Lower your expectations update: Jen Psaki says supply chain crisis is your fault

Stop buying food, medicine, clothes for your kids, and Christmas presents, you ungrateful peasants!

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday faulted Americans’ pandemic-time spending habits for rising prices and widespread supply-chain failures.

“What’s your message to Americans who are still so worried about their Christmas gifts on time, [and] Halloween?” a reporter asked Psaki at the daily White House press briefing. “Is this going to be happening at a fast enough pace?”

The White House’s message, Psaki replied, was that Americans were spending too much.

“Well, I think our message is that, one, what’s happening right now… is that so many people across the country are purchasing more goods online,” Psaki replied. “Maybe some of it is from habits that developed during the pandemic when people weren’t leaving their homes.”

“Some of it is because we’ve seen an economic recovery that has been underway for the last nine months,” she added. “That is leading to a massive increase in volume. That’s what’s happening at ports. But what we would tell people is we are addressing and attacking the supply chain issues, even with the increased volume, which is the root cause here.”
It IS our fault! Why? Because we elected a jerk who is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. He tries to put a square peg in a round hole, and after wondering why it doesn't work, he does the Leftist thing......blames it on everyone else.

If Leftists aren't screwed this time around, it is never, ever, going to happen, period! To many people, are to pissed off, to let these incompetent booblets continue on.
Stop buying food, medicine, clothes for your kids, and Christmas presents, you ungrateful peasants!

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday faulted Americans’ pandemic-time spending habits for rising prices and widespread supply-chain failures.

“What’s your message to Americans who are still so worried about their Christmas gifts on time, [and] Halloween?” a reporter asked Psaki at the daily White House press briefing. “Is this going to be happening at a fast enough pace?”

The White House’s message, Psaki replied, was that Americans were spending too much.

“Well, I think our message is that, one, what’s happening right now… is that so many people across the country are purchasing more goods online,” Psaki replied. “Maybe some of it is from habits that developed during the pandemic when people weren’t leaving their homes.”

“Some of it is because we’ve seen an economic recovery that has been underway for the last nine months,” she added. “That is leading to a massive increase in volume. That’s what’s happening at ports. But what we would tell people is we are addressing and attacking the supply chain issues, even with the increased volume, which is the root cause here.”

Whoever wrote that article is spinning. Psaki was correct in her answer. Demand right now is outstripping supply. Some people are buying more than they need as in the case of toilet paper. Also the fact is that the economy is coming back faster than many suppliers anticipated. You people love to blame inflation on ordinary people who got a few extra bucks in their pockets.
It's also known as bullshit.

Chiefly as a result of a critical shortage of truck drivers, scores of container ships bearing hundreds of thousands of 20-foot containers are now stranded off the coast of Los Angeles, whose ports handle 40 percent of America’s container traffic.

Shippers have explored the possibility of alternative ports, to no avail. Most of the alternatives are too small for the mega ships loitering offshore. That is one consequence of the Jones Act, which requires any ship transiting between American ports to be made in America, owned by Americans, and crewed by Americans. As a result of the exorbitant costs imposed by the law, America’s coast-wise trade is frightfully tiny, one reason that most American ports are too small to handle large container ships. The World Economic Forum rates America’s shipping-industry regulations as the most restrictive in the world, chiefly because of the Jones Act.

Stifling regulations have left America with the most inefficient ports in the world. A recent review of container-port efficiency ranked the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach below ports in Tanzania and Kenya, near the bottom of the list of 351 top ports. America’s ports are effectively third-world. The 50 most efficient ports in the world are mostly in Asia and the Middle East; none are in America.

The immediate cause of the supply-chain crisis is what the Cato Institute’s Scott Lincicome calls a “serious mismatch” between supply and demand. With the COVID-19 pandemic largely over around the world, the demand for goods of all kinds has soared, while supply-chain capacity reduced by the lockdowns has struggled to adjust. Some are now slamming the vulnerability of our global supply chain, but what has made supply chains inflexible and brittle is stifling government regulations.

Simply put, all the things now standing in the way of a rapid adjustment of supply chains are government policies.

The Biden administration says it has been working with shipping companies, ports, unions, and large retailers to rapidly expand capacity at major ports, even as it largely blames them for the crisis. The administration has urged ports to operate around the clock.

