M1 Abrams Tanks in U.S. Inventory Have Armor Too Secret to Send to Ukraine


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
As the U.S. government is now preparing to send dozens of M1 Abrams tanks to the Ukrainian military, much attention has been given to concerns about how their complex electronic components and especially their gas turbine propulsion systems could make them particularly difficult to operate and maintain. Though it’s not yet clear what specific variant of the Abrams Ukraine’s military is set to receive, the tanks will have to be in a unique export configuration. This is largely due to the highly classified armor packages found specifically on U.S. military versions, which contain depleted uranium, and that are not readily exportable even to major allies. In other words, the U.S. can’t just send its M1s to Ukraine.

President Joe Biden formally announced plans to send 31 M1 tanks to the Ukrainian armed forces today. The U.S. government will acquire the Abrams through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). USAI provides funds to purchase weapon systems and other equipment, as well as training and other support services, on behalf of the Ukrainian military to support its longer-term needs. While the exact delivery schedule is not yet known, American officials have made clear the process will take months, not weeks. The first tanks may not arrive until late this year or even early next year.

This is simply becoming ridiculous.
Sleepy Joe and other libs would tell you "so what" on this, Ukraine and Zelenskyy are our friends. They can be trusted.

Even if you take that assertation at face value, so what? This is a war and sometime equipment falls into the hands of the other side. A position is overrun, a shipment in interdicted, shit happens. Its a fucking war.
As the U.S. government is now preparing to send dozens of M1 Abrams tanks to the Ukrainian military, much attention has been given to concerns about how their complex electronic components and especially their gas turbine propulsion systems could make them particularly difficult to operate and maintain. Though it’s not yet clear what specific variant of the Abrams Ukraine’s military is set to receive, the tanks will have to be in a unique export configuration. This is largely due to the highly classified armor packages found specifically on U.S. military versions, which contain depleted uranium, and that are not readily exportable even to major allies. In other words, the U.S. can’t just send its M1s to Ukraine.

President Joe Biden formally announced plans to send 31 M1 tanks to the Ukrainian armed forces today. The U.S. government will acquire the Abrams through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). USAI provides funds to purchase weapon systems and other equipment, as well as training and other support services, on behalf of the Ukrainian military to support its longer-term needs. While the exact delivery schedule is not yet known, American officials have made clear the process will take months, not weeks. The first tanks may not arrive until late this year or even early next year.

This is simply becoming ridiculous.
You think the Armor on the M-1 Tank is too classified to be used in overseas combat?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Rubbish .
The heat thrown out from their turbo engines is so great that the Russians could pick it up almost immediately and rub them out
.Whoosh .
And that is why they are staying at home .
You think the Armor on the M-1 Tank is too classified to be used in overseas combat?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not against the overmatched jalopies they faced off against in Iraq and Afghanistan.....There was certainly nothing overhead with the sophistication and striking power of the SU-25, which will doubtlessly be deployed to counter them.

But you go ahead and laugh at WW3, jackass.
You think the Armor on the M-1 Tank is too classified to be used in overseas combat?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It's also not as if the russians haven't had complete blue prints and manuals on these machines for decades thanks to the thousands of spies they have in the federal government. To pretend there is anything they don't know about most of the shit we have is laughable at best.

Stalin knew we had the A-Bomb before Truman did, or at least knew before Truman told him.

I'm also pretty confident we have an entirely new tank in development, if not a bunch already made in some bunkers somewhere waiting to get deployed. Just like after 9/11, people found out about all sorts of shit the military had once it started getting used.

If we have another serious war soon, we will find out about some shit that's been waiting to be deployed, and I'm sure russia and the chi-coms know all about it.

It would likely be an earlier model, or an export variant like each nation typically has. We won't be sending our top of the line stuff over.

The Soviets had an excellent export system, many nations still have stocks of T-72's with export variations, but are at the core identical to Russian T-72's.
NATO is pretending they are really stepping up for Zelensky.
U.S. is sending 31 Abrams tanks
Germany sending 12 Leopard tanks
UK sending 12 Challenger tanks

So a total of 55 main battle tanks to Ukraine.
Russians will make scrape of them within a few weeks.
Hardly a game changer. ... :cuckoo:
Not against the overmatched jalopies they faced off against in Iraq and Afghanistan.....There was certainly nothing overhead with the sophistication and striking power of the SU-25, which will doubtlessly be deployed to counter them.

