Macedonian PM says Greece agrees to discuss proposed name: Republic of Ilindenska Macedonia


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
my choice will be sooner Northern Macedonia, but Ilindenska Macedonia works well for me, great news , less Mongols , more EU this what this region needs . question, what the Albanian Muslim minority think about the new name?

SKOPJE, Macedonia — Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Saturday he is ready to go ahead with a new name for his country in order to solve a decades-long name dispute with Greece and pave the way for full integration of the small Balkan country into the European Union and NATO.

But Greek political leaders briefed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras rejected the Macedonian proposal outright and the Greek government itself, in a response to Zaev’s remarks, was evasive about the particular name proposal.

Zaev said that “Republic of Ilindenska Macedonia” is the compromise name acceptable to both sides. The adjective “Ilindenska,” meaning, literally, “the day of the prophet Elijah” refers to a 1903 uprising against Turkish occupiers.

“With this possible solution, we preserve the dignity, we confirm and strengthen our Macedonian identity,” Zaev said, but added that final say on the new name will be put to a referendum."

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