Lt. Governor Of Georgia Has Betrayed The GOP & He Must Resign

Lt. Governor Duncan is a young man politically, and will have plenty of opportunity to show the validity of his anti-Trump ideology at the voting polls. He should run against Trump's ideas, embrace Sleepy Joe, and get some skin in the game. If he can win higher office, who would I be to say he was wrong in his political assessment?

How is wanting people to vote anti-Trump?

Oh, never mind, I know

Its about encouraging Voter Fraud, which President Trump opposed. I guess Lt Gov Duncan feels that RINO never-trumpers like himself can steal votes in a wide open system as well as a Democrat?

Maybe he's right- he should definitely be looking for higher office to prove his theory, and maybe even think about primarying Trump in 2024?
In the absence of provable voter fraud, it is outright voter suppression.

Having a sore loser President does not constitute voter fraud

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES


I'll wait while you can't
Why hasn't anyone collected on that $1M dollars if there is so much voter fraud out there??

Actually when Pennsylvania found instances of a Republican voting for his dead mother.......He refused to pay
Yup...because it would have ran against the narrative he wanted to portray......

Lt. Gov Patrick realized that trolling online ain't fun when someone calls you out on it....

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.

Your attitude is typical of a Trumpie.

Biff is trolling the Trumpsters...

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
The Lieutenant Governor and the Governor wanted a fair and honest election, politics be damned, and one that was devoid of political nefarious activities.
What they got was an openly crooked president demanding that they change the outcome. To refer to a highly qualified and respected woman as a "fat whore"
exposes you as the ignorant asshole that you are. The result was fair and the
grifter loser is flapping in the breeze with his threats against his own supporters if they disagree with him. This low-life is who you voted for??
Wow..."He betrayed his he must resign".

Not that he upheld the laws of the state...."he betrayed his party."

And I think the OP was being serious.

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.

Your attitude is typical of a Trumpie.
He's not a tRumpling, he's trolling them.

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past
huh? There were a didn't ask that question....

I am not sure where I excused any of the Dems Jim Crow era in the South....I think it was horrible....the Dems used terror to keep people from voting, to ensure they stayed in power.

No, the GOP today isn't trying to suppress any votes, and not using the same racist, terrorist tactics. There was a massive problem by the left then....there is no problem with voter suppression today....2016 was a record turn out, there was no need to make things less secure in the future

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
The correct word is CONSERVATIVES.........

Democrat and Republican are not political ideologies......

Which is why depending on the POLICY; Trumpers call any Republican advocating for expanding voting rights a RINO.....which tells me the majority of the so-called "conservative minded" folks that make up the GOP don't think expanding voting rights is a "CONSERVATIVE" policy...

Meanwhile you don't see many if any "LIBERALS" advocating for restricting voting rights.......which is why there are ZERO policies being pushed by Democrats to restrict voting rights...

This was different back in the 50's 60's etc -- because many conservatives in the South especially wanted to RESTRICT voting access to minorities -- which is why most of the opposition to those policies came from "LIBERALS" not "CONSERVATIVES"....This is also why conservatives try to gaslight everyone whenever this topic comes up........but I know better....

It wasn't a "LIBERAL" who said this....


"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.
Now tell us what was the POLICY PLATFORM of the Dixiecrats back then and why did they oppose the National Democratic Party convention back when Strom was running things??

Don't worry, I'll educate you.....Directly from the Dixiecrat platform...and you tell me what part of these polices are liberal?

"We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality"

"We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program"

"We oppose federal regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement."


"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.
Now tell us what was the POLICY PLATFORM of the Dixiecrats back then and why did they oppose the National Democratic Party convention back when Strom was running things??

Don't worry, I'll educate you.....Directly from the Dixiecrat platform...and you tell me what part of these polices are liberal?

"We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality"

"We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program"

"We oppose federal regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement."