But you go ahead and laugh at WW3, jackass.
This will not be WWIII. I scoff and laugh at your assertion. :auiqs.jpg: But, that wasn't even the assertion of the article or the thread. The Special armor of the M-1 was indeed something new when it came out on the XM-1, and yes, I know, as I was a young lieutenant at Fort Knox in 1980 at the time, during the tank testing, when the tank itself, and its Special armor was still so secret, they kept them covered under tarp in a guarded motorpool. Truly amazing machines at the time, in anybody's book, but time marches on and no secret armor is so secret as to remain a secret for 40 to 45 years, and there have been no truly significant upgrades to the armor itself since then, so that dog won't hunt.
The key point in this is they won't be combat ready for many months, making this a big virtue signal operation.

The endless cycle of wars will continue for as long as they can keep the sheeple distracted with war propaganda while they continue to loot the last wealth out of the Western treasuries & bring in the reset once the system collapses
NATO is pretending they are really stepping up for Zelensky.
U.S. is sending 31 Abrams tanks
Germany sending 12 Leopard tanks
UK sending 12 Challenger tanks

So a total of 55 main battle tanks to Ukraine.
Russians will make scrape of them within a few weeks.
Hardly a game changer. ... :cuckoo:

More like within hours . . . if that.
You think the Armor on the M-1 Tank is too classified to be used in overseas combat?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Not really the point is it? It is SOP for our forces to destroy sensitive equipment that has been rendered inoperable in a hostile zone. We just don't give that crap away.
We should send them our best Sherman Tanks.

NATO is pretending they are really stepping up for Zelensky.
U.S. is sending 31 Abrams tanks
Germany sending 12 Leopard tanks
UK sending 12 Challenger tanks

So a total of 55 main battle tanks to Ukraine.
Russians will make scrape of them within a few weeks.
Hardly a game changer. ... :cuckoo:

Are you sure about that? Russian tank losses as of yesterday are at 3,161. The Russians are using stocks of T-80's in droves, with numbers of T-72's and even a few T-64's and T-62s. Even an earlier model M1 Abrams can wipe the floor with a T-72 and even a T-80.

The Ukrainians are also using unique ways of destroying Russian tanks, and it isn't by tank-to-tank combat. They are using drones, with grenades attached to them and dropping them down on open hatchesand blowing them up. Many tanks have been lost this way, and videos are easy to find online.

I highly suggest r/ukrainewarvideoreport on reddit to see some interesting videos of this. APC's are highly susceptible to these attacks, and seem to be the main target.

This is a new war, one that Ukrainians have been trying to innovate in, often to the detriment of Russian draftees.
This will not be WWIII. I scoff and laugh at your assertion. :auiqs.jpg: But, that wasn't even the assertion of the article or the thread. The Special armor of the M-1 was indeed something new when it came out on the XM-1, and yes, I know, as I was a young lieutenant at Fort Knox in 1980 at the time, during the tank testing, when the tank itself, and its Special armor was still so secret, they kept them covered under tarp in a guarded motorpool. Truly amazing machines at the time, in anybody's book, but time marches on and no secret armor is so secret as to remain a secret for 40 to 45 years, and there have been no truly significant upgrades to the armor itself since then, so that dog won't hunt.
Won't be WW3.....Except that this is how Korea and Vietnam both started......Send in the "advisors" and military gear first, then escalate until therre's "no choice" but to send in troops.... But in those cases Murica was neither directly attacking Russia nor China, like is happening in Ukraine.....There was certainly no possible threat of going nuclear.

You Wilsonian interventionist warmongers are easily the most stoopit fuckers around.
We will send hem the version that we have made in Mexico. Each one comes with its own Chilton repair manual.
Funny, but repair and replenishment is probably the hardest part. The maintenance and logistics package to support that particular tank are different from any on that battlefield, as is the maintenance training and even tools, parts and supply train, but it all has to be in place to make it viable in continuous warfare duty, and we are only talking about 31 of them, not even anywhere near a US Armor Battalion strength.

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