Mad Men

Mad Men Theme . . . . with a twist . . .

Mad Men Theme Song ... With a Twist - YouTube

I need an Old Fashioned.

I'm surprised how many bartenders know exactly what I'm talking about, and also that the drink is actually pretty good.
All right, gang - new season getting started, two episodes in. Time to start analyzing, praising, criticizing and generally kibitizing. I'll lead off:

So - Don's banging the doc's wife, I see. Got to admit, that one snuck up on me. Here everything's going along fine and then, all of a sudden, Don is walking down this strange, dark hallway, a female grabs him by the hand and leads him somewhere and - viola! - there he is in bed with the doc's wife.

How in the hell did that get started? Shouldn't there have been some kind of lead-in? You know - glances exchanged over cocktails while both spouses are also present, a sly remark made in passing, SOME kind of hint to let us know what was coming?

Or did I miss it? Talk to me, Madmen people!
You show remarkable insight into the nuances of this show. I am impressed.

As an aside - speaking of Hamm as Bond, I'm sure you are aware that Hamm made a brief appearance in some chick flick ("Bridesmaids") where he played an absolute male bimbo; just a total idiot. It was so completely out of character for him, it not only fell flat for me, I actually found it repulsive. (Not that I watch chick flicks, of course . . . ahem . . . )

Jon Hamm is very funny, irl. He's been on 30 Rock and SNL several times. He's nothing like Don Draper.
I was wondering where they were going with the 2 hour premiere, I have to say they did it nicely, they framed the season to come.

I already like this better than last season, in that the last closing scene with Don in bed with the Doctors wife got us right back down to it, Dons war with himself and the better angels of his nature......hes a cad struggling with himself, a guy who cannot or refuses to remain happy as he recognizes no limits to his behavior.
All right, gang - new season getting started, two episodes in. Time to start analyzing, praising, criticizing and generally kibitizing. I'll lead off:

So - Don's banging the doc's wife, I see. Got to admit, that one snuck up on me. Here everything's going along fine and then, all of a sudden, Don is walking down this strange, dark hallway, a female grabs him by the hand and leads him somewhere and - viola! - there he is in bed with the doc's wife.

How in the hell did that get started? Shouldn't there have been some kind of lead-in? You know - glances exchanged over cocktails while both spouses are also present, a sly remark made in passing, SOME kind of hint to let us know what was coming?

Or did I miss it? Talk to me, Madmen people!

Did you think the first episode in this season was weird? The entire episode I was kind of waiting for it to start and felt that most of the scenes were all individual and disjointed, rather than part of a whole (if that makes sense). And who the heck was sleeping on the couch at SCDP? Who is the violin playing kid and why does Betty care enough about her to go chasing after her? And since when does Betty let Sally call her Betty, rather than mom? Is this the same Betty who locked Sally in the closet for smoking??

I hate that the show is leaving the 60's and entering the70's, fashion/style wise. Blech. It was ugly then and it's still ugly.
All right, gang - new season getting started, two episodes in. Time to start analyzing, praising, criticizing and generally kibitizing. I'll lead off:

So - Don's banging the doc's wife, I see. Got to admit, that one snuck up on me. Here everything's going along fine and then, all of a sudden, Don is walking down this strange, dark hallway, a female grabs him by the hand and leads him somewhere and - viola! - there he is in bed with the doc's wife.

How in the hell did that get started? Shouldn't there have been some kind of lead-in? You know - glances exchanged over cocktails while both spouses are also present, a sly remark made in passing, SOME kind of hint to let us know what was coming?

Or did I miss it? Talk to me, Madmen people!

Did you think the first episode in this season was weird? The entire episode I was kind of waiting for it to start and felt that most of the scenes were all individual and disjointed, rather than part of a whole (if that makes sense). And who the heck was sleeping on the couch at SCDP? Who is the violin playing kid and why does Betty care enough about her to go chasing after her? And since when does Betty let Sally call her Betty, rather than mom? Is this the same Betty who locked Sally in the closet for smoking??

I hate that the show is leaving the 60's and entering the70's, fashion/style wise. Blech. It was ugly then and it's still ugly.

C my post ;)
All right, gang - new season getting started, two episodes in. Time to start analyzing, praising, criticizing and generally kibitizing. I'll lead off:

So - Don's banging the doc's wife, I see. Got to admit, that one snuck up on me. Here everything's going along fine and then, all of a sudden, Don is walking down this strange, dark hallway, a female grabs him by the hand and leads him somewhere and - viola! - there he is in bed with the doc's wife.

