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Lying, Bobbing & Weaving


Sep 23, 2010
I read the transcript of yesterday’s hearing on Benghazi. I did not waste my time reading the questions asked by the Democrats.

NOTE: Try this: Copy & paste the transcript offline:

Then, without reading anything, quickly delete all of the text except Clinton’s responses. Anyone who reads only the responses one after another can easily see which questions she is replying to were not seeking the truth.

To no one’s surprise, television’s turd-maggots are praising Clinton’s “masterful” performance. Their analyses reminded me of the Nixon-JFK debate. Everybody who watched it on television said JFK won. Everybody who listened to it on the radio said Nixon won by a country mile. I do not see how anybody who reads the transcript ONLY —— can say Clinton demolished the Republicans on the Committee.

According to talking heads, Clinton was so well-prepared only a fool would question her leadership qualities. Frankly, if bobbing and weaving is presidential —— not to mention repeating three-year-old lies in as many ways as possible —— give her a guestroom in the White House so she does not have to travel so far in 2016. Better yet, why not cancel the election altogether!

Before moving to excerpts, let me remind readers of the first of two stand down orders issued on the night of attack in Benghazi. I assume the Committee knows the identity of “BOB” who gave the first stand down order. I doubt if the Committee knows where “BOB’s” authority originated:

Bret Baier did a superior job of reporting the first stand down order —— move the cursor to 8:00:​

Fox News Reporting: 13 Hours in Benghazi

I have one question for Bret: Why did the second stand down order —— the one that was issued in Washington —— end up on the cutting room floor?

Everybody in the world who has been following the attack in Benghazi know about the coverup, they know every lie, they know why the lies were told and who told them.

Who gave the stand down order is the only thing that remains unknown. Nothing else matters.​

Now to the matter at hand

Good ol’ dumbbell Elijah Cummings tried to give Hillary Clinton an opportunity to point the blame elsewhere.

CUMMINGS: My question. I sincerely hope this puts this offensive claim to rest once and for all. I'm asking you, Madam Secretary, did you order Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to stand down on the night of the attacks?

CLINTON: Of course, not, Congressman. And I appreciate your going through the highlights of the very comprehensive report that the House Armed Services Committee did on this.

I think it's fair to say everybody -- everybody -- certainly, Defense Secretary Panetta, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Dempsey, everybody in the military scrambled to see what they could do. And I was very grateful for that. And as you rightly point out, logistics and distance made it unlikely that they could be anywhere near Benghazi within any kind of reasonable time.​

Clinton repeated the lie first told by General Dempsey —— and Leon Panetta. They said there was not enough time to get help to Benghazi in time to do any good. Senator McCain was not buying it:

Cummings lifeline did not save Clinton from drowning. The mere mention of the stand down order had her bailing out a leaking boat:

POMPEO: Another series of yes or no questions, Madam Secretary. Did you ask the Department of Defense how you were going to get your people out the evening that the incident occurred?

CLINTON: That was one of the matters that was discussed with the Department of Defense, yes.

POMPEO: Did you ask about what assets were positioned in place that they might be able to help?

CLINTON: Of course. That was part of the conversation from the very beginning.

POMPEO: Did you ask about how long it might take them to arrive either in Tripoli or Benghazi?

CLINTON: Yes, we did.

POMPEO: You earlier said today, a couple of hours back, that there were no military resources that could have arrived in Benghazi in a reasonable time. That's your testimony from today. What was a "reasonable" time?

CLINTON: According to what we were told by the Defense Department, within a number of hours, there was not any way to get assets deployed in time to get to Benghazi. Of course, it was too late for our compound. And the idea of evacuating from the CIA annex was seriously addressed before the attack, but then obviously implemented after.

POMPEO: Yes, ma'am. But when the initial attack occurred, you had no idea how long the incidence would continue, did you?

CLINTON: It was over within an hour.

POMPEO: Yes, ma'am. There was a subsequent attack and could have been a third and a fourth. So when the initial attack occurred, did you have any idea what the magnitude and the duration of the events of that night would be?

CLINTON: Congressman, I don't understand your question. We knew that the attack was over. We knew that our diplomatic security team had to evacuate from the compound to the CIA annex, and we were in a frantic search to find Ambassador Stevens.

POMPEO: Yes, ma'am. But several hours elapsed and there was a subsequent attack, and you didn't know that that subsequent attack would take place, I'll concede that. My question is: Why was heaven and earth not moved at the initial sound of the guns, maybe even putting tankers in the air from McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas? You simply didn't know how long this series of events was going to continue, nor did you know how long the risk to the people that worked for you was going to remain.

Clinton did not waste any time pointed the blame at the Department of Defense:

CLINTON: Congressman, you will have to ask the Defense Department these questions. We certainly asked that all effort be made to deploy any assets that could be of use in Benghazi. I know that they put a number of assets in the United States, in Europe, on alert. But we were advised that it would take a number of hours to get there. And with respect to the CIA annex, you should talk with the intelligence community about that.​

And this:

ROBY: I want to make sure this is clear. Panetta and Dempsey were the decision-makers when it came to response. We've already talked about the FEST. So I'm not going to get back into that. But what I'm trying to clarify is that they were the decision-makers. Your people were on the ground in harm's way and you never had a conversation with them.

CLINTON: I did not need to. During the turmoil of that afternoon and into the evening, we knew the president had personally told them both in the Oval Office that he expected them to do everything they possibly could do.​

Obviously, they did not do everything they could do.

