Lyndell reveals God's plan to save our elections.

Mike Lyndell claims to be in direct contact with God, and says God revealed to him the perfect plan to protect the integrity of our elections, and save our democracy. It's so obvious till I don't know why somebody hasn't thought of it before. God told Mr. Pillow that we should deploy Wireless Monitoring Drones, or as Mike called them WMDs, to be deployed over each of the 116,990 polling places in the country to monitor whether voting machines are connected to wifi. He didn't say exactly what technology would be used for the monitoring. Perhaps God will reveal that at a later date. Much is yet to be revaled about God's plan, but for now it's comforting to know that God has assigned Mr. Pillow the task of deploying more than 116,000 seperate WMDs throughout the country. Maga's throughout the country will undoubtably be encouraging him and praying for his success. It can't fail. It's God's plan. I, for one, am greatly relieved.

The only plan should be to elect anyone but Biden and his woke anti women agenda
Let me guess...the same conservatives who have just preached about the dangers of WIFI are going to be all for this.

LordBrownTrout Theowl32 shockedcanadian

Care to weigh in on this idea of your boy wanting to make sure WIFI is connected to all polling places?
It has nothing to do with wifi besides detecting who is on it. Worried?
Mike Lyndell claims to be in direct contact with God, and says God revealed to him the perfect plan to protect the integrity of our elections, and save our democracy. It's so obvious till I don't know why somebody hasn't thought of it before. God told Mr. Pillow that we should deploy Wireless Monitoring Drones, or as Mike called them WMDs, to be deployed over each of the 116,990 polling places in the country to monitor whether voting machines are connected to wifi. He didn't say exactly what technology would be used for the monitoring. Perhaps God will reveal that at a later date. Much is yet to be revaled about God's plan, but for now it's comforting to know that God has assigned Mr. Pillow the task of deploying more than 116,000 seperate WMDs throughout the country. Maga's throughout the country will undoubtably be encouraging him and praying for his success. It can't fail. It's God's plan. I, for one, am greatly relieved.

This is great news. Mike has been silent for too long.
Id I was cynical I might think that he was getting into the drone business.

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