Lt Col Vindman Has A Chance Now To Defend His Country....Ukraine

View attachment 607713

It has been mentioned that the Democrat's whistleblower now has an opportunity to show us what he's made of.
After acting as a spy for the DNC he now has a chance to go to the country of his birth and defend it from Russian aggression.

After all....he was so up for spying on Trump to protect Ukraine. Why not go back to Ukraine and fight the Reds.

February 26, 2022

Where is Ukraine 'defense minister' Alexander Vindman?​

By A.J. Rice

Remember Alexander Vindman? He is the man whose "whistleblowing" about an innocuous phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky turned America inside-out for months.

Playing into the now-proven Democrat and media hoax that Trump was some kind of dangerous foreign puppet, Vindman declared that his patriotism just wouldn't allow him to stand by while the president discussed perfectly ordinary things with a foreign head of state who shared a border with Russia and Vladimir Putin.
Now that foreign head of state is losing his country. Vindman helped shade Trump straight into impeachment — a political act that destabilized the United States and helped pave the way for sleepy, barely aware, and not-leadership-material Joe Biden to become president. Biden spent his first year in office making America weaker — economically and militarily. America barely has a southern border thanks to Biden, but we're being asked to worry about someone else's border half a world away by the same man, thanks in no small part to Col. Vindman.
Ukraine is under invasion from Vlad Putin's Russian military, coming at what Vindman has called his "homeland" from the north, south, and east. Zelensky is pleading for the world to help save his country from a madman, which raises the most obvious question no one has asked yet.

Where is the great patriot Alexander Vindman? Can Zelensky count on his compatriot?

You see, Vindman is Ukrainian. He was born in Kyiv — the city Putin is bombing into submission right now.
Vindman is quick to point out his military bona fides; he does so in just about every comment he utters on any subject, while taking pains to remind you what a stout patriot he is, and what a good American and Ukrainian he is.

But now that Ukraine is under massive assault, where is Col. Vindman, hero of Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Media War? Can anyone find him?
Is he leading a squad of Ukrainian commandos somewhere on the outskirts of Kyiv? Is he consulting President Zelenskyy and offering his wisdom to the embattled president in his hour of need? Maybe he's listening in on Biden's phone calls as our European allies water down the sanctions to be imposed on Russia, and not reporting any of that conversation to his own allies at the DNC.
Where. Is. Vindman?

While you sat on your fat ass and whined and undermined our leadership, this man fought for the US military and devoted his entire adult life to serving America. You are something he would scrape off of his shoe.
While you sat on your fat ass and whined and undermined our leadership, this man fought for the US military and devoted his entire adult life to serving America. You are something he would scrape off of his shoe.
The total lack of awareness of the irony of the comments these libs make is really fun to observe.
It must be killing you not to be allowed to cheer for the amazing job Ukraine has done so far to defend itself against tyranny. Ordinary citizens arming themselves against a tyrannical invader? And doing well? That's the good shit right there. Too bad you took the side of the baddies.
If the news reports are to be believed, the Ukrainians are doing a great job at defending their nation against Putin's invasion.

Conservatives are not leftists. No one dictates our opinions. I know you cannot understand this.
The more you rant the clearer it becomes that you have chosen Russia over your own country just because you hate our current president. Your so-called patriotism is as weak as day-old dishwater. The right's disgraceful collaboration with our enemies will not be forgotten.
You are the living personification of the NPC meme.
You're collaborating with the enemy. There can be no justification or forgiveness for that. This will become doubly true when Russia begins to commit wholesale atrocities out of frustration. So wound up in your own partisan crap that you can only defend your country if a republican president is in office? Disgraceful.
Do you support the Ukrainian government giving their citizens military rifles and ammunition?
Do you somehow think I have the power to order troops around Europe? There's no need to escalate at this point.
Well, that certainly serves Putin's interests.

Leftists have always loved Soviets, and Putin definitely wants to put the Soviet band back together.
While you sat on your fat ass and whined and undermined our leadership, this man fought for the US military and devoted his entire adult life to serving America. You are something he would scrape off of his shoe.
You idiots really do believe ORANGE MAN BAD justifies anything, don't you?
If the news reports are to be believed, the Ukrainians are doing a great job at defending their nation against Putin's invasion.