They opposed Truman on one major issue, he integrated the military, which was largely done at the behest and recommendations of folks like Gen Eisenhower (R), who later did most of the enforcement after he won the Oval in 53

On everthing else they were inline, hence why they were all welcomed back with wide open arms by the DNC

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.
Now tell us what was the POLICY PLATFORM of the Dixiecrats back then and why did they oppose the National Democratic Party convention back when Strom was running things??

Don't worry, I'll educate you.....Directly from the Dixiecrat platform...and you tell me what part of these polices are liberal?

"We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality"

"We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program"

"We oppose federal regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement."

They opposed Truman on one major issue, he integrated the military, which was largely done at the behest and recommendations of folks like Gen Eisenhower (R), who later did most of the enforcement after he won the Oval in 53

On everthing else they were inline, hence why they were all welcomed back with wide open arms by the DNC
I like how you avoid talking about the policies....

I just showed you THE DIRECT policy platform from Dixiecrats and it wasn't just about integrating the military...they opposed all integration, they opposed voting rights protections for minorities, labor rights protections for minorities -- basically the same polices racists have always been against.....why do you continuously avoid talking about policies??

I'm use to it tho....most conservatives avoid discussing policies -- because they know it blows up their bullshit narrative

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.
Now tell us what was the POLICY PLATFORM of the Dixiecrats back then and why did they oppose the National Democratic Party convention back when Strom was running things??

Don't worry, I'll educate you.....Directly from the Dixiecrat platform...and you tell me what part of these polices are liberal?

"We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality"

"We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program"

"We oppose federal regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement."

They opposed Truman on one major issue, he integrated the military, which was largely done at the behest and recommendations of folks like Gen Eisenhower (R), who later did most of the enforcement after he won the Oval in 53

On everthing else they were inline, hence why they were all welcomed back with wide open arms by the DNC
I like how you avoid talking about the policies....

I just showed you THE DIRECT policy platform from Dixiecrats and it wasn't just about integrating the military...they opposed all integration, they opposed voting rights protections for minorities, labor rights protections for minorities -- basically the same polices racists have always been against.....why do you continuously avoid talking about policies??

I'm use to it tho....most conservatives avoid discussing policies -- because they know it blows up their bullshit narrative
I am not avoiding it at all...i highlighted the major policy they took issue with and why some dems created a third party that one year

Sure, all those were issues, but but the DNC didn't support them enough not to be a welcoming place for the Dixiecrats after that 48 election.

Conservatives are happy to discuss policies, Conservatives were all for those things, and had been for years prior to 48 and years was the left that opposed them and continue to this day to play race politics, because well....they have no real successful policies that work

"Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan on Sunday said he wants to expand voting, calling many voting reform proposals "solutions in search of a problem." -- 'I think there’s millions of Republicans waking up around the country that are realizing that Donald Trump's divisive tone and strategy is unwinnable in forward-looking elections," Duncan said. "Republicans don't need election reform to win, we need leadership," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press," disavowing former President Donald Trump's attempts to undermine faith in elections." Duncan acknowledged that his views on keeping voting accessible are a minority viewpoint in his party, saying that the misinformation surrounding the November election hurt Republicans' credibility."

Is this guy insane??? You can't possibly be a good conservative and advocate for expanding voting rights and increasing the level of voter participation -- that is suicidal logic for any GOP politician. Obviously this guy is not a conservative and is just another Deep State Democrat plant. The GOP leadership needs to call for Duncan's resignation immediately and also look into filing criminal charges as well; since it is obvious he and that fat whore Stacey Abrams were the ones behind all of the election fraud in Georgia.
I think he is right, most election reforms, in particular what we have seen out HR1, are solutions in search of a problem.
You would have said the same about the Voting Rights Act Of 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1866; the 19th Amendment...basically any voting rights bill aimed at expanding voter participation...

Because that is what Conservatives have ALWAYS been against
Not at all I support all those moves by the Conservatives...what the Dems were doing to African-Americans then was horrible....
Conservatives had ZERO to do with 1866 Voting Rights and definitely not the 1965 Voting Rights.....

