Lulemons fires employees for chasing shoplifting thugs out of store

ActionJackson is trying to make us believe that he's sincere about vigilante justice replacing the police.

But will he stand by his suggestions? Or will he turn to claiming he's just being funny?

And if it's the former he chooses, will he get the backing of others?

Yes folks, it's now become a legitimate idea and it's no longer clear cut extremism.
ActionJackson is trying to make us believe that he's sincere about vigilante justice replacing the police.

But will he stand by his suggestions? Or will he turn to claiming he's just being funny?

And if it's the former he chooses, will he get the backing of others?

Yes folks, it's now become a legitimate idea and it's no longer clear cut extremism.
You'll have to clarify.
If I was a business owner I’d tell my employees to resist trying to be a hero. Don’t get yourself hurt or killed

I would tell them to observe and gather as much info as they can and call the police. Where I live, the police would respond.
Apparently, a new level of upside-down wokeness: employees are told not to interfere with criminals stealing merchandise, and anyone who does will pay the penalty. Thus, when employees chased the lowlifes out of the store, THEY were fired.

Do leftists actually have a goal to encourage crime?

Shops have always had a dont pursue policy. Its for the staffs own safety. Its good management.
This has pretty much been the standard for just about all retailers for years now. It's no wonder that retail theft has been on a steady rise for years now. Thieves know going in, they'll see little or no resistance.

Just a few weeks ago when I was getting ready to back out of a Home Depot parking lot, a woman calmly but quickly came out of the store with a cartload of tools, her husband/boyfriend drove up, they put the merchandise in the bed of the pick-up, all the while two employees did nothing but video the theft. They calmly drove away, and that was that!
In this case they were not pursuing They we’re just yelling at the thieves to leave. Firing them does appear to be unjustified.
Yup the headline is misleading. I remember a young lad chasing a shoplifter and he got stabbed for his troubles. He wasnt sacked but he lost money as he was on sick pay for a while. It isnt worth it.
A friend of mine works at a local marine supply store. It’s a large chain store. A while back a guy walked in the store and calmly took a small outboard motor off a stand, carried it to his car and drove off. I asked her if she wrote down the guy’s license number and called the police. She said “no.”

I asked her why and she said that corporate HQ told her that under no conditions should they call the police in cases of theft. Violating that directive will result in being fired.
So different from several of the places I worked in my younger years… where we were required to “qualify” with the store shotgun in order to get a job there.
The owner doesn't consider getting fired as things going south? The owner could be sued just for firing them.

God bless you and the former employees always!!!


Not only that, but retailers nationwide are already having great difficulty getting enough workers. Seems pretty dumb to fire someone for what these employees did.
One issue that is being ignored and likely purposely, is the question on whether carrying a gun should be made mandatory for all store employees.

Gun free zones invite crime and the danger involved for employees can't be ignored any longer, with multiple mass shootings happening daily now!

You need your medication adjusted.


Get ready.

Skills will be worth so much.

As we see clothing stores committing suicide, the ability to sew clothing will be very important. I'm starting to collect the materials and tutorials necessary for learning how to make shoes.

I'm preparing to learn to brew beer and wine. Alcoholics gotta have it.

I'd love to be able to grow and cure tobacco, but I don't have the land.

Get ready.


Naah. Easier to order online.

Wrong on the never have part of it!
Maybe right on the never will.

This is the reason why I'm entertaining the idea of mothballing the police experiment and replacing them with vigilante justice.

Mandate all employees pack heat and blow the fkrs away with the goods still in their hands!
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

You supplier spiked your drugs with something.

ActionJackson is trying to make us believe that he's sincere about vigilante justice replacing the police.

But will he stand by his suggestions? Or will he turn to claiming he's just being funny?

And if it's the former he chooses, will he get the backing of others?

Yes folks, it's now become a legitimate idea and it's no longer clear cut extremism.

Stop listening to those voices in your head.

You'll have to clarify.

He's nuttier than squirrel shit.
Wrong on the never have part of it!
Maybe right on the never will.

This is the reason why I'm entertaining the idea of mothballing the police experiment and replacing them with vigilante justice.

Mandate all employees pack heat and blow the fkrs away with the goods still in their hands!
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously. Preaching to the choir expecting to be rewarded brownie points. You're an idiot.
Apparently, a new level of upside-down wokeness: employees are told not to interfere with criminals stealing merchandise, and anyone who does will pay the penalty. Thus, when employees chased the lowlifes out of the store, THEY were fired.

Do leftists actually have a goal to encourage crime?

So you think employees should risk their safety and lives trying to save merchandise that is insured. The proper thing to do is call the police, that is what they are paid to do.

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