Lucifer the false prophet takes 1/3 with him

...I shouted out,
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me...

...Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste...

You didn't notice the problem with the songs premise?
The Kennedys are evil, they seem cursed because of what Joseph Kennedy did, but also that Camelot farce is typical image creation, much like the Kennedy's RCC did with the image of Jesus and Mary.
TED Kennedy got a woman killed and fled the scene,
John Kennedy was praised for solving the Cuban missile crisis that he had caused in the first place which alnost started a war with Russia.
The family rapes, the cover ups, etc...
The song tries to imply that they are opposite Lucifer when in fact they are true Luciferians in worship and behavior traits.
Now Dead Kennedys, there is a band with some lyrics and gumption.
Actually, Obama reminds me of Lucifer. Obama appears to desire to rise up above the clouds and place himself on the throne of God and has garnered the worship of his minions.
You didn't notice the problem with the songs premise?
The Kennedys are evil, they seem cursed because of what Joseph Kennedy did, but also that Camelot farce is typical image creation, much like the Kennedy's RCC did with the image of Jesus and Mary. TED Kennedy got a woman killed and fled the scene, John Kennedy was praised for solving the Cuban missile crisis that he had caused in the first place which alnost started a war with Russia. The family rapes, the cover ups, etc...The song tries to imply that they are opposite Lucifer when in fact they are true Luciferians in worship and behavior traits.
Now Dead Kennedys, there is a band with some lyrics and gumption.
You missed the point of the song. Lucifer is reminding us that there's some of him in all of us. It has nothing to do with the Kennedy's per se. It's a warning about what can happen, if we don't look into our own hearts to root out evil.
In Judaism malakh merely means messengers, used in scripture for mere men, Rabbi's , Priests, even the Pope calls his bishops and cardinals angels.
The Pope would be considered the arch malakh for his religion, because he's considered top messenger of his god, and he's the head of his host as the holy father, however their being the adversary and imposter to the YeruShalem temple Kohanim hosts means he is not the Judaic head of hosts called father, nor arch messenger mediator of the (non idol) God of Israel's teachings.
Your sect itself teaches The call to MT Zion and procession to the temple is through a man named Michael -Theslonians, and that he rises at this time of trouble as a man Dan 12:1-4, a man who's a messenger and mediator and guardian watching over our screw ups and bringing us back to path.
Making soul flying spirits in the sky and wonged beings is forbiden in Judaism and your sect.
The interesting thing is that since Christianity in all it's forms makes up 1/3 of mankind and since they are always busy spreading the "good news" . Then they as "messengers" fit the fallen 1/3 to a tee(cross) now to take this further the roman god hades also took one third with him and since he is the roman god of death and if Jesus has the "key" to hell or the pit then logically speaking his angels or messengers are going to join him in hell or deathwhichmakes sense since they are following hades/lucifer himself...
...I shouted out,
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me...

...Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste...

You didn't notice the problem with the songs premise?
The Kennedys are evil, they seem cursed because of what Joseph Kennedy did, but also that Camelot farce is typical image creation, much like the Kennedy's RCC did with the image of Jesus and Mary.
TED Kennedy got a woman killed and fled the scene,
John Kennedy was praised for solving the Cuban missile crisis that he had caused in the first place which alnost started a war with Russia.
The family rapes, the cover ups, etc...
The song tries to imply that they are opposite Lucifer when in fact they are true Luciferians in worship and behavior traits.
Now Dead Kennedys, there is a band with some lyrics and gumption.

It seems to me, god achoo, you said here something like "The only good Kennedies I ever saw were dead!" But never forget: Every antiamerican who attacks John F. Kennedy attacks Berlin.

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