Lucifer the false prophet takes 1/3 with him


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Deceiving even the elect
(except for Bernie Sanders)
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Lucifer is a fallen angel, HaSHev. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is not an angel nor was He ever an angel. Jesus Christ is God.
Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is not an angel nor was He ever an angel. Jesus Christ is God.

Did Jesus inflict leprosy on Aaron's wife for gossiping about Moses? Did Jesus consume Aaron's sons in fire for burning the wrong incense?

Interesting...Lucifer is called the King of Babylon in the Bible...can I ask why you're calling him a false prophet? :)
Lucifer is a term refering to "an image of a man"
deemed of light (light of this world)
deemed anointed (christ) cherub(guardian=nazarene)
which was
fallaciously made perfect-Ezekiel 28:14-15
That image was based on fallen to the pit false prophet(s) for claiming to be a god.-Ezekiel 28,
Acts 2:27,1Peter 3:19.
Isaiah 14
that description of darkness and spearing event along with Jesus claiming he was (Babylonian idol) Baal's son the morning star-rev22;16
Matches that of the morning stars fall in
Isaiah 14:12-17.
The verse Christians use describing Lucifer aka the morning star.
Fact: prophecy has many facits/layers those being
1) the historical description, because the Sages knew to see emulations in behavior, events, and power hungry leaders to predict future probable emulations and resemblances=prophecy.
Sure Isaiah is describing king Nebuchadnezzar, however the admitted emulator Saddam said so himself that he was emulating the Babylonian king trying to bring Babylon to it's ancient glory.
So that is 2) the future emulation prophecy fulfilled because Isaiah14 is also describing Saddams fall, his dishevelled unrecognizable appearance and his being found in a pit. In fact I was the only one to notice and point out that the daye he was found coincided exactly with the verse. Remember in that oart of the world days come before months so 14/12 is the 14th of Dec the day he was captured in his pit.
But prophecy also has a third layer, the spiritual emulation warning, that being the description of the fall of Lucifer as the false prophets(Jesus) fall,
"the image" of a man that Rome created to deceive the world into worshiping Baal and falling for the ole baal harvest seed scam that you see on every single televangelist broadcadt today especially running every show on TBN.
Leave Lucifer alone. He's been dead and buried for centuries now.

Lucifer is not a man, it represents "an image" of a man-Ezekiel 28
one that came to Paul and Constantine as a luciferous light in their vision, calling itself Jesus.
Image (story made compile man) can't be literally burried unless you burry the books with his image based in ink and paper, hence why he is the word, his image rises from the story (fable).
Leave Lucifer alone. He's been dead and buried for centuries now.

Lucifer is not a man, it represents "an image" of a man-Ezekiel 28
one that came to Paul and Constantine as a luciferous light in their vision, calling itself Jesus.
Image (story made compile man) can't be literally burried unless you burry the books with his image based in ink and paper, hence why he is the word, his image rises from the story (fable).

It was a metaphor.
Lucifer is a fallen angel, HaSHev. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is not an angel nor was He ever an angel. Jesus Christ is God.

