Madam Pelosi Blames Bush for Obama Administratin Vet Scandal!

Can you believe this?

Nancy Pelosi blames George W. Bush for Veterans Affairs scandal |
I can believe it. This is the same Nancy Pelosi who said "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" in regards to the Affordable Care Act (obamacare). Her credibility took a hit back then, and this will only make it worse.

Yea like every republican read every word in every bill they passed under bush.
Can you believe this?

Nancy Pelosi blames George W. Bush for Veterans Affairs scandal |
I can believe it. This is the same Nancy Pelosi who said "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" in regards to the Affordable Care Act (obamacare). Her credibility took a hit back then, and this will only make it worse.

Yea like every republican read every word in every bill they passed under bush.
Alot of conjecture in that post of yours, there.
How many bills have been passed affecting the way people buy their healthcare? This wasn't just any bill and people had a right to know how they would be affected before it came to a vote so they could voice their opinion to those representing them in Congressl How she could be re-elected after making that statement just shows the nanny state of her district. They can't think for themselves.
Is anyone really surprised? Much easier to blame Bush than fix the problem Obama promised to fix in 08.
She sounds like a lot of her base on this board

they've blamed everyone they can come up with, BUT Obama
How about this Princess Nancy....
STFU about Bush this and Bush that....
Your Guy is in the WH and has been for years now.
Stop pointing fingers and then walking off the stage to have dinner and drinks at the country club.

Work on keeping your yap closed unless you are going to go to work to fix the many problems.

I keep hearing over and over....

The VA has been a problem for decades....
and nothing gets done to fix it.

Enough with the talking.
There's plenty of money being spent on benefits.

Oh and another thing about money..

I heard a report last night about people that work in the VA and the IRS..
This story was about the back taxes these folks owe...

You Libs want more money spent.
Go after these fuckers who don't pay their taxes.
Walter Reed fiasco happened under Bush. Then when Obama got into office, the GOP insisted on cutting funding for EVERYTHING. Remember they shut down the government? Refused to increase the debt limits? Forced the grand bargain? We are broke because Bush gave the rich huge tax breaks and the gop today refuse to raise their taxes back to the clinton levels, back when we had a surplus.

You must be working for Queen Pelosi
Bush, tax cuts, blah blah blah
Obama and his comrades have been in office FOR SIX YEARS already
Bush had seven years to prepare the VA for the certainty of a massive increase in demand for services,

a demand that Bush himself created with the disastrous blunder of Iraq.

Put the blame where it belongs.
Veterans only count when Americans wear their patriotism on their sleeves, or pretend they too are patriots. Look at all the draft dodgers who criticize Obama? Cheney, Bush Jr, Limbaugh, the neocons of the right, most of Fox media talking heads. What a joke and how easy it is to be an armchair patriot.

Jon Stewart did the best piece on American hypocrisy when it comes to veterans, and below is an example of republicans doing what they do and not what they say they do.

May 22, 2014 - Drew Barrymore - The Daily Show - Full Episode | Comedy Central

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point of their life, signed a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of 'up to and including my life. " anon

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People need to put their money where their mouth is...or shut the heck the Vets that Americans care for them....not left wingers or right wingers.... but We, The People.....
Democrats don't want to fix the problems at the VA...
If they did there would be one less thing to blame on Bush...and the Republicans.

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