Mad Grandpa! Biden Goes on Angry Rant Bashing America Again at Boston Airport--‘What the Hell Is the Matter with Us?’

Lol. Not bashing America bashing retards like you!
Bashing half the population of Voters is bashing America. American presidents do not hurt the country...except democrats do. American presidents do not divide the country...but democrats do. The first step is to conquer...for their own purposes. You won't escape it either.

Not enough they stole the damn election, they have to utterly destroy the country.

and the evil veep Kamala calls the right domestic terrorists. Oh we know who the terrorists are Kalamata...and it ain't the right.
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Bashing half the population of Voters is bashing America.
Lol, no it's not. It's good to bash retards. Hopefully they learn not to be retards. I mean these retards watch on national TV Don the con and the rest of his stooges rile up a crowd, send them to the Capitol after Pence, attack cops etc, etc. Then These retards say it was ANTIFA. Then they say it was the fbi, then they say they are political prisoners. Then Don the con says he is going to pardon the all. So Don the con is going to pardon anifa? Don the con going to pardon the fbi? Lol this retarded story changes with the wind! I mean this shit is hilarious! Not only ate F in liars but hey are seriously bad at it. The shit don't make any damn sense what so ever. The story changes with the wind. The stories contradict each other and these retards at least claims to believe the shit. Hilarious what a bunch of retards. Lol, they deserve all the bashing they get. What a bunch of retards.
So why is he sending billions to Ukraine?
How much is welfare costing?
Who is the Transportation secretary?
So why is he sending billions to Ukraine?
How much is welfare costing?
Who is the Transportation secretary?
Joe doesn't know any of that. He just regurgitates what his Marxist handlers (Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, etc.) tell him to regurgitate. He gets ice cream for doing a 'good job.'
Lots more hate coming from republicans. They've always been that way but it's hate on steroids since Trump. Hoping things get back to normal once Trump's locked up or at least put on a leash. Maybe send him to Russia?
Fine. Then you're a low life shit for brains retarded little scumbag. Happy now?

Fucking moron
Those assholes always make fun of the mentally handicapped using the 'tard' reference for 'retard.' My son is mentally challenged. These assholes using 'retard' are reprehensible to me.
Lots more hate coming from republicans. They've always been that way but it's hate on steroids since Trump. Hoping things get back to normal once Trump's locked up or at least put on a leash. Maybe send him to Russia?
Bullshit. Republicans are not trying to falsely indict Biden supporters.
He's completely lost it.
Joe has never had it. He's been a BUM all his life sponging off taxpayers.

He's turned into a raving unhinged lunatic. A madman to be exact.
Joe is just letting his Full Biden show to the world.

Joe asked of airports why none of ours rank in the top 25? What the hell is wrong with us? The answer is SIMPLE, Joe!

YOU and people LIKE YOU are what happened to the airports, you A-HOLE. And the Infrastructure, highways, bridges, hospitals, cities and so forth. That is what happens when thieving robbers like YOU get in office and send 100 billion to Ukraine, 500 billion to pet leftwing green companies to invest in flying taxi cars, and a trillion dollars to buy off kids votes with student loans!

Airports and cities and roads and bridges don't get fixed, repaired, maintained, replaced or even built.

Because of assholes like Y O U :1peleas:

So why is he sending billions to Ukraine?
How much is welfare costing?
Who is the Transportation secretary?

Because Biden and his communist/ globlalists handlers, don't give a shit or two about America or Americans!

They wouldn't care less.

At the moment , it's all money for got to laundry these money right?

In the future there will be other countries to laundry money.

These creatures are evil, never forget that!
Joe has never had it. He's been a BUM all his life sponging off taxpayers.

Joe is just letting his Full Biden show to the world.

Joe asked of airports why none of ours rank in the top 25? What the hell is wrong with us? The answer is SIMPLE, Joe!

YOU and people LIKE YOU are what happened to the airports, you A-HOLE. And the Infrastructure, highways, bridges, hospitals, cities and so forth. That is what happens when thieving robbers like YOU get in office and send 100 billion to Ukraine, 500 billion to pet leftwing green companies to invest in flying taxi cars, and a trillion dollars to buy off kids votes with student loans!

Airports and cities and roads and bridges don't get fixed, repaired, maintained, replaced or even built.

Because of assholes like Y O U :1peleas:

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Joe is a criminal who needs to be punished, IMO.
He's gotta go kackling whore kamala isn't much better. Imagine people who voted for him post here. May God have mercy on them.
Lol, no it's not. It's good to bash retards. Hopefully they learn not to be retards. I mean these retards watch on national TV Don the con and the rest of his stooges rile up a crowd, send them to the Capitol after Pence, attack cops etc, etc. Then These retards say it was ANTIFA. Then they say it was the fbi, then they say they are political prisoners. Then Don the con says he is going to pardon the all. So Don the con is going to pardon anifa? Don the con going to pardon the fbi? Lol this retarded story changes with the wind! I mean this shit is hilarious! Not only ate F in liars but hey are seriously bad at it. The shit don't make any damn sense what so ever. The story changes with the wind. The stories contradict each other and these retards at least claims to believe the shit. Hilarious what a bunch of retards. Lol, they deserve all the bashing they get. What a bunch of retards.
Yep, it's loads of fun, you must stand in front of the mirror and practice on yourself...shit fer brains.
Yep, it's loads of fun, you must stand in front of the mirror and practice on yourself...shit fer brains.
Lol no retard I come on here and bash retards like you! So retard, which one of Don the cons stories does your retarded ass believe? Was it the ANTIFA on Jan 6th?

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