Hence you prove my replies that he's the son of perdition (lucifer) in Ezekiel 28, as the fallen one claiming to be a messiah but also a god.
Lucifer is the acct. of the false prophet who is impostering messiah and claiming to be God thus also thieving from God. Note by the hands of the seas (slang for Rome).
The only prophet ever to come as FIRST messiah guardian, that fell to the pit by hands of Rome, in the Seas (Romes control), deemed fallaciously as God,
deemed perfect (sinless) is Jesus therefore only Jesus can be deemed Lucifer son of perdition.
The only messiah to be deemed mystical luciferous light of this world is Jesus, the only one to appear as Luciferous light to the founders of the cult was Jesus.
The only one to claim himself lucifer (morning star son of baal) was Jesus. Therefore only Jesus can be Baals son (Lucifer).
The only one where the number of his name =666
is the father and son as one
Baal Jesus =666 in ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
And in numerics Jesus=74 Lucifer=74
and when you write 74 in Roman numerals
DCLXVI in alpha-numerics
Lucifer is a term refering to "an image of a man"
deemed of light (light of this world)
deemed anointed (christ) cherub(guardian=nazarene)
which was
fallaciously made perfect-Ezekiel 28:14-15
That image was based on fallen to the pit false prophet(s) for claiming to be a god.-Ezekiel 28,
Acts 2:27,1Peter 3:19.
Isaiah 14
that description of darkness and spearing event along with Jesus claiming he was (Babylonian idol) Baal's son the morning star-rev22;16
Matches that of the morning stars fall in
Isaiah 14:12-17.
The verse Christians use describing Lucifer aka the morning star.
Fact: prophecy has many facits/layers those being
1) the historical description, because the Sages knew to see emulations in behavior, events, and power hungry leaders to predict future probable emulations and resemblances=prophecy.
Sure Isaiah is describing king Nebuchadnezzar, however the admitted emulator Saddam said so himself that he was emulating the Babylonian king trying to bring Babylon to it's ancient glory.
So that is 2) the future emulation prophecy fulfilled because Isaiah14 is also describing Saddams fall, his dishevelled unrecognizable appearance and his being found in a pit. In fact I was the only one to notice and point out that the daye he was found coincided exactly with the verse. Remember in that oart of the world days come before months so 14/12 is the 14th of Dec the day he was captured in his pit.
But prophecy also has a third layer, the spiritual emulation warning, that being the description of the fall of Lucifer as the false prophets(Jesus) fall,
"the image" of a man that Rome created to deceive the world into worshiping Baal and falling for the ole baal harvest seed scam that you see on every single televangelist broadcadt today especially running every show on TBN.

Shalom brother...I see what you are saying now...all I can say is like the New Testament says about Jesus, when I believed on him I was healed of spiritual & mental sickness (or "devils"...) And here is what Matt. 12:24-28 says:):

"(24)But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (25)And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: (26)And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? (27)And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. (28)But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you."
Basically an admission themselves that they are the adversary.
It's clear when you remember the Evening Star Michael is the remover of the devil and his works, but the thief gives Jesus the nemesis morning star that role.
The Morning star worshipers (Luciferians) can't cast out Lucifer or he'd be divided against himself.
That's why they make the second messiah, remover Messiah (the shiloh) out to be the bad guy for peace and bringing the temple (Moshiach roles) the first messiah failed to do.
like everything the followers of lucifer have everything backwards.....It is like looking in a miror or being dyslexic...Once they look at everything anew but from the opposite side like hebrew written from left to right then they will see things more in focus after a great light(truth and knowledge) is shone on the subject ..That is why the followers of lucifer/Jesus are living in gross darkness(lies and follies) and are blinded by their idol from the truth....
Basically an admission themselves that they are the adversary.
It's clear when you remember the Evening Star Michael is the remover of the devil and his works, but the thief gives Jesus the nemesis morning star that role.
The Morning star worshipers (Luciferians) can't cast out Lucifer or he'd be divided against himself.
That's why they make the second messiah, remover Messiah (the shiloh) out to be the bad guy for peace and bringing the temple (Moshiach roles) the first messiah failed to do.

I see...well brother I invite you to faith in the New Testament...I have seen devils be removed and we are in agreement that Satan cannot cast out Satan... :)
Leave Lucifer alone. He's been dead and buried for centuries now.

Lucifer is not a man, it represents "an image" of a man-Ezekiel 28
one that came to Paul and Constantine as a luciferous light in their vision, calling itself Jesus.
Image (story made compile man) can't be literally burried unless you burry the books with his image based in ink and paper, hence why he is the word, his image rises from the story (fable).

This verse tells me that Lucifer is a man.

