Macron 65% +

Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron. The islamification will be in the near future.
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Stop putting yourself down to their level. Seriously!
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.

So the Muslims are not Tribalist then? The Muslims are fanatically Tribalistic, so that must be okay with you?

You just don't want our people being Tribalist because that threatens....who, tell me who it threatens?
It threatens everyone when any of us go back there. IMO.

"It threatens everyone when any of us go back there. IMO."

You'll have to elaborate please, because that make little sense.

Also I asked you The Muslims are fanatically Tribalistic, so that's okay with you?

The European peoples being Tribalistic threatens EVERYONE "when you go back there", well don't visit the European Continent anymore, it's that easy, stay in America.

The Muslims being Tribalistic and blowing people up etc, that's not a threat?
Please do not conflate Muslims with terrorists. You have had serious issues with terrorism in Europe and I understand your concern, but pulling back into your own self interests, kicking out all Muslims and growling at neighbors is NOT the solution. Tribalism is what started two World Wars and it DID wind up involving us. One country decides its better than the rest and wants to have more real estate....voila. Or maybe it decides they have the ONLY correct solution and try to force it on all their neighbors. Maybe the last seventy years of peace in the West has something to do with cooperating as a whole rather than patchwork alliances that shift with every election.
That wouldn't make it easier to fight terrorism. Why would it?
Lol like they did when 9/11 happened like Trump said? Ya racists share the same lies? Lol
And Muslims in a bar? Hahahaha
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.

France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
Listen Issa, when the attacks of Paris in November 2015 happen did you know that some muslims did celebrate in a bar the night of the attacks ? when people were kill shot down like dog.

"And Muslims in a bar?"

Many Muslim males go to bars and drink alcohol, they also take drugs, the Islamic's who did that November 2015 attack in Paris, several of them were known to drink and take drugs, because some family members said that they did.
Don't cry, snowflake. Everything will be just fine.

Your a snowflake, Nothing will be fine, you don' give a shit because you don't live in France
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, Dalia, that you remain safe.
I will likely leave France and go live at The island of prince edouard, i can't stand this place anymore
That's not far from my neck of the woods, Dalia. I believe you will like it there, but it is nothing like Europe.
Thank, my sister live overthere beautiful place, anyway it can't be worse then here.
It's peaceful, but pretty unsophisticated.
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.

France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Stop putting yourself down to their level. Seriously!
He, like you are already down to that level, hence your wailing at the lost of LePussy...
Didn't I already tell you to go cry and then shut the fuck up???
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Macron have No majority and he is a former banker at the feet of Merkel

Pauvres de nous Français, we are doom
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?


Lol like they did when 9/11 happened like Trump said? Ya racists share the same lies? Lol
And Muslims in a bar? Hahahaha
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
Listen Issa, when the attacks of Paris in November 2015 happen did you know that some muslims did celebrate in a bar the night of the attacks ? when people were kill shot down like dog.
It was see on Direct, OK the one who defend the terrorists, go way you are starting to piss me off.

"Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?"

You are beyond moronic, why you are even bothering who knows, your above comments are your most idiotic yet, did you even have any education, probably not.
I didn't deny you who didn't wanna recognize the facts that Muslims fought to liberate France. I know it hurts but it's a fact that you have to admit.

Ah so there were no algerian, Moroccan, Senegalese soldiers from the colonies. My grandfather who happens to be Moroccan fought there while his country was occupied by France. Thousands of Muslims died fighting the nazis. U gonna deny that?

Oh and thousands of French people fled to Morocco, algeria and Tunisia, and guess what we didn't kick them out.

Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?


Lol like they did when 9/11 happened like Trump said? Ya racists share the same lies? Lol
And Muslims in a bar? Hahahaha
It was see on Direct, OK the one who defend the terrorists, go way you are starting to piss me off.
NO! It is the American that liberate the French on June 6 1944 in Normandie that is why i love American peoples.
Question for you : How many American soldiers died in omaha beach?
How many American soldiers died in Obama beach ?, you don't know the answer because you don't care but guess what i care. and i go to Normandie to see the cross and not you i imagine ?
France will never wake from this nightmare until their daily comfort is stripped from them, their financial security, their physical security, only then will they realize that they've abdicated their people's future and their nation's future under the current dispensation.

