Lying Dimms changed Whistleblower laws and then backdated so they could accept Ciaramella lies.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is so fucking amazing. The Dimms are so fucking dirty,

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Democrats Changed House Rules on Impeachment on Day 'Whistleblower' Complaint Filed -- Pulled Authority Away from Full House!

Read for yourself the old verbiage and the new verbiage.

It went from only first hand knowledge to allowing for hearsay!

Here is the old language:

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair.15 Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the full House did debate the resolution.

The new version created by House Democrats and published on August 12th gives the authority and control to the House Judiciary Committee.

(Changes in bold)

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair. Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the three previous instances of judicial impeachments, however, the House did not approve a resolution explicitly authorizing an impeachment inquiry. The Rules of the House since 1975 have granted committees the power to subpoena witnesses and materials, administer oaths, and meet at any time within the United States—powers that were previously granted through resolutions providing blanket investigatory authorities that were agreed to at the start of a Congress or through authorizing resolutions for each impeachment investigation. In two of the three recent cases, the House agreed to separate resolutions to allow committee counsel to take affidavits and depositions.

If the House does approve an authorizing resolution, then in addition to the Rules Committee, the Judiciary Committee can report an original resolution authorizing an impeachment investigation if impeachment resolutions have been referred to the committee. In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the Judiciary Committee reported such a resolution, and the full House debated it.
The sneaky liars changed the laws from first hand to second hand knowledge and then BACKDATED THE CHANGES,


So Dimm. So Nazi Pelousy.
Another violation of House rules by Nazi.

Rules are set at the beginning of each Congress, and voted on by the entire House.
Changing the rules and then BACKDATING THE CHANGE?

What the faaaaaaaaa?
You understand that any congressman from either party can stop a unanimous consent request, don't you? If you have a problem with what happened, you should address it to the congressmen YOUR party voted for.
I wonder if they created a go fund me account for the whistleblower yet? I heard Blasey Ford made out like a bandit with the accounts they set up for her.
They are so funny and so corrupt.


Then they sit on it. :113:

Such corrupt pieces of trash!
I wonder if they created a go fund me account for the whistleblower yet? I heard Blasey Ford made out like a bandit with the accounts they set up for her.

Yes they did, 'Money-making enterprise': Intelligence officer files complaint over whistleblower donations

by Daniel Chaitin
& Jerry Dunleavy
| November 12, 2019 12:48 PM
| Updated Nov 12, 2019, 02:43 PM

impeachment proceedings against President Trump is now the subject of a complaint that says the official may be soliciting illegal donations.

The complaint, which was filed last week by an intelligence officer, was sent to the Intelligence Community inspector general and focuses on a GoFundMe page for the whistleblower that has raised more than $227,000.
The Dimms changed the law and BACKDATED THE CHANGE so they could take Eric Ciaramella’s lies.

And we wonder why impeachment has HELPED TRUMP.

It’s an utter scam. It’s so pathetic. DIMMS and anyone who supports them should be ashamed.
This is so fucking amazing. The Dimms are so fucking dirty,

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Democrats Changed House Rules on Impeachment on Day 'Whistleblower' Complaint Filed -- Pulled Authority Away from Full House!

Read for yourself the old verbiage and the new verbiage.

It went from only first hand knowledge to allowing for hearsay!

Here is the old language:

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair.15 Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the full House did debate the resolution.

The new version created by House Democrats and published on August 12th gives the authority and control to the House Judiciary Committee.

(Changes in bold)

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair. Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the three previous instances of judicial impeachments, however, the House did not approve a resolution explicitly authorizing an impeachment inquiry. The Rules of the House since 1975 have granted committees the power to subpoena witnesses and materials, administer oaths, and meet at any time within the United States—powers that were previously granted through resolutions providing blanket investigatory authorities that were agreed to at the start of a Congress or through authorizing resolutions for each impeachment investigation. In two of the three recent cases, the House agreed to separate resolutions to allow committee counsel to take affidavits and depositions.

If the House does approve an authorizing resolution, then in addition to the Rules Committee, the Judiciary Committee can report an original resolution authorizing an impeachment investigation if impeachment resolutions have been referred to the committee. In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the Judiciary Committee reported such a resolution, and the full House debated it.