Isaiah 14:12-17
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
The word "lucifer" (=Lightbringer, morning star, venus, planet of love) exists exactly one time in the New Testament of the vulgata(= the bible in Latin). It's:"Et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem : cui benefacitis attendentes quasi lucernæ lucenti in caliginoso donec dies elucescat, et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris". Translation: "And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts."

like everything the followers of lucifer have everything backwards.....It is like looking in a miror or being dyslexic...Once they look at everything anew but from the opposite side like hebrew written from left to right then they will see things more in focus after a great light(truth and knowledge) is shone on the subject ..That is why the followers of
/Jesus are living in gross darkness(lies and follies) and are blinded by their idol from the truth....

Whole heartedly agree.
I'll list some examples:
they call it being anti christ if being against the first fallen messiah (christ) =lucifer.

They mix messianic roles with The anti christ to confuse.
They use pre existing OT verses on Lucifer even though Jesus fulfilled them, then as I said claim the next messiah(anyone not Jesus) will be the bad guy.
Well anyone who passed an SAT OR IQ TEST knows sequences, even a third grader will tell you if Lucifer is first messiah and Jesus came first then Jesus is Lucifer cause the next one can't be first.
SEQUENCES- *facepalm * d'oh!

They call the fallen morning star their messiah instead of the one named in the holy city of YeruShalem-the rising Evening Star.

They call death life and life (GOD'S creation)suffering.
They call the nemesis of God their god.
They combine messiah and God, as they combine son of man & son of God Pick one or the other and make up your minds. *L*
They say Falling to the pit Acts 2:27 & 1Peter 3:19
is ascending to the father.(John20:1-17)
They made the Harlot Mother Mary who in Mark Says Joesph had a mind to divorce her (because she strayed with a Roman soldier named Pantheras)- the reverse opposite as virginal and Immaculate.
Claimed the figure sinless yet was baptised in the Jordan for his sins by the man he followed named John, who's followers today claim Jesus stole his flock from by having his friend & follower Salome send him to be beheaded.
...this evil and adulterousgeneration seeketh after a sign; and there shall NOSIGN be given to it..."(Matt 12:39, Mk 8:12, Lk11:29). And then Jesus (See Mk 3:21)goes and does just the opposite of what he said when"And MANY OTHER SIGNS truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are NOT written inthis book:"(John 20:30).
Must Hate your Family to be a Disciple (Luke 14:26,33) Reward to abandon family and serve his kingdom (Luke 18:29-30) Mission to break up families (Matt 10:34-37) Call no one your father (Matt 23:9) Real Family to be Supplanted by the Cult Family (Luke 8:19-21) Jesus the Whip-Master and the Holy Temple Tantrums (John 2:13)

jesus said:
"... and whoever says, `You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire." mat 5:22
Then jesus goes on to say:
"You blind fools!..." mat 23:17

Moshiach is to build the temple, so Jesus does the opposite wishing or predicting it's destruction instead of course the founding authority Rome
(the adversary) is
the one who demolished it.

Moshiach would not fail so they make their imposter a failure.
Moshiach would serve mankind, so the character is made the opposite as being served.

John 14:28 ...If you loved me you would rejoice, because I said, I go to The Father: for my Father is greater than I.
So they do the opposite and make the claimed son (morning star) greater then this claimed father(Baal).

John 16:23 You shall ask me for nothing
so they pray for everything.

and then John 18:19-21 The high priest then asked Jesus about his disciples, and about his doctrine. Jesus answered him:
"I spoke in openness to the world;
I always taught in the synagogue and the temple, where the Jews always come;
and I have said nothing in secret.
but then it's the opposite:
Mark 4:10-12
But, when he was in private... the twelve asked him the meaning of the parable. And he said, "You are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of God.But to those outside, these things are said in parables,SO THAT they MAY see but not perceive, and MAY hear but not understand.....
Matt 13:10-15
And the disciples came and asked, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" He answered, "Because you are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of heaven, but they are not permitted."

like everything the followers of lucifer have everything backwards.....It is like looking in a miror or being dyslexic...Once they look at everything anew but from the opposite side like hebrew written from left to right then they will see things more in focus after a great light(truth and knowledge) is shone on the subject ..That is why the followers of
/Jesus are living in gross darkness(lies and follies) and are blinded by their idol from the truth....