Please name a single prominent conservative that was down south marching along side of these people? But of course, I would have to tell you who those people are first -- because they DEFINITELY not household names among CONSERVATIVES

View attachment 467903View attachment 467904View attachment 467905View attachment 467906

I'll wait while you can't
What are you talking about? They had everything to do with it, it was Sen Trumbull, a Conservative, who worked hand and hand with Lincoln to draft the 13th Amendment and Congressman James Wilson...another was vetoed by President Johnson, a Dem, but later passed in 1870, when Grant, a Conservative was President.

This was the state of a 100 plus years of Dems objections and fight against any voting rights or civil rights act, until JFK became President and sided with the Conservatives...and we finally got the Voting Rights Act o 1965...signed by Johnson, largely due to political pressure in the shadow of JFK's death

The left has done nothing but divided this nation, largely through race, but by any other means necessary. Frankly the HR1 law is a threat to that very special and important vote, by making it less secure
So in other words you can't name a prominent conservative who was down south along side of the people I showed you pushing for Civil it...

As for you just trying to excuse away the decades of Jim Crow policy targeted at suppressing voting rights by just saying "Democrats did it" -- is just another cowardly way conservatives try to avoid their record on voter suppression...

Because the argument those Democrats in the South used to justify their voter suppression is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT conservatives use today...which tells me that the ideology behind those Jim Crow laws is the same CONSERVATIVE ideology that has opposed EVERY EMANCIPATION effort made by every historically oppressed minority group...

But I am use to conservatives lying about the past

Dixiecrats not Democrats.. and many of the Dixiecrats became Republicans in the mid 1960s.
Dixiecrats are and were dems....the Dixiecrats, were a few dems that started their own party to run against Truman in '48, but then were quickly welcomed back in with open arms in the next election by the fact one Senator from the Dixiecrats in 48 was selected as a running mate on the DNC presidential ticket in the next election:

After the GOP was finally successful in breaking up the power of the DNC terrorist in the south, the Dems stanglehold on the south ended, and we saw the GOP start to win some races, and a change in heart in some Dems....that's a good thing.
Now tell us what was the POLICY PLATFORM of the Dixiecrats back then and why did they oppose the National Democratic Party convention back when Strom was running things??

Don't worry, I'll educate you.....Directly from the Dixiecrat platform...and you tell me what part of these polices are liberal?

"We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality"

"We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program"

"We oppose federal regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement."

They opposed Truman on one major issue, he integrated the military, which was largely done at the behest and recommendations of folks like Gen Eisenhower (R), who later did most of the enforcement after he won the Oval in 53

On everthing else they were inline, hence why they were all welcomed back with wide open arms by the DNC
I like how you avoid talking about the policies....

I just showed you THE DIRECT policy platform from Dixiecrats and it wasn't just about integrating the military...they opposed all integration, they opposed voting rights protections for minorities, labor rights protections for minorities -- basically the same polices racists have always been against.....why do you continuously avoid talking about policies??

I'm use to it tho....most conservatives avoid discussing policies -- because they know it blows up their bullshit narrative
I am not avoiding it at all...i highlighted the major policy they took issue with and why some dems created a third party that one year

Sure, all those were issues, but but the DNC didn't support them enough not to be a welcoming place for the Dixiecrats after that 48 election.

Conservatives are happy to discuss policies, Conservatives were all for those things, and had been for years prior to 48 and years was the left that opposed them and continue to this day to play race politics, because well....they have no real successful policies that work

You can tell yourself lies all you wish; it won't change the fact you are getting destroyed right now....

Because you still haven't managed to name me on single prominent conservative that was down south fighting along side of "LIBERALS" for voting rights.....

People like Fannie Lou Hamer, Bayard Rustin, Medgar Evers, Viola Luizzo are household names with people dedicated to the fight for voting rights, for a reason -- because those people risked their lives for what they believed in...and 2 of them were murdered for it......

Why are you having such a hard time naming any conservatives?? Shouldn't they be household names to yall?? The most prominent conservatives of that era were AGAINST the Voting Rights and Civil Rights act......

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