lushbo's scrap with fux

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rush Limbaugh To Caller: Stop Watching Fox News (UPDATE: Limbaugh Responds)

Seems he's changing his "mind" - just a bit.

Only mildly entertaining.

wow mildly entertaining? you must not have much of a life Neddly....:lol:

and look who's back? Hey marc, how was your treatment? Cold water? Electroshock?
"only" Trajan. You missed the word, "ONLY". And, truth be told, the old fatso isn't even that.
Maybe he was talking about people like Julie Roginsky? I don't even know who she is but who cares? You gotta hand it to the left wing tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and News hounds. Nothing escapes them. One thing it shows is that Fox is truly fair and balanced while Rush does not pretend to be.
I think the interesting thing is that there's a wedge between what the money interests which run the GOP want (easy access to easily exploited workers) and what the rank and file want (no Mexicans dating their daughters!)

Rush is sponsored by the rich, but he knows his bread and butter is based on validating the bigotry and fears of the rank and file.

So he will rant and scream about the immigration billl, while Faux is doing it's corporate duty of trying to convince it's viewers it's a really good idea.
I think the interesting thing is that there's a wedge between what the money interests which run the GOP want (easy access to easily exploited workers) and what the rank and file want (no Mexicans dating their daughters!)

Rush is sponsored by the rich, but he knows his bread and butter is based on validating the bigotry and fears of the rank and file.

So he will rant and scream about the immigration billl, while Faux is doing it's corporate duty of trying to convince it's viewers it's a really good idea.

^ that. good post :)
Rush is a right wing news and current events analyst and he makes no bones about being conservative. Fox is a fair and balanced news network that does not always see eye to eye with Rush's conservative opinions. Thank you Huffington for pointing that out.
Rush is a right wing news and current events analyst and he makes no bones about being conservative. Fox is a fair and balanced news network that does not always see eye to eye with Rush's conservative opinions. Thank you Huffington for pointing that out.


Good one!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Why is it only LOLberals concern themselves with talk show radio hosts?

Dont you have boots to lick, Duddly?
Yes, folks, it's THAT bleak in Hope N' Change Land; they're inventing battles between Rush & Fox (Liberals watch way more of each than do I)
Ah, and you libs all get Matthews-like thrills up you legs at the latest lefty attempt to turn nothing into something, negative.

Hey, it's cheap and it works for their low information masses. And that's really the whole point.
Limbaugh says it’s time to turn off Fox News

Republican shock jock Rush Limbaugh advanced a view on Monday that very few in the conservative media would dare to enunciate: he told a caller to stop watching Fox News, particularly the network’s panel discussions, which he said are “designed to get you ticked off.”

“You know, you need to stop watching these people, because they’re not going to change, Tony,” Limbaugh said, talking down a caller who seemed convinced that Obama is preparing to launch a “Stalinist” attack on America with windmills and solar panels. “I really care. You’ve got to stop watching these people.”

“All these names you mention, they’re not going to change,” he went on, noting the caller’s reference to the network’s ostensibly liberal pundits. “And you’re exactly right, if all of this were happening with a Republican president — which it wouldn’t, it couldn’t by definition, we don’t believe in these policies — but if it were, you’re right. They’d be raising holy hell about it. They’d be calling the president cold-hearted, mean, extremist, exclusionary. The rich, they’d be all over a Republican president. But that isn’t gonna change.”

“So your blood pressure is going to suffer if you keep watching these people,” Limbaugh added. “They’re designed to get you ticked off. They’re designed to make you question your sanity. You’re gonna watch these people and say, ‘How in the world can we have such idiotic people?’ And you’re gonna thing maybe they’re not and you’re crazy. And I assure you, Tony, you’re not. Trust me on that.”
Limbaugh says it’s time to turn off Fox News

Republican shock jock Rush Limbaugh advanced a view on Monday that very few in the conservative media would dare to enunciate: he told a caller to stop watching Fox News, particularly the network’s panel discussions, which he said are “designed to get you ticked off.”

“You know, you need to stop watching these people, because they’re not going to change, Tony,” Limbaugh said, talking down a caller who seemed convinced that Obama is preparing to launch a “Stalinist” attack on America with windmills and solar panels. “I really care. You’ve got to stop watching these people.”

