Mad Grandpa! Biden Goes on Angry Rant Bashing America Again at Boston Airport--‘What the Hell Is the Matter with Us?’

Biden is 79. Trump is 76. Why is Biden 'Grandpa', when they are both grandfathers?

  1. Trump is out, lively, dynamic and vital dancing around, still banging a hot model and chasing skirts looking to party.
  2. Grampa Biden wears a colon bag under his Depends as he shuffles around looking for his teeth and slippers eating a TV dinner on a tray as he watches The View, needing Jill to guide him to the microphone without falling down so he can read his pre-written cue cards before cutting the press off to go take a nap.
Even Barry doesn't pay him no mind.

Lol no retard I come on here and bash retards like you! So retard, which one of Don the cons stories does your retarded ass believe? Was it the ANTIFA on Jan 6th?
Wow, barely 3 sentences and you use a version of "retard" 4 times, who's the damn retard.
Wow, barely 3 sentences and you use a version of "retard" 4 times, who's the damn retard.
Lol, afraid of answering a simple question there retard? Don't like being called a retard? Don't be a retard. Lol. Yep I like the word retard for you because it is the perfect description. So which one of Don the cons stories on Jan 6th do you believe retard?
Shut up, worthless troll.

Go away.
Lol, which one of Don the cons Jan 6th stories do you believe retard? Lol, getting huffy retard? Heart rate increasing? Vein in your temple starting to throb? Lol, why don't ya tell me how ya can hit a gnats eye from three football fields away with your barret? Make me shake in my boots retard! Still wanna know which of Don the cons Jan 6th stories your retarded ass believes. Inquiring minds wanna know.
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Only if it's live on Facebook.
Lol, typical retard response. Hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣 😸 😂 😃. Get proven to be a retard and threaten violence. Weak frigging brain. Maybe try coming up with a logical argument to support Don the cons stories on Jan 6th. Lol, of course hard to defend such retarded stories isn't it. Oh well .
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It's all very scary....these are dangerous times for America....Biden and his diabolic handlers....Barack Ovomit among those....

But that's what happens when you steal an Election. Karma gets you......all of you scum. Karma get you one way or another.

View attachment 695456

The current President was elected. Why in the hell would democrats steal a presidential election but end up with a 50/50 senate and a small majority in the house? If democrats were so corrupt as to steal elections they would have ensured massive majorities in both houses.

So your little picture is a crock of crap. Trump got his ass whipped because the prick was a lousy incomptent loser who was given the presidency by electoral college, not the people,and then his incompetence cost at least 500,000 lives directly.

But you're stupid, so you actually believe the bs lie trump tells you.
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A vote for Democrats is a vote for China. Democrats covered for China's Covid attack on the world. Democrats leave the border wide open because that's what China wants. Democrats push Solar and EVs because that is what China wants. Democrats are squashing the US fossil fuel industry because that's what China wants. But by all means keep us abreast of the latest funny Trump tweets. That's really important.
Lol, typical retard response. Hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣 😸 😂 😃. Get proven to be a retard and threaten violence. Weak frigging brain. Maybe try coming up with a logical argument to support Don the cons stories on Jan 6th. Lol, of course hard to defend such retarded stories isn't it. Oh well .
Joe is a pedophile.

"See other thread".
He is dividing americans and giving encouragement for leftists to attack conservatives especially trump supporters. LIsten to this. This is Gestapo Tactics from NAZI Germany.

If you are attacked by a leftist. Make sure there is but one story, and say NOTHING to the police!
Joe is a pedophile.

"See other thread".
Lol, now you are a retard with turrets. Pedo, lap top, giant Jewish space lasers, vampire pedo lizard people. What a retard. Lol, yall sure spout that mouth of lies ad itself crap. Never any proof. Lol, what a retard. Stil waiting to know which one of Don the cons ever changing story your retarded ass believes.
Lol, no it's not. It's good to bash retards. Hopefully they learn not to be retards. I mean these retards watch on national TV Don the con and the rest of his stooges rile up a crowd, send them to the Capitol after Pence, attack cops etc, etc. Then These retards say it was ANTIFA. Then they say it was the fbi, then they say they are political prisoners. Then Don the con says he is going to pardon the all. So Don the con is going to pardon anifa? Don the con going to pardon the fbi? Lol this retarded story changes with the wind! I mean this shit is hilarious! Not only ate F in liars but hey are seriously bad at it. The shit don't make any damn sense what so ever. The story changes with the wind. The stories contradict each other and these retards at least claims to believe the shit. Hilarious what a bunch of retards. Lol, they deserve all the bashing they get. What a bunch of retards.
How to win friends and influence people. LOLOL^^^^^
Lol, now you are a retard with turrets. Pedo, lap top, giant Jewish space lasers, vampire pedo lizard people. What a retard. Lol, yall sure spout that mouth of lies ad itself crap. Never any proof. Lol, what a retard. Stil waiting to know which one of Don the cons ever changing story your retarded ass believes. this^^ is what i mean. Always these accusations but never the evidence. It's not the Trump remarks is the FIB/DoiJ, and you can't/won't see it. God says, Peoples' eyes will be shut to the truth by the god of this world. With all the satanic and abominations put in positions of power of the American people, we see who the god of this world is.
Proverbs 29:4 ESV /
By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down.

God's word is an relevant today as it was in the day he inspired his prophets to write it down.

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