Macy's employee fired for not letting tranny use women's fitting room

If you went to a plastic surgeon and said you wanted to have breast implants put in, but you were just a regular man, not a tranny, the doctor would refuse, and refer you to a psychologist. If he went ahead with it, he would lose his medical license. But they would jump to do it for a mentally ill tranny?

Even more enabling mental illness. What is wrong with this society we live in?

^ that's because you don't understand the difference between a regular man and a tranny. It's hormonal, not mental. It's their chemical make-up, not their mental one.

Again, keep playing expert when you're clueless. It's fun to be ignorant and rant and be disrespectful to what you don't understand because you're a small person - who is flawed. It's okay. We all have flaws.

So their high suicide rate has nothing to do with mental illness? :eusa_whistle:
No mental illness, eh? Funny, someone with this much plastic surgery would get "body dismorphic disorder" but of course since Political correctness is involved with trannies, that diagnosis wouldn't apply. Enabling mental illness. Congrats guys.

Transsexual Jason Torres has spent £200k in 12 years transforming himself into a real-life Barbie | Mail Online

^ totally unrelated phenomenon, but you of course wouldn't understand b/c ignorance is apparently your forte.

Actually the ignorant one is the one who has a penis yet thinks they are a woman, and the people enabling that person.


You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.
If they've had the sex-change operation, I agree with the firing.

If they didn't have the operation - she shouldn't have been fired.

I'm not opening the article, for lack of a better shit to give.

Who is going to conduct that feel up test?

Letting "trannies" use the women's dressing room will last until the first attacker takes advantage of the opportunity wearing a dress affords.

It's like considering child predators "children" because the guy is wearing short pants.

Imagine the liability Macys would face if some woman gets raped by someone claiming to be a tranny. This policies are insane. I mean how much business do they get from trannies vs the women their stupid policies scare off?
If you went to a plastic surgeon and said you wanted to have breast implants put in, but you were just a regular man, not a tranny, the doctor would refuse, and refer you to a psychologist. If he went ahead with it, he would lose his medical license. But they would jump to do it for a mentally ill tranny?

Even more enabling mental illness. What is wrong with this society we live in?

^ that's because you don't understand the difference between a regular man and a tranny. It's hormonal, not mental. It's their chemical make-up, not their mental one.

Again, keep playing expert when you're clueless. It's fun to be ignorant and rant and be disrespectful to what you don't understand because you're a small person - who is flawed. It's okay. We all have flaws.

So their high suicide rate has nothing to do with mental illness? :eusa_whistle:

No, their suicide rate is because people like YOU exist, make them feel ashamed of who they are and afraid to live on.

THATS how serious it is: they'd rather not live then have the millions like you who don't even make the smallest attempt to understand, but just quick jump to being critical.

Strong work.
^ totally unrelated phenomenon, but you of course wouldn't understand b/c ignorance is apparently your forte.

Actually the ignorant one is the one who has a penis yet thinks they are a woman, and the people enabling that person.


You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.

If that is true, then trannies would not have to take hormones, but they do, so you are wrong.
^ totally unrelated phenomenon, but you of course wouldn't understand b/c ignorance is apparently your forte.

Actually the ignorant one is the one who has a penis yet thinks they are a woman, and the people enabling that person.


You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.

Can you even admit they are mentally ill?

I'm curious how someone who has anxiety is mentally ill, someone with OCD, someone with mild depression are mentally ill, but if you call someone who cannot accept reality, that they are male if they have a penis, then suddenly the enables start shouting "bigotry! ignorance".

Why are you so offended by truth?

Anxiety is mentally illness, but thinking you are a female when you are a male isn't?

Give me a break. Take you political correctness AND your enabling and SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DOESN"T SHINE.
Actually the ignorant one is the one who has a penis yet thinks they are a woman, and the people enabling that person.


You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.

If that is true, then trannies would not have to take hormones, but they do, so you are wrong.

Yes, they do take hormones.

Now, time for you to go and research why.
Actually the ignorant one is the one who has a penis yet thinks they are a woman, and the people enabling that person.


You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.

Can you even admit they are mentally ill?

I'm curious how someone who has anxiety is mentally ill, someone with OCD, someone with mild depression are mentally ill, but if you call someone who cannot accept reality, that they are male if they have a penis, then suddenly the enables start shouting "bigotry! ignorance".

Why are you so offended by truth?

Anxiety is mentally illness, but thinking you are a female when you are a male isn't?

Give me a break. Take you political correctness AND your enabling and SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DOESN"T SHINE.

I'd say that you're mentally ill.
^ that's because you don't understand the difference between a regular man and a tranny. It's hormonal, not mental. It's their chemical make-up, not their mental one.

Again, keep playing expert when you're clueless. It's fun to be ignorant and rant and be disrespectful to what you don't understand because you're a small person - who is flawed. It's okay. We all have flaws.

So their high suicide rate has nothing to do with mental illness? :eusa_whistle:

No, their suicide rate is because people like YOU exist, make them feel ashamed of who they are and afraid to live on.

THATS how serious it is: they'd rather not live then have the millions like you who don't even make the smallest attempt to understand, but just quick jump to being critical.

Strong work.

Only mentally ill people are suicidal. You have to be mentally ill to be suicidal unless perhaps it were a cultural or a severe financial benefit for someone else.

Why don't nerds who get shoved into lockers kill themselves en masse like trannies do? Because they aren't mentally ill like trannies are.