The third-world invasion will continue, the violence and unrest will grow, terrorist attacks will continue and multiply, the globalists will ensure that it is demographically impossible to vote their way out of this.
Your a snowflake, Nothing will be fine, you don' give a shit because you don't live in France
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, Dalia, that you remain safe.
I will likely leave France and go live at The island of prince edouard, i can't stand this place anymore
That's not far from my neck of the woods, Dalia. I believe you will like it there, but it is nothing like Europe.
Thank, my sister live overthere beautiful place, anyway it can't be worse then here.
It's peaceful, but pretty unsophisticated.
I adore my sisters and overthere there is a lot Fresh fish and her husband is a musician he plays the guitar wonderfully he is Acadian
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Stop putting yourself down to their level. Seriously!
He, like you are already down to that level, hence your wailing at the lost of LePussy...
Didn't I already tell you to go cry and then shut the fuck up???

Mr Hitler...the world isn't as hateful as you are. A Muslim was the last st country to sign a treaty with the US Google it.


France is fucked no matter who won.

France sealed their fate on being fucked when they turned socialist after WWII when the US put them on welfare.

The only question is how are they getting fucked. Looks like they chose to be be fucked by the Muslims. They didn't have the courage to vote for someone that ran on a platform to seal the borders and round up the filthy hate filled Muslims and send them back to Allahland.

Sovereignty is not hatred..

Only you Moon Bats wouldn't understand that concept.

The friggin Muslim need to stay in their own countries and fix their own problems and not spread their hate and terrorism around like we have seen in France the last couple of years.
Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?


Lol like they did when 9/11 happened like Trump said? Ya racists share the same lies? Lol
And Muslims in a bar? Hahahaha
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.
Listen Issa, when the attacks of Paris in November 2015 happen did you know that some muslims did celebrate in a bar the night of the attacks ? when people were kill shot down like dog.
It was see on Direct, OK the one who defend the terrorists, go way you are starting to piss me off.

"Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?"

You are beyond moronic, why you are even bothering who knows, your above comments are your most idiotic yet, did you even have any education, probably not.
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Stop putting yourself down to their level. Seriously!
He, like you are already down to that level, hence your wailing at the lost of LePussy...
Didn't I already tell you to go cry and then shut the fuck up???
No, you told me you like taking it up the kazoo by Muzzies, and I believe you. First, we must build up trust and I don't care if you're gay regardless of how disgusting I think your proclivities may be.
I didn't deny you who didn't wanna recognize the facts that Muslims fought to liberate France. I know it hurts but it's a fact that you have to admit.

Ah so there were no algerian, Moroccan, Senegalese soldiers from the colonies. My grandfather who happens to be Moroccan fought there while his country was occupied by France. Thousands of Muslims died fighting the nazis. U gonna deny that?

Oh and thousands of French people fled to Morocco, algeria and Tunisia, and guess what we didn't kick them out.

Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?


It was see on Direct, OK the one who defend the terrorists, go way you are starting to piss me off.
NO! It is the American that liberate the French on June 6 1944 in Normandie that is why i love American peoples.
Question for you : How many American soldiers died in omaha beach?
How many American soldiers died in Obama beach ?, you don't know the answer because you don't care but guess what i care. and i go to Normandie to see the cross and not you i imagine ?
Ok, you don't know...shame on you to not know about the American who donate their lives for my country.

Here :

An estimated 2,400 Americans from the 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions died in the D-Day invasion on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. The troops were pinned down by the German 352nd Infantry Division, according to, because the German fortifications were undamaged by a pre-invasion bombing that fell inland

Despite the heavy losses at Omaha Beach, 34,000 troops had been landed there by the end of D-Day, according to History Learning Site. While the total German losses on D-Day are unknown, the D-Day Museum estimates the figure to be between 4,000 and 9,000. In total, over 425,000 troops from the German and Allied forces were either killed, wounded or went missing during Battle of Normandy, according to the D-Day Museum, and between 15,000 and 20,000 French civilians were killed

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