Lt. Col. Shaffer: Awan Brothers sent Sensitive Intel to Terrorist Groups

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Sounds a bit ominous. I'm sure MSDNC, CNN, ABC, CBS, et al will be all over this news in the next few minutes.
Well it is interesting that Iwan's lawyer in the video (inside link on OP) mentioned the pedophile ring - Pizza gate - as being part of the investigation he suspects is underway about his client, Imran Awani. I just found this story which mentions this story breaking now but also makes the connection of Imran Awani and Seth Rich being together at an "IT Party" on the night of Seth Rich's death. Add to this the photograph that has now surfaced confirming that Awani and Seth Rich were pictured together that night at the IT party/ bar (same night Seth Rich was murdered) and it looks like Awani's lawyer might have good reason to worry about his client's connection to the pedophile ring Julian Assange exposed through those DNC emails - that was never properly investigated. Awani apparently had subscribed to you tube videos that are visited by pedophiles and that too - is mentioned in this story.
I Believe Imran Awan Is Tied Directly To The Murder Of Seth Rich. He Was Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Guy, Who Took Care Of Her Every Need. PLUS, OTHER BREAKING NEWS ON IMRAN AWAN. – InvestmentWatch
Not hard to believe!
Makes you wonder how they' got their security clearances to begin with !
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Then there was Julian Assange who first broke the story of the pedophile ring and Podesta emails which used pedophile code words which included pizza party, pasta, and other words which were referencing small children being used for sex parties by some very sick individuals who thought they were above the law. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
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I bet it was Little Caesar's pizza...
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
All of those earning over 20 million a year..Or a politician...
I bet it was Little Caesar's pizza...
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
All of those earning over 20 million a year..Or a politician...
I think of Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers (John Podesta and Tony Podesta) because it is political power AND money that protects these kinds of people and prevents them from being prosecuted. They have the power to strategically place people within their own circle into power positions inside the very institutions that would investigate them. That's how they get away with it. Do you think it was a coincidence that Tony Podesta's wife - Heather Podesta was on the board of the DC Police? I don't. She was on that board when Seth Rich was murdered. She's still on that board. How much power does a board like that have? I have no idea but if it is similar to the power a board controlling a church has - it's huge. Board members of a church can literally dictate what a preacher preaches and what he cannot mention. They have the power to remove anyone that they feel is not in line with their vision of what that church should be or represent.
I bet it was Little Caesar's pizza...
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
All of those earning over 20 million a year..Or a politician...
I think of Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers because it is political power AND money that protects these kinds of people and prevents them from being prosecuted. They have the power to strategically place people within their own circle into power positions inside the very institutions that would investigate them. That's how they get away with it. Do you think it was a coincidence that Tony Podesta's wife - Heather Podesta was on the board of the DC Police? I don't. She was on that board when Seth Rich was murdered. She's still on that board. How much power does a board like that have? I have no idea but if it is similar to the power a board controlling a church has - it's huge. Board members of a church can literally dictate what a preacher preaches and what he cannot mention. They have the power to remove anyone that they feel is not in line with their vision of what that church should be or represent.
Our govt. has been breaking laws since the ramp up on the drug war in the 1980's...Yet none of the executive level officers have been prosecuted, none since they got Agnew and Nixon, the upper crust made sure to insulate themselves from prosecution...Gerald Ford allowed Nixon to walk..So were draft dodgers...
Yet they didn't stop them..

Maybe they just found out about it.
Can't they slap him extra for it?

It adds one more charge to a long list of charges.
And It ups the chances of the death penalty.
For Imran maybe but do you really think they will be able to connect him to DWS and John Podesta if it turns out he murdered Seth Rich? I'm not so sure.

There has to be a hard drive out there that escaped the hammer.
And there's the possibility that Imran will sing now that he's not getting paid.
I bet it was Little Caesar's pizza...
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
All of those earning over 20 million a year..Or a politician...
I think of Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers because it is political power AND money that protects these kinds of people and prevents them from being prosecuted. They have the power to strategically place people within their own circle into power positions inside the very institutions that would investigate them. That's how they get away with it. Do you think it was a coincidence that Tony Podesta's wife - Heather Podesta was on the board of the DC Police? I don't. She was on that board when Seth Rich was murdered. She's still on that board. How much power does a board like that have? I have no idea but if it is similar to the power a board controlling a church has - it's huge. Board members of a church can literally dictate what a preacher preaches and what he cannot mention. They have the power to remove anyone that they feel is not in line with their vision of what that church should be or represent.
Our govt. has been breaking laws since the ramp up on the drug war in the 1980's...Yet none of the executive level officers have been prosecuted, none since they got Agnew and Nixon, the upper crust made sure to insulate themselves from prosecution...Gerald Ford allowed Nixon to walk..So were draft dodgers...
Probably why President Trump compared Obama administration to Nixon administration.
I bet it was Little Caesar's pizza...
I believe the pedophile ring was connected to James Alefantis owned Comet pizza which is where the pizza gate name came from. His instragram photographs and comments were all captured before it suddenly disappeared. There were other comments on his Instagram pictures of small children with very sick comments which meant these people believed they were above the law and could do this in plain sight of everyone on the internet. Who could possibly believe they were above the law? Let me think for a minute....... what names would you put on that list?
All of those earning over 20 million a year..Or a politician...
I think of Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers because it is political power AND money that protects these kinds of people and prevents them from being prosecuted. They have the power to strategically place people within their own circle into power positions inside the very institutions that would investigate them. That's how they get away with it. Do you think it was a coincidence that Tony Podesta's wife - Heather Podesta was on the board of the DC Police? I don't. She was on that board when Seth Rich was murdered. She's still on that board. How much power does a board like that have? I have no idea but if it is similar to the power a board controlling a church has - it's huge. Board members of a church can literally dictate what a preacher preaches and what he cannot mention. They have the power to remove anyone that they feel is not in line with their vision of what that church should be or represent.
Our govt. has been breaking laws since the ramp up on the drug war in the 1980's...Yet none of the executive level officers have been prosecuted, none since they got Agnew and Nixon, the upper crust made sure to insulate themselves from prosecution...Gerald Ford allowed Nixon to walk..So were draft dodgers...
Probably why President Trump compared Obama administration to Nixon administration.
It was nothing like that at all....Agnew left on tax evasion charges in Maryland, and Margaret Mitchell never shut up...
Yet they didn't stop them..

Maybe they just found out about it.
Can't they slap him extra for it?

It adds one more charge to a long list of charges.
And It ups the chances of the death penalty.
Not necessarily, usually these type of people are used to dig deeper or play prisoner exchange...

I think he's gonna sing to save his own ass.
I mean what does he have to lose at this point?
He's facing some serious charges and at the very least a loooong time in a Federal penitentiary.
Verses singing like a canary so he can go home to Pakistan and his favorite goat.

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