Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”
OMG, give it a rest. How long are you gonna beat that damn drum?
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I thought Fascism was resisting and trying to arrest your opposition party, abuse power to cheat elections and circumvent laws to spy and set up your opposition, calling for your oppositions death, controlling media and using propaganda including blaming opposition for everything you are doing to displace acts, fascists attack and try to arrest anyone associated with sucess of an opposition leader to sway anyone from taking part of that anti coruption gov't.
Fascists always are demonizing opponents, causing tensions conflicts snd division then blaming your opponent for your use of races as a tool and pandering and to refusing to accept the public's rights and vote? Fact: it was the Dems who rioted, paid rioted, they try soft coup treasonous acts when regular coups are not an option and they refuse free speach equating them (Dems) to mirror the brown shirts. Even the financiers and puppet masters of the DNC are known fascists.
By the way, does Madeline Albright still think her mayonaise jar is her denture container?
Okay, Albright was the sick fuck who giggled about killing millions of savages in the middle east after she discovered she was part Jew? Jesus, how do pieces of shit like Albright ever make it to the federal level of government. WTF is going on?
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”

A small number of Republicans in Congress have said if Lying Donald crosses certain lines he ensures his impeachment. That is the only question, will enough Republicans have a spine when the moment arrives or will they hem and haw and let the pos get away with more. They know once there is a Democrat Congress Trump's term is officially over as he won't be able to grab his daughter's ass without and investigation, but will they do anything between now and then if they have to. That has been the question since day one of orange turd's time began. I'm betting Trump will not be able to resist attempting to fire Mueller soon.

Lindsay Graham and the rest let us see if you are still Americans or just members of the Republican Politburo.
Actually it's the Democrats who have all of the fascist tendencies
Dems want one party rule.
Dems are censoring information.
Dems are against Freedom of Speech.
Dems are against a Free Press.
Dems are against Freedom of Religion.
Dems are against the Right to Bear Arms.
Dems rig their own primary elections.
Dems use Voter Fraud to subvert our democracy.
Dems are the masters of dirty politics.
Obama’s abuse of power with the IRS, NSA, DOJ and FBI was fascist and an attack on our democracy.
Buuuuut most of all the Democrats are fanatical assholes just like the Nazis.
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A far left quack on far left outlets is accusing trump of fascism for money.

let the irony sink in
Actually it's the Democrats who have all of the fascist tendencies
Dems want one party rule.
Dems are censoring information.
Dems are against Freedom of Speech.
Dems are against a Free Press.
Dems are against Freedom of Religion.
Dems are against the Right to Bear Arms.
Dems rig their own primary elections.
Dems use Voter Fraud to subvert our democracy.
Dems are the masters of dirty politics.
Obama’s abuse of power with the IRS, NSA, DOJ and FBI was fascist and an attack on our democracy.
Buuuuut most of all the Democrats are fanatical assholes just like the Nazis.
so are many republicans with many of these....
many republicans want 1 party rule
are against Freedom of Speech and Press if they dont like it
are against Freedom of Religion if it aint Christianity
are the masters of dirty are republicans...
are fanatical assholes just like the is the far right...
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”
Funny she didn't say anything when Obama sic'd the IRS on conservatives, or he and his justice dept. and Hillary conspired with the FBI and CIA to spy on private American citizens and members of the opposing party?
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”
Funny she didn't say anything when Obama sic'd the IRS on conservatives, or he and his justice dept. and Hillary conspired with the FBI and CIA to spy on private American citizens and members of the opposing party?

Quite possibly the ugliest woman alive....inside and out
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”

Trump is Hitler! We have to disarm!!

You should not be allowed to vote, this is what the Founders feared
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”
The failure of fascism has been a toll on them for decades. No longer can you celebrate the path to totalitarianism with reading the manifest and profound thoughts of the main man. Today as we move forward we must remember the past and try to be happy in our knowledge that Trump will find a way to take us all home. It must happen. God bless you.
I thought Fascism was resisting and trying to arrest your opposition party, abuse power to cheat elections and circumvent laws to spy and set up your opposition, calling for your oppositions death, controlling media and using propaganda including blaming opposition for everything you are doing to displace acts, fascists attack and try to arrest anyone associated with sucess of an opposition leader to sway anyone from taking part of that anti coruption gov't.
Fascists always are demonizing opponents, causing tensions conflicts snd division then blaming your opponent for your use of races as a tool and pandering and to refusing to accept the public's rights and vote? Fact: it was the Dems who rioted, paid rioted, they try soft coup treasonous acts when regular coups are not an option and they refuse free speach equating them (Dems) to mirror the brown shirts. Even the financiers and puppet masters of the DNC are known fascists.
By the way, does Madeline Albright still think her mayonaise jar is her denture container?

^ this.

Using the FBI as your personal Gestapo is textbook Fascism. How we're still not at Torches and Pitchforks is anyone's guess
Thank you, Ms Albright.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

Dictators point to “Trump’s own words to justify their repressive actions,” the former secretary of state writes.

“Fascism — and the tendencies that lead toward fascism — pose a more serious threat now than at any time since the end of World War II,” Albright writes in the op-ed, titled “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?” She decries mounting nativist and extreme right-wing movements around the globe, along with the growing threat of despotism. A key enabler, she argues, is America’s unleashed president.

Trump has “attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and ... equated mere policy disagreements with treason,” she writes. “He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are ... calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions.”

as continuously noted by the extreme left wing.

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