“All these names you mention, they’re not going to change,” he went on, noting the caller’s reference to the network’s ostensibly liberal pundits. “And you’re exactly right, if all of this were happening with a Republican president — which it wouldn’t, it couldn’t by definition, we don’t believe in these policies — but if it were, you’re right. They’d be raising holy hell about it. They’d be calling the president cold-hearted, mean, extremist, exclusionary. The rich, they’d be all over a Republican president. But that isn’t gonna change.”

“So your blood pressure is going to suffer if you keep watching these people,” Limbaugh added. “They’re designed to get you ticked off. They’re designed to make you question your sanity. You’re gonna watch these people and say, ‘How in the world can we have such idiotic people?’ And you’re gonna thing maybe they’re not and you’re crazy. And I assure you, Tony, you’re not. Trust me on that.”

Limblob clarifies:
>> &#8220;I did not tell anybody to stop watching Fox. I said stop listening to these people that make you so mad. What else am I going to say? I don&#8217;t watch these people that make me mad anymore, I gave that up years ago,&#8221; he said. <<

Limblob is certainly qualified to make this assessment of the psychology:
>> You know what amazes me though, can I be honest with you about something? You're going all the way back to Walter Winchell. We have people on the radio and TV, we can go down the list of people who are there for one reason only and that is to make you mad. And the formula for making you, the viewer or the listener mad hasn't changed a bit yet people keep falling for it. It amazes me. << -- Lush Rimjob on how his "craft" works.

The video there (I think this is, I forget, about 25 years old) is revealing that what Limblob does has little to do with content and everything to do with psychological manipulation of emotions into ratings. He broke this down to a science long ago, so he's certainly familiar with the same syndrome he's calling out on Fox Noise. And he's apparently bold enough to talk frankly about what's in his own mirror.
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Limbaugh says it&#8217;s time to turn off Fox News

Republican shock jock Rush Limbaugh advanced a view on Monday that very few in the conservative media would dare to enunciate: he told a caller to stop watching Fox News, particularly the network&#8217;s panel discussions, which he said are &#8220;designed to get you ticked off.&#8221;

&#8220;You know, you need to stop watching these people, because they&#8217;re not going to change, Tony,&#8221; Limbaugh said, talking down a caller who seemed convinced that Obama is preparing to launch a &#8220;Stalinist&#8221; attack on America with windmills and solar panels. &#8220;I really care. You&#8217;ve got to stop watching these people.&#8221;

&#8220;All these names you mention, they&#8217;re not going to change,&#8221; he went on, noting the caller&#8217;s reference to the network&#8217;s ostensibly liberal pundits. &#8220;And you&#8217;re exactly right, if all of this were happening with a Republican president &#8212; which it wouldn&#8217;t, it couldn&#8217;t by definition, we don&#8217;t believe in these policies &#8212; but if it were, you&#8217;re right. They&#8217;d be raising holy hell about it. They&#8217;d be calling the president cold-hearted, mean, extremist, exclusionary. The rich, they&#8217;d be all over a Republican president. But that isn&#8217;t gonna change.&#8221;

&#8220;So your blood pressure is going to suffer if you keep watching these people,&#8221; Limbaugh added. &#8220;They&#8217;re designed to get you ticked off. They&#8217;re designed to make you question your sanity. You&#8217;re gonna watch these people and say, &#8216;How in the world can we have such idiotic people?&#8217; And you&#8217;re gonna thing maybe they&#8217;re not and you&#8217;re crazy. And I assure you, Tony, you&#8217;re not. Trust me on that.&#8221;

Limblob clarifies:
>> &#8220;I did not tell anybody to stop watching Fox. I said stop listening to these people that make you so mad. What else am I going to say? I don&#8217;t watch these people that make me mad anymore, I gave that up years ago,&#8221; he said. <<

Limblob is certainly qualified to make this assessment of the psychology:
>> You know what amazes me though, can I be honest with you about something? You're going all the way back to Walter Winchell. We have people on the radio and TV, we can go down the list of people who are there for one reason only and that is to make you mad. And the formula for making you, the viewer or the listener mad hasn't changed a bit yet people keep falling for it. It amazes me. << -- Lush Rimjob on how his "craft" works.

The video there (I think this is, I forget, about 25 years old) is revealing that what Limblob does has little to do with content and everything to do with psychological manipulation of emotions into ratings. He broke this down to a science long ago, so he's certainly familiar with the same syndrome he's calling out on Fox Noise. And he's apparently bold enough to talk frankly about what's in his own mirror.
Well, if that isn't I don't know what is!

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