Stop enabling people. You harm them more than people like me do, because you enable their illness.

Suicidal people are mentally ill. A non mentally ill person doesn't become suicidal if people are mean to them.

You described said person wrong.

It's a person with the same (exact! believe it or not!) hormonal make-up of a woman, but was born in a man's body. It's a chemical phenomena, not a mental one.

It's scientifically measurable, unlike mental illness.

Can you even admit they are mentally ill?

I'm curious how someone who has anxiety is mentally ill, someone with OCD, someone with mild depression are mentally ill, but if you call someone who cannot accept reality, that they are male if they have a penis, then suddenly the enables start shouting "bigotry! ignorance".

Why are you so offended by truth?

Anxiety is mentally illness, but thinking you are a female when you are a male isn't?

Give me a break. Take you political correctness AND your enabling and SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DOESN"T SHINE.

I'd say that you're mentally ill.

Notice how I didn't throw fits and call you a bigot?

Now why can't you admit that trannies are mentally ill? What part of FACT AND REALITY do you find so offensive?

Truth offends me. waaaaaaa!! I'm a wibby and reality is offensive !waaaa!
Can you even admit they are mentally ill?

I'm curious how someone who has anxiety is mentally ill, someone with OCD, someone with mild depression are mentally ill, but if you call someone who cannot accept reality, that they are male if they have a penis, then suddenly the enables start shouting "bigotry! ignorance".

Why are you so offended by truth?

Anxiety is mentally illness, but thinking you are a female when you are a male isn't?

Give me a break. Take you political correctness AND your enabling and SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DOESN"T SHINE.

I'd say that you're mentally ill.

Notice how I didn't throw fits and call you a bigot?

Now why can't you admit that trannies are mentally ill? What part of FACT AND REALITY do you find so offensive?

Truth offends me. waaaaaaa!! I'm a wibby and reality is offensive !waaaa!

It's not fact or reality, that is my position.

And you're the one seemingly throwing a fit over it, telling people to shove things where the sun don't shine, etc.

You care WAAAY too much.

I'd say, you have got yourself a mental illness.
What is your argument they aren't mentally ill? can you give me another example of someone wishing to take drugs and to remove healthy body parts so they can become something they weren't born as?
As long as the tranny isn't the Macy's Santa, I'm cool with him/her/it using ladies room.

And what if your daughter is in that changing room and some man comes in, demanding he use it because he says he thinks he's a woman?
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What is your argument they aren't mentally ill? can you give me another example of someone wishing to take drugs and to remove healthy body parts so they can become something they weren't born as?

^ false question.

Your question presumes the answer and has parts inside of it that are inaccurate.

That's the problem.

What they were "born as" is a man with a female's hormonal make-up. And - they wish to be one or the other because folks like YOU are out there, making their life HELL.

Didn't grasp that yet?
As long as the tranny isn't the Macy's Santa, I'm cool with him/her/it using ladies room.

And what if your daughter is in that changing room and some many comes in, demanding he use it because he thinks he's a woman?

My daughter would certainly not be caught dead shopping at Macy's and she would use this story as validation of her theory that only little old ladies, uppity white trash, and transsexuals by clothes from there.
What is your argument they aren't mentally ill? can you give me another example of someone wishing to take drugs and to remove healthy body parts so they can become something they weren't born as?

^ false question.

Your question presumes the answer and has parts inside of it that are inaccurate.

That's the problem.

What they were "born as" is a man with a female's hormonal make-up. And - they wish to be one or the other because folks like YOU are out there, making their life HELL.

Didn't grasp that yet?

If they had a female's hormonal makeup, they wouldn't be taking female hormones.

Now I wouldn't want to confuse you with reality since you PC loons are offended by reality.
what is your argument they aren't mentally ill? Can you give me another example of someone wishing to take drugs and to remove healthy body parts so they can become something they weren't born as?

^ false question.

Your question presumes the answer and has parts inside of it that are inaccurate.

That's the problem.

What they were "born as" is a man with a female's hormonal make-up. And - they wish to be one or the other because folks like you are out there, making their life hell.

Didn't grasp that yet?

if they had a female's hormonal makeup, they wouldn't be taking female hormones.

Now i wouldn't want to confuse you with reality since you pc loons are offended by reality.

^^ didnm't read up on anything yet...but is still posting on the subject.

Positions of ignorance will always be below positions of truth. The truth always wins. You're a small human being.
^ false question.

Your question presumes the answer and has parts inside of it that are inaccurate.

That's the problem.

What they were "born as" is a man with a female's hormonal make-up. And - they wish to be one or the other because folks like you are out there, making their life hell.

Didn't grasp that yet?

if they had a female's hormonal makeup, they wouldn't be taking female hormones.

Now i wouldn't want to confuse you with reality since you pc loons are offended by reality.

^^ didnm't read up on anything yet...but is still posting on the subject.

Positions of ignorance will always be below positions of truth. The truth always wins. You're a small human being.

So why do they take female hormones? If they were female they wouldn't need to be taking female hormones.

Also, the health risks of something uncecessary. Taking those hormones increases cancer and heart disease rates. But I suppose that's okay if it will help you become something you aren't in Insane liberal PC lal la land.
Your enabling harms people. How do you sleep at night?
Even if you PC libs are too offended by reality, and can't admit they are mentally ill, could you at least admit there is something wrong with them? LIke "wrong" in the sense of being born with only one kidney means there is something wrong with you.

Can you admit it?

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