it is the same as having low information.
This motherfucker has fooled half of the American electorate, twice. That is really the scary part, for as vile and patently absurd as is the idea of a Barrack Hussein Obama presidency, it never had to come into existence but for the ignorance of half of the electorate. (along with the Soros bought off $$$$$$$$ behind it all) Obama voters have brought great shame down upon the United States.

i wonder if any legal voting members here voted AGAINST the mulatto muslime ??

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