But that raises the question, Why aren’t they doing that already, as ports do in most of the rest of the world? As my CEI colleague Sean Higgins writes, blame the longshoremen’s unions, which have negotiated shift contracts that don’t cover the full 24 hours in a day — or, more precisely, blame the laws that give longshoremen’s unions a monopoly of dockyard workers. They have used it effectively. Ports in Asia and Europe, unlike any ports in the Unites States, are fully automated, which makes loading and unloading much faster.

Yet port capacity is not the most immediate problem. Port operators have said that operating around the clock isn’t worth it if trucking companies, warehouses, and other parts of the supply chain aren’t also working 24/7 to move and store cargo.

Above all, it is the shortage of truck drivers that’s causing the current crisis. And why do we have that shortage? One reason, according to truck drivers, is that the restrictions on their access to ports are too onerous. The Jones Act has made that problem worse, too. The Jones Act “has made coast-wise shipping prohibitively costly and therefore put additional pressure on alternative inland transit such as trucks and trains,” Lincicome writes. “In practice, this means badly needed rigs that could be servicing U.S. ports currently are instead stuck on I-95 ferrying oranges from Florida to New York.”

AND it could get worse:

As Americans are starting to find out, the supply-chain crisis is a devastating blow to the economy, and it could last through 2023. And if you’re hoping for the government to step in and help, you’re in for more bad news: Government policies are about to make the problem much worse.

The huge reconciliation bill looming in Congress will inject trillions of dollars into the demand side of an economy that is already overheating like an engine with a broken radiator. That will further fuel inflation while adding trillions more to the national debt.

There’s more. President Biden’s order that employees of all federal contractors be fully vaccinated by December 8 could be devastating for major carriers such as FedEx and UPS, which have federal contracts. FedEx has more than 650,000 employees, and every single one of them will have to be fully vaccinated by December 8. To stay in business, shippers may have to fire unvaccinated workers by the tens of thousands. As a COVID-19 measure, it will be particularly counterproductive, as it will almost certainly disrupt the supply chain for medical equipment, including COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.

Typical right wing bullshit. Blame everything on regulations. Regulations do not stop businesses from raising wages. The fact is that opening 24/7 is a obvious choice. Port operators could sweeten the pot to placate workers. Vaccinated workers should be glad to get rid of unvaccinated workers. I don't want someone unvaccinated working around me.
She can say whatever she wants because the media doesn't challenge her. And the media that does, is not what anyone who voted for Biden pays any attention to. She has nothing to worry about.
Of course what she is saying is laughably wrong, the spending that is happening now is not out of line with spending trends over the past 5 years. Spending took a colossal dive last year, and once things opened up - normal trends have returned. She keeps making charts compared to last year... well fuck yeah spending is up over last year! No kidding?? But that has NOTHING to do with log jammed ports. Nothing.

Normal trends have not returned. Demand for products is higher than normal. Suppliers did not anticipate that the economy would come back so fast.
Why do we have to lower our expectations?

Why isn't this administration HELPING the economy and why don't we RAISE our expectations?

If TRUMP was doing everything wrong, why isn't Biden always correct?

Biden does not control public companies. It is Trump supporters who are refusing to get vaccinated.
It IS our fault! Why? Because we elected a jerk who is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. He tries to put a square peg in a round hole, and after wondering why it doesn't work, he does the Leftist thing......blames it on everyone else.

If Leftists aren't screwed this time around, it is never, ever, going to happen, period! To many people, are to pissed off, to let these incompetent booblets continue on.

We got rid of a jerk who was incompetent, and very destructive. You are nothing but a moron.

So the Republicans can turn this country into a fascist dictatorship. If that is what they want then they will rue the day.
She's full of shit. The causes are massive increases in energy prices....and intentional shortages of everything.
Democrats were cause massive shortages in building materials last year.....and it's causing interruptions in construction.

Youi are full of shit. What she said is true. The ships that are in harbors have nothing to do with energy. Businesses made decisions that have created shortages.
She's full of shit. The causes are massive increases in energy prices...

And bidrn had noth o ng to do with gas prices if you bothered to check.

.and intentional shortages of everything.
Democrats were cause massive shortages in building materials last year.....and it's causing interruptions in construction.

Democrats have not caused one stick of timber to be delayed. It was market forces and covid. You are a liar and an idiot..

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