Conservatives are not leftists. No one dictates our opinions. I know you cannot understand this.
Democrats are born liars.
They caused all of this mess in the first their only hope is to lie about what we believe and who's side we're on in this.
The truth is....Democrats in Washington are on the side of our enemies...China And Russia.
Their only hope is to convince Americans that Republicans are backing Russia.
Meanwhile Biden is taking a vacation while his worthless sanctions do nothing.
They're already in the process of moving unvetted Ukrainian refugees into the US.

Putting a putz like Biden in charge only causes unrest and war all around the world.....and this is perfect for them....because they need to flood America with homeless foreigners.
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Sad the lengths you people go to. Vindman followed the law to the letter and got destroyed for it. Such is the fate of an honest man in Trump world.
He was a punk for Adam Schiff and the DNC That's what he was.
Willing to be a "whistle blower" in the nothing burger non event of the last fifty years in Washington.
He was a shameful accessory to a fraud perpetrated on the government by Botox Nan
and Adam Schiff-head.
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Lurch is not a veteran. Coward, yes... veteran, no. People that drive within 20 miles of an air force base are more of a veteran than that shitstain.

Being a veteran is something you EARN. It's not automatic.
Kerry volunteered for Viet Nam and served there... definitely a war veteran... despite what any chicken hawk would say.
You support a traitor .........who should be in Lebenworth..........Same as Hillary.........

You support leaders who get pawned on the global stage every time...........then blame others because they SUCK........

Typical leftist you are .
Kerry volunteered for Viet Nam and served there... definitely a war veteran... despite what any chicken hawk would say.

LOLOL He was a freakin' little pussy afraid of getting hurt and took the first out he could. THIS is a perfect example of a leftist vet, an embarrassment to every other vet that served.
View attachment 607713

It has been mentioned that the Democrat's whistleblower now has an opportunity to show us what he's made of.
After acting as a spy for the DNC he now has a chance to go to the country of his birth and defend it from Russian aggression.

After all....he was so up for spying on Trump to protect Ukraine. Why not go back to Ukraine and fight the Reds.

February 26, 2022

Where is Ukraine 'defense minister' Alexander Vindman?​

By A.J. Rice

Remember Alexander Vindman? He is the man whose "whistleblowing" about an innocuous phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky turned America inside-out for months.

Playing into the now-proven Democrat and media hoax that Trump was some kind of dangerous foreign puppet, Vindman declared that his patriotism just wouldn't allow him to stand by while the president discussed perfectly ordinary things with a foreign head of state who shared a border with Russia and Vladimir Putin.
Now that foreign head of state is losing his country. Vindman helped shade Trump straight into impeachment — a political act that destabilized the United States and helped pave the way for sleepy, barely aware, and not-leadership-material Joe Biden to become president. Biden spent his first year in office making America weaker — economically and militarily. America barely has a southern border thanks to Biden, but we're being asked to worry about someone else's border half a world away by the same man, thanks in no small part to Col. Vindman.
Ukraine is under invasion from Vlad Putin's Russian military, coming at what Vindman has called his "homeland" from the north, south, and east. Zelensky is pleading for the world to help save his country from a madman, which raises the most obvious question no one has asked yet.

Where is the great patriot Alexander Vindman? Can Zelensky count on his compatriot?

You see, Vindman is Ukrainian. He was born in Kyiv — the city Putin is bombing into submission right now.
Vindman is quick to point out his military bona fides; he does so in just about every comment he utters on any subject, while taking pains to remind you what a stout patriot he is, and what a good American and Ukrainian he is.

But now that Ukraine is under massive assault, where is Col. Vindman, hero of Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Media War? Can anyone find him?
Is he leading a squad of Ukrainian commandos somewhere on the outskirts of Kyiv? Is he consulting President Zelenskyy and offering his wisdom to the embattled president in his hour of need? Maybe he's listening in on Biden's phone calls as our European allies water down the sanctions to be imposed on Russia, and not reporting any of that conversation to his own allies at the DNC.
Where. Is. Vindman?

VIndman said that the Ukrainians offered him a command position in their military, Secretary of War I think I recall.

Now that he's no longer in the US Army, he's a free agent, so what's stopping him?

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