Macroevolution: Examples from the Primate World

I was thinking you were sharper than that.. Really Oroman -- I did.. Here's my references.


2) Things like "jumping genes" and other major revelations about potential SPEEDS of evolutionary processes.

3) studies on extinction events and punctuated acceleration of evolution due to climatic, chemical or radiological occurances..

The gaps are THERE.. And we now are figuring out WHY they exist...
Based on science that played NO ROLE in Darwins original work...

What the hell did you think MACRO-evolution implied?? It is IGNORING the small gradations in the tree of life.. And focusing on major apparent differences and adaptations among species..

I'm still waiting for the list of those gaps. Let me know when we can expect to see them. In the mean time, here are a few lists of transitional fossils:

List of transitional forms - RationalWiki

List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And other gaps in the fossil record that has been filled:

Filling The Gap In The Fossil Record -- ScienceDaily

Penn News | Penn Researchers Develop New Technique for Filling Gaps in Fossil Record

You keep working on those gaps there Darwin.. You stubborn fossil.. They aren't THERE.. Don't NEED to be there. And we shouldn't ever expect to find them all...

Except that they are there. We have found them, and actually expected to find them, and expect to find even more. Sorry to burst your bubble.
These silly asses should visit the Thomas Condon Museum about 50 miles northwest of John Day, Oregon. Possibly the best area in the world for tertiary mammal fossils. An absolutely wonderful bunch of fossils from the evolutionary history of the horse.

Photo Gallery (U.S. National Park Service)
Why don't you give a brief synopsis (in your own words) of the links premise. Then tell us why you think it is important to present to us and then identify those facts which support, and those that don't support the central premise.

Are you telling us that you can't read? Somehow I doubt that.

No, I'm implying that you are incapable of thinking for yourself. You are nothing more than a parrot. And a poor one at that.

Well, there are those that claim the title of Geologist, and there are real geologists.
human beings evolving from single celled organisms......

And single celled organisms "evolved" from inorganic, dead pieces of stone -- like magic **poof**.

Strawman argument.

No it is not. In order for evolution to occur one must know what created life to begin with. And as for mammals you have no fossil record and no actual evidence that one mammal species EVER evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

I have no problem with evolution with in a species it is well documented. And supported by the fossil record you speak of.

If you want DNA as proof explain why several mammals have 90 percent or more matches to humans but are not claimed that we evolved from some type of those creatures?

As for evolution we have had over 600 years of direct observation recorded yet not a single case of this supposed specie evolving into 2 or more distinctly different species.
And single celled organisms "evolved" from inorganic, dead pieces of stone -- like magic **poof**.

Strawman argument.

No it is not. In order for evolution to occur one must know what created life to begin with.

That is not true. However life originated, the fact is that it evolves.

armyguy said:
And as for mammals you have no fossil record and no actual evidence that one mammal species EVER evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

That isn't true, either. You should review the evolution of the horse. Or the rhinoceros, or a whole host of other species.

armyguy said:
If you want DNA as proof explain why several mammals have 90 percent or more matches to humans but are not claimed that we evolved from some type of those creatures?

I have a better one. Since all mammals share certain specific traits in common (i.e., hair, mammaries, identical inner ear bones, single lower jaw bone, diphyodonty, etc.), why they wouldn't originate from a common ancestor.

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