Madison Cawthorn Blasts 'Soft Metrosexual' Men: 'Will You Reclaim Your Masculinity?'

you come off like a very gay person......a non-gay guy might like to wrestle but he would never say "i like the muscular ones the best" do realize that many non muscular guys can be pretty strong too.....there is a reason you like the muscular ones the best.....BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING GAY!!.....
Hmmmmm...the GAYDAR is strong in this one. :eusa_think:
Madison is an idiot.

Somehow many macho idiots think that the measure of a man is physical strength, aggressiveness and dominance- traits that are well found in dumb animals. Yet they belittle intelligence, compassion and altruism - traits that are found primarily in humans and are rarely found in dumb animals.

The human race has mostly evolved from the dominance of macho idiots. Yet we're in a constant battle between a society dominated by the intelligent, responsible people vs. the animalistic aggressive self-centered people. When the 'machos' become dominate the society degenerates economically and culturally. It turns nationalistic and militarily aggressive - often starting wars that they lose. When the intelligent people dominate, society advances economically, cultural and peacefully.

Since the dawn of the age of reason, intelligence has mostly been winning, but the macho idiots keep fighting back. The United States was founded by highly intelligent philosophers that considered much more than their personal dominance, and has continued the tradition of rule by the intelligent.

Unfortunately, the MAGGOTS (i.e MAGA Idiots) are trying desperately to reverse that.
It is "equity" that is making us more primal. It was finally given a name, but it has been going on for decades and the tax percentages have been going up to compensate for lost competitive ways against other nations.
well whatever i am, it's better than being a hateful asshole like YOU
Let's make one thing perfectly clear.

Oiling up your naked body and pinning down another man after a sweaty wresting match to demonstrate your masculine dominance is as far from gay as any manly heterosexual man can get.

Like that. That was totally not gay at all.

This macho man ran like a scalded dog.

i agree with my bro Madison. like, i like to wrestle muscular dudes for fun to see who's stronger, yet i'm tarred with the accusation that i'm gay because i like to wrestle folks. just because others are effeminate and gay, doesn't mean I am

Men's testosterone levels declined in last 20 years​

thats not what happened was it bro?....did you get some muscular guy to help you move that goalpost?.....
Muhammad Ali is gay! Hulk Hogan is gay! Wayne Gretzky is gