Lower Testosterone Levels Helped in the Development of Civilization


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
The team said that lower testosterone in humans led to people being nice to each other, which in turn led to the development of civilized societies.

"The modern human behaviors of technological innovation, making art and rapid cultural exchange probably came at the same time that we developed a more cooperative temperament," said lead author Robert Cieri, a biology graduate student at the University of Utah who began this work as a senior at the Duke University.

The shift in temperament can be gauged from the changes in facial structure. Reduction in male hormones led to softer facial features - rounder heads, less prominent brows.

Lower Testosterone Levels Helped in the Development of Civilization : Health & Medicine : Nature World News

I wonder if this means all men are destined to evolve to homosexuality?
I'll posit another theory.

Lower testosterone levels enabled the Nerd Culture of Beta Males to develop...and Nerds invent stuff.
Testosterone replacement for men over 65 improves sexual function, walking ability, and mood...

Testosterone gel has modest effect for older men
Feb. 18, 2016 - While the therapy helped many participants, some researchers say the studies are not entirely convincing and do not address potential adverse side effects at all.
A long-term set of studies conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found testosterone replacement for men over 65 improves sexual function, walking ability, and mood -- results that echo other recent research on the treatment. The Testosterone Trials is coordinated group of seven trials -- four have not been completed yet -- being conducted at 12 medical centers in the United States to determine the effects of testosterone replacement therapy.

Previous research has shown the treatment can improve cardiovascular health, and low levels of the hormone is linked to conditions such as depression, however its effects on conditions and age groups have been mixed in many studies. "The results of the TTrials show for the first time that testosterone treatment of older men who have unequivocally low testosterone levels does have some benefit," Dr. Peter Snyder, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said in a press release. "However, decisions about testosterone treatment for these men will also depend on the results of the other four trials -- Cognitive Function, Bone, Cardiovascular, and Anemia -- and the risks of testosterone treatment." For trials on testosterone's effect on sexual function, walking ability, and mood, the results of which are published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers screened 51,085 men over age 65 for low testosterone and other health criteria, enrolling 790 in the study. The men were treated either with a testosterone gel or placebo gel to use for one year.


Although testosterone gel therapy improved sexual function, physical activity, and mood in men over age 65 in a recent set of studies, the slight improvements may not outweigh concerns about side effects.​

Researchers followed up with the men at three, six, nine and 12 months, finding men treated with testosterone gel increased their levels to the mid-normal range for men between 19 and 40 years old. The treatment was shown to improve all areas of sexual function, including activity, desire and ability to get an erection. For men only enrolled in the physical function trial, treatment did not show significant improvement, but when comparing men in all the trials, more of the men on testosterone improved the distance they walked in six minutes. And while the participants did not report improvements in energy, treatment improved their mood and alleviated depressive symptoms. While results of the first three of seven trials appear to be positive, researchers remain cautious because of side effects -- adverse health events among participants included heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular and prostate conditions.

Dr. Eric Orwoll, a professor of medicine at Oregon Health and Science University, wrote in an editorial published in the New England Journal of Medicine that the study is significant because it shows some success with the treatment. He adds, however, that more research is necessary because the treatment's effects were relatively modest and not nearly enough is known about the potential side effects. "There is considerable controversy about possible adverse effects of testosterone therapy in older men, and these studies do not resolve this controversy," Orwoll wrote. "Although there were minor effects on hemoglobin and prostate-specific antigen levels, and, reassuringly, no apparent major toxic effects, larger and more extended trials would be needed to determine whether therapy has negative effects on outcomes such as prostate or cardiovascular health."

Testosterone gel has modest effect for older men

See also:

Male cancer survivors less likely to reproduce
Feb. 16, 2016 - Less than half of male cancer survivors diagnosed before age 25 in Norway reproduce or get married.
Men diagnosed with cancer before age 25 are much less likely to have children, and are less likely to get married than men without cancer, according to a large study of men in Norway. The University of Bergen study found men who survived cancer early in life were less likely to reproduce or marry, and those who did reproduce were much more likely to seek fertilization assistance to have children.

Nearly 80 percent of those diagnosed with a range of cancers during childhood or adolescence will survive, a percentage researchers note increased significantly since the study started in the mid-1960s. "It is important to be able to assure young, male cancer survivors that their illness and treatment will not have a negative impact on their own children," Maria Gunnes, a doctoral candidate at the University of Bergen, said in a press release. For the study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, researchers analyzed medical records and data on the 626,495 men born in Norway between 1965 and 1985, as collected from national birth and health registries.


Researchers in Norway found advances in cancer treatment have allowed a much higher number of men diagnosed with cancer young in life to survive, though less than half were found to reproduce during the course of the study.​

In the 20-year period, 2,687 men under age 25 were diagnosed with cancer, compared to 607,668 who were cancer-free. Of the survivors, less than half, or 1,087, had children, compared to 368,469 in the non-cancer group. Of the cancer diagnoses, 30 percent were before age 14, 26 percent were between ages 15 and 19, and 43 percent were in young adulthood between ages 20 and 24. The most common forms of cancer diagnosed were testicular, central nervous system, lymphoma, and leukemia.

The researchers found that relatively few of the survivors, just 9 percent, were born between 1965 and 1979, with the majority diagnosed and benefiting from advances in cancer care after 1980. And while cancer survivors were found to be three times more likely to seek fertilization assistance, the researchers found no increased chance of prenatal death or congenital defect. "These finds are important for male cancer survivors, seeing as we can identify groups at risk of having reproduction problems," Gunnes said.

Male cancer survivors less likely to reproduce

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