How in the hell did that get started? Shouldn't there have been some kind of lead-in? You know - glances exchanged over cocktails while both spouses are also present, a sly remark made in passing, SOME kind of hint to let us know what was coming?

Or did I miss it? Talk to me, Madmen people!

Okay, George, I'll talk you. :)

I'm done with Don Draper and Mad Men. The first double ep. and the second one, left me with negative feelings for many reasons. I watched the first five seasons TWICE and really looked forward to the same consistency but alas, it hasn't happened for me. None of the veteran characters even looked as they did months ago and the new characters looked boring. They should have wrapped this show after the 5th season, in my opinion.

I have picked up on two others to replace Mad Men.

ARROW is something I am enjoying very much and so is The Americans. Happy trails Don. I will not miss you but will miss Roger....

The Americans:

[ame=]The Americans S01 Sneak Peek [Official] - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]CW - Arrow - Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

And of course if one can find when Revenge is on, I will still watch that. :lol:
All right, gang - new season getting started, two episodes in. Time to start analyzing, praising, criticizing and generally kibitizing. I'll lead off:

So - Don's banging the doc's wife, I see. Got to admit, that one snuck up on me. Here everything's going along fine and then, all of a sudden, Don is walking down this strange, dark hallway, a female grabs him by the hand and leads him somewhere and - viola! - there he is in bed with the doc's wife.

How in the hell did that get started? Shouldn't there have been some kind of lead-in? You know - glances exchanged over cocktails while both spouses are also present, a sly remark made in passing, SOME kind of hint to let us know what was coming?

Or did I miss it? Talk to me, Madmen people!

Okay, George, I'll talk you. :)

I'm done with Don Draper and Mad Men. The first double ep. and the second one, left me with negative feelings for many reasons. I watched the first five seasons TWICE and really looked forward to the same consistency but alas, it hasn't happened for me. None of the veteran characters even looked as they did months ago and the new characters looked boring. They should have wrapped this show after the 5th season, in my opinion.

I have picked up on two others to replace Mad Men.

ARROW is something I am enjoying very much and so is The Americans. Happy trails Don. I will not miss you but will miss Roger....

And of course if one can find when Revenge is on, I will still watch that. :lol:

I'm astonished that anyone could watch 5 seasons TWICE.

Could it be......Burnout? Maybe?

I don't know. I watched the season opener, and was pissed off that I couldn't program to record more episodes in advance. Now I'm not even sure I recorded the second episode of this season, AND worse, I'm not sure I care.

I agree that the opener seemed to have been written by everyone and anyone that wanted credits to role with their name. Why would Don vomit at Roger's Mom's funeral? Who is the guy that is stalking him? And like someone mentioned What's up with Betty accusing her husband of wanting to screw around with his niece(?). I found it SHOCKING that Betty would talk about this: totally out of character.

Perhaps the disjointed plot is supposed to characterise the societal movement from the 60's into the 70's....A time of chaos, generally and particularly...the stage is set:

Anything Goes.
What's up with Betty accusing her husband of wanting to screw around with his niece(?). I found it SHOCKING that Betty would talk about this: totally out of character.

That's the one that stuck out for me. TOTALLY out of character for Betty. To boot, we had seen no indication whatsoever that Betty's hubby was lusting after the niece. And, in passing, the niece isn't that good looking anyway, not that this would be relevant to a child molestor, which I don't think Betty's husband is.

I agree with all who have commented negatively on the season opener. Disjointed describes it quite well. But I, for one, am most certainly not giving up on Madmen. I suspect, as you, that much will be tied up in future episodes.

I thought Don's line about "wanting to stop doing this" was a good one, although I'm not sure that I even want Don to have a conscience. So far, he's done just fine for me without one.
Violin girl is Henry's niece? Are you sure? I thought she was a neighbor/friend of Sally's. Ewww, Betty was telling him to go rape her. wtf?
Violin girl is Henry's niece? Are you sure? I thought she was a neighbor/friend of Sally's. Ewww, Betty was telling him to go rape her. wtf?

I'm not sure.

But I am sure Betty volunteered to hold down violin girl's arms while her husband raped the girl.


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What's up with Betty accusing her husband of wanting to screw around with his niece(?). I found it SHOCKING that Betty would talk about this: totally out of character.

That's the one that stuck out for me. TOTALLY out of character for Betty. To boot, we had seen no indication whatsoever that Betty's hubby was lusting after the niece. And, in passing, the niece isn't that good looking anyway, not that this would be relevant to a child molestor, which I don't think Betty's husband is.