This was covered at length on this forum back in Aug/Sept.

Why are you still beating this dead horse.
The Dimms changed the law and BACKDATED THE CHANGE so they could take Eric Ciaramella’s lies.

And we wonder why impeachment has HELPED TRUMP.

It’s an utter scam. It’s so pathetic. DIMMS and anyone who supports them should be ashamed.
Dimwingers love corruption.
This is so fucking amazing. The Dimms are so fucking dirty,

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Democrats Changed House Rules on Impeachment on Day 'Whistleblower' Complaint Filed -- Pulled Authority Away from Full House!

Read for yourself the old verbiage and the new verbiage.

It went from only first hand knowledge to allowing for hearsay!

Here is the old language:

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair.15 Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the full House did debate the resolution.

The new version created by House Democrats and published on August 12th gives the authority and control to the House Judiciary Committee.

(Changes in bold)

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair. Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the three previous instances of judicial impeachments, however, the House did not approve a resolution explicitly authorizing an impeachment inquiry. The Rules of the House since 1975 have granted committees the power to subpoena witnesses and materials, administer oaths, and meet at any time within the United States—powers that were previously granted through resolutions providing blanket investigatory authorities that were agreed to at the start of a Congress or through authorizing resolutions for each impeachment investigation. In two of the three recent cases, the House agreed to separate resolutions to allow committee counsel to take affidavits and depositions.

If the House does approve an authorizing resolution, then in addition to the Rules Committee, the Judiciary Committee can report an original resolution authorizing an impeachment investigation if impeachment resolutions have been referred to the committee. In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the Judiciary Committee reported such a resolution, and the full House debated it.

This was covered at length on this forum back in Aug/Sept.

Why are you still beating this dead horse.

Because many leftards will not admit this impeachment is a scam.
This is so fucking amazing. The Dimms are so fucking dirty,

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Democrats Changed House Rules on Impeachment on Day 'Whistleblower' Complaint Filed -- Pulled Authority Away from Full House!

Read for yourself the old verbiage and the new verbiage.

It went from only first hand knowledge to allowing for hearsay!

Here is the old language:

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair.15 Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the full House did debate the resolution.

The new version created by House Democrats and published on August 12th gives the authority and control to the House Judiciary Committee.

(Changes in bold)

The two most recent resolutions adopted by the House to authorize an impeachment investigation were taken up by unanimous consent at the request of the Rules Committee chair. Rather than convene a committee meeting to order the resolutions reported with a quorum present, the chair asked unanimous consent that the House discharge the Rules Committee and agree to the resolution. Both of these resolutions concerned federal judges, and they were agreed to without debate.

In the three previous instances of judicial impeachments, however, the House did not approve a resolution explicitly authorizing an impeachment inquiry. The Rules of the House since 1975 have granted committees the power to subpoena witnesses and materials, administer oaths, and meet at any time within the United States—powers that were previously granted through resolutions providing blanket investigatory authorities that were agreed to at the start of a Congress or through authorizing resolutions for each impeachment investigation. In two of the three recent cases, the House agreed to separate resolutions to allow committee counsel to take affidavits and depositions.

If the House does approve an authorizing resolution, then in addition to the Rules Committee, the Judiciary Committee can report an original resolution authorizing an impeachment investigation if impeachment resolutions have been referred to the committee. In the case of the most recent authorization of a presidential impeachment inquiry, the Judiciary Committee reported such a resolution, and the full House debated it.

This was covered at length on this forum back in Aug/Sept.

Why are you still beating this dead horse.

Because many leftards will not admit this impeachment is a scam.

Do you think this will change any of their minds?
The Dimms changed the law and BACKDATED THE CHANGE so they could take Eric Ciaramella’s lies.

And we wonder why impeachment has HELPED TRUMP.

It’s an utter scam. It’s so pathetic. DIMMS and anyone who supports them should be ashamed.

That rules change was the result of unanimous consent. Any one of your right wing congressmen could have stopped it. Why didn't they? Quit whining about something your party, as a whole supported.

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