CLINTON: And I knew that they would then turn to those officers responsible for carrying out that order. They were represented on that SVTS. That's why I sat in it.

And remember, too, Congresswoman, we had a lot of other threats coming in. We were still worried about Cairo. We had...

ROBY: Well, I understand. But you had your people on the ground that were being attacked.​

Who gave the order to stand down is not going away until the guilty party is identified, or somebody takes the fall.

Finally, there is one unrelated comment that I want to comment on:

CLINTON: We need creative, confident leadership that harnesses all of America's strengths and values, leadership that integrates and balances the tools of diplomacy, development and defense.​

In plain English:

Diplomacy means global government.
Development means nation-building with American tax dollars.
Defense means Peace Without Victory.

Clinton places defense behind diplomacy and development. Putin certainly places Russia’s defense above everything else, and he is winning.

China places its aggressive defense ahead of everything else. Hell, they do not need the Aleutian Chain when they can build a string of islands all the way to San Francisco.

Not only are America’s sworn enemies winning on defense, they are winning on diplomacy thanks to their veto on United Nations’ Security Council.

Anybody who thinks Hillary Clinton lying through her teeth demonstrated leadership to the American people must be as sick as the spiritual leader in the White House, and the traitor who succeeded her as secretary of state.

Taqiyya the Liar gave Putin the Crimea, the Ukraine, and everything else he wanted. Alaska is next.

Clinton’s Arab Spring gave the Middle East to Russia.

The traitor gave Iran nuclear capabilities.

Among them, they accomplished all of that with diplomacy. God only knows what they can accomplish with development —— so long as defense does not get in the way.
To no one’s surprise, television’s turd-maggots are praising Clinton’s “masterful” performance. Their analyses reminded me of the Nixon-JFK debate. Everybody who watched it on television said JFK won. Everybody who listened to it on the radio said Nixon won by a country mile. I do not see how anybody who reads the transcript ONLY —— can say Clinton demolished the Republicans on the Committee.
Bret Baier’s All Star Panel is one show that is not stooging for Clinton; nevertheless, they inadvertently promote the same nonsense Clinton’s cheerleaders are crowing about. Steve Hayes is dynamite, while Judge Napolitano’s observations about FBI investigators have to be a nightmare to a liar who expects to be nominated on her demeanor:

As I understand it, there are still dozens of witness waiting to testify. That should give the Committee time to separate the wheat from the chaff. In the event Clinton is recalled to clarify yesterday’s testimony, Chairman Gowdy should bar television cameras from the hearing.
According to talking heads, Clinton was so well-prepared only a fool would question her leadership qualities.
These numbers make me question why Democrats are celebrating Hillary Clinton’s academy award performance:

Viewership for Oct. 22, 2015:

Total Day----Total Viewers----A25-54

Fox News----1.64 million------290,000

Prime Time----Total Viewers---A25-54

Fox News------2.55 million-------465,000
MSNBC--------1.41 million--------233,000
CNN------------1.28 million---------288,000

Fox News Wins Clinton Benghazi Coverage; MSNBC Shows Most Growth
By Brian Flood on Oct. 23, 2015 - 5:49 PM

Fox News Wins Clinton Benghazi Coverage; MSNBC Shows Most Growth | TVNewser
Great thread! You really know how to draw em' in. So exciting.
Great thread! You really know how to draw em' in. So exciting.
To LoneLaugher & Dante: Did my comments offend you. I hope so.

Here’s a bit more about your favorite liar:

Would not it be a kick if she was actually impeached on her first day in office. That will be better for the country than electing one of media’s Republican stiffs?

. . . Republican Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama.

He told a radio interviewer that "she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November because the day she's sworn in is the day that she's subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors."

Hillary Clinton calls Republican's impeachment vow 'pathetic'
Reuters – 20 hours ago

Hillary Clinton calls Republican's impeachment vow 'pathetic'

Incidentally, Hillary Clinton can be impeached right now for the crimes she committed as secretary of state.
Lying, Bobbing & Weaving

Granny says, "Dat's right - dat's what politicians do...

... we gots one o' dem slick willies runnin' fer governor here...

... first he says sumpin' on tape...

... den a lil' later he denies he said it.

How else ya `spect `em to get `lected?
"Lying, Bobbing & Weaving"

Perfectly describes republican committee members.
To C_Clayton_Jones: Try citing one instant where a Republican on the Select Committee lied; whereas, Hillary Clinton’s entire testimony was one lie after another. In fact, do not include her lies about Benghazi or her private server.

The late William Safire (1929 - 2009) said this:

Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our first lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar. She is in the longtime habit of lying, and she has never been called to account for lying herself or in suborning lying in her aides and friends. William Safire: From 1996 essay: Blizzard of Lies

Congenital liar barely scratches the surface. A list of her lies are so numerous she is the only Democrat, living or dead, where the phrase “systemic liar” can be applied. If you are still not convinced, put all of hers lies aside and consider:

Eight Laws Hillary Clinton Could Be Indicted For Breaking
Kenneth P. Bergquist
Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret)
12:04 PM 09/21/2015

Eight Laws Hillary Clinton Could Be Indicted For Breaking

The most intriguing thing about Hillary Clinton is that the Democrat faithful know she lies about everything all of the time, yet they do not care. The question is: What does such blind loyalty to a liar do to the country?

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