Whole heartedly agree.
I'll list some examples:
they call it being anti christ if being against the first fallen messiah (christ) =lucifer.

They mix messianic roles with The anti christ to confuse.
They use pre existing OT verses on Lucifer even though Jesus fulfilled them, then as I said claim the next messiah(anyone not Jesus) will be the bad guy.
Well anyone who passed an SAT OR IQ TEST knows sequences, even a third grader will tell you if Lucifer is first messiah and Jesus came first then Jesus is Lucifer cause the next one can't be first.
SEQUENCES- *facepalm * d'oh!

They call the fallen morning star their messiah instead of the one named in the holy city of YeruShalem-the rising Evening Star.

They call death life and life (GOD'S creation)suffering.
They call the nemesis of God their god.
They combine messiah and God, as they combine son of man & son of God Pick one or the other and make up your minds. *L*
They say Falling to the pit Acts 2:27 & 1Peter 3:19
is ascending to the father.(John20:1-17)
They made the Harlot Mother Mary who in Mark Says Joesph had a mind to divorce her (because she strayed with a Roman soldier named Pantheras)- the reverse opposite as virginal and Immaculate.
Claimed the figure sinless yet was baptised in the Jordan for his sins by the man he followed named John, who's followers today claim Jesus stole his flock from by having his friend & follower Salome send him to be beheaded.
...this evil and adulterousgeneration seeketh after a sign; and there shall NOSIGN be given to it..."(Matt 12:39, Mk 8:12, Lk11:29). And then Jesus (See Mk 3:21)goes and does just the opposite of what he said when"And MANY OTHER SIGNS truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are NOT written inthis book:"(John 20:30).
Must Hate your Family to be a Disciple (Luke 14:26,33) Reward to abandon family and serve his kingdom (Luke 18:29-30) Mission to break up families (Matt 10:34-37) Call no one your father (Matt 23:9) Real Family to be Supplanted by the Cult Family (Luke 8:19-21) Jesus the Whip-Master and the Holy Temple Tantrums (John 2:13)

jesus said:
"... and whoever says, `You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire." mat 5:22
Then jesus goes on to say:
"You blind fools!..." mat 23:17

Moshiach is to build the temple, so Jesus does the opposite wishing or predicting it's destruction instead of course the founding authority Rome
(the adversary) is
the one who demolished it.

Moshiach would not fail so they make their imposter a failure.
Moshiach would serve mankind, so the character is made the opposite as being served.

John 14:28 ...If you loved me you would rejoice, because I said, I go to The Father: for my Father is greater than I.
So they do the opposite and make the claimed son (morning star) greater then this claimed father(Baal).

John 16:23 You shall ask me for nothing
so they pray for everything.

and then John 18:19-21 The high priest then asked Jesus about his disciples, and about his doctrine. Jesus answered him:
"I spoke in openness to the world;
I always taught in the synagogue and the temple, where the Jews always come;
and I have said nothing in secret.
but then it's the opposite:
Mark 4:10-12
But, when he was in private... the twelve asked him the meaning of the parable. And he said, "You are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of God.But to those outside, these things are said in parables,SO THAT they MAY see but not perceive, and MAY hear but not understand.....
Matt 13:10-15
And the disciples came and asked, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" He answered, "Because you are permitted to know the SECRETS of the kingdom of heaven, but they are not permitted."


How many bibles do you cut in pieces until it fits to something what no one understands any longer?

Lucifer hasn't gone anywhere.

Rolling Stones- Sympathy for the Devil
...I shouted out,
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me...

...Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste...

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