I agree with all who have commented negatively on the season opener. Disjointed describes it quite well. But I, for one, am most certainly not giving up on Madmen. I suspect, as you, that much will be tied up in future episodes.

I thought Don's line about "wanting to stop doing this" was a good one, although I'm not sure that I even want Don to have a conscience. So far, he's done just fine for me without one.

In the next episode we see why Don is a little over-sexed.

After his father commits suicide, he and his adoptive mother move into a bordello where he watches as his pregnant adoptive mother is forced to have sex with the pimp. As we recall that Don's biological mother was a prostitute his father knocked up, the scene is darkly ironic.

Thus, Don learns a lot about women during his formative adolescence.....
What's up with Betty accusing her husband of wanting to screw around with his niece(?). I found it SHOCKING that Betty would talk about this: totally out of character.

That's the one that stuck out for me. TOTALLY out of character for Betty. To boot, we had seen no indication whatsoever that Betty's hubby was lusting after the niece. And, in passing, the niece isn't that good looking anyway, not that this would be relevant to a child molestor, which I don't think Betty's husband is.

I agree with all who have commented negatively on the season opener. Disjointed describes it quite well. But I, for one, am most certainly not giving up on Madmen. I suspect, as you, that much will be tied up in future episodes.

I thought Don's line about "wanting to stop doing this" was a good one, although I'm not sure that I even want Don to have a conscience. So far, he's done just fine for me without one.

In the next episode we see why Don is a little over-sexed.

After his father commits suicide, he and his adoptive mother move into a bordello where he watches as his pregnant adoptive mother is forced to have sex with the pimp. As we recall that Don's biological mother was a prostitute his father knocked up, the scene is darkly ironic.

Thus, Don learns a lot about women during his formative adolescence.....

Thanks. Hate to admit this, but I didn't have the slightest idea as to what that was all about. I don't do flashbacks very well. I was wondering - why are they just tossing this seemingly unrelated stuff in here with whore houses, strange looking people, etc.?
Several days ago, Christina Hendricks (Joan) was the guest on "The Daily Show." One of the points she made was to emphasize how "Mad Men" is a lot about consequences - the consequences of smoking, drinking, lusting, etc. We get to see how these various activities affect the various people involved in the plot, i.e., consquences.

She also commented on how the way women are treated today isn't really all that much better than back in the 1960's. Not sure I agree with that one - I know a doctor who got sued because he addressed a group of women in his office as "gals." Seems to me women are doing just fine in the War of the Sexes these days. But that's another issue . . .
Several days ago, Christina Hendricks (Joan) was the guest on "The Daily Show." One of the points she made was to emphasize how "Mad Men" is a lot about consequences - the consequences of smoking, drinking, lusting, etc. We get to see how these various activities affect the various people involved in the plot, i.e., consquences.

She also commented on how the way women are treated today isn't really all that much better than back in the 1960's. Not sure I agree with that one - I know a doctor who got sued because he addressed a group of women in his office as "gals." Seems to me women are doing just fine in the War of the Sexes these days. But that's another issue . . .

For real? What a bunch of whiners. People really need to grow a thicker skin.

This is one of the things I like the most about MM - the way they constantly show how different the social mores were back in the 50's and early 60's. Everyone smokes up a storm. This plastic bag scene is CLASSIC. Did you catch the scene where the Draper family goes on a picnic in a lovely park and, when it's over, they just leave their trash lying there on the grass? They drink more booze than water. Women are treated as second class citizens except when it comes to sex.

Boy, how times have changed . . . .
I've noticed that Mad Men is popular mainly with older people while younger viewers dismiss it as an irrelevant soap opera, which supports your observation. I enjoy it because of those familiar evocations; the smoking, booze, the clothes, social attitudes, etc.

I suspect that is because we REMEMBER that period and marvel at how well this show has modeled itself AND THE BEHAVIOR OF THE CHARACTERS, with that time gone by.

More typically when a period piece is done, the characters live in that period, but their POVs are modern.

In this case, the people THINK like WE THOUGHT and act out their values in the way WE REMEMBER ourselves acting out.

Being able to replicate not only the fashions of the time, but the Zietgeist of the time?

That is rather impressive.

And then too, there's the fact that the plot actually makes sense, the characters are three dimensional..that too makes MM one of the best thing ever done on TV.
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Any good series (and there are a lot of them these days) always leaves you wondering what's going to happen in the next episode. You can't wait for a week (or whatever) to go by, so more can be revealed. I remember feeling that way with The Sopranos. I very much feel that way with Mad Men.

Good observation there, Edit, about younger folks not really being able to identify with Mad Men. I agree.

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