Luscious Mario Lopez on being the 1st Latino President? The actor says "maybe later on"

..I never saw him as a latino ..I see him as an American actor
..are you latino?? !!???
people on social media want him to run in 2024!

It cracks me up that people look at Trump and think, "Wow, any celebrity can be president now!"

Like it or not, Trump brought with him an air of stellar accomplishment and competence that most random famous people simply can't match. We can argue about what his actual net worth is, and whether or not that net worth represents anything exceptional in terms of how well he's leveraged his inheritance, or whether or not those of his businesses that eventually failed outweigh his successes, but the fact remains that Trump Tower in New York is a cultural landmark. The Apprentice was a cultural phenomenon. I remember seeing little kids in Hawaii in the mid-late 2000's doing Trump impressions, "You're fired!"

Trump isn't the most culturally influential man in modern history, by a long shot. That said, Mario Lopez is a pretty face interviewing celebs for a corporate network. He's a moon orbiting planets orbiting the star that is the E! network, and Trump, even before running for president, managed to make himself the black hole at the center of a small galaxy of media manipulation.
people on social media want him to run in 2024!

Republicans had their chance with both Ted Cruz (well, actually Canadian) and Marco Rubio in 2016.

And chose....Trump. (drum slap please!)
I voted Cruz :(

Honestly never expected him to come anywhere near winning it, though, and I gotta admit that I was pleased as punch that it wasn't Jeb. Bushes were, like Clintons, a known quantity over which I was only too happy to roll the dice on the wild card.
Trump is not the topic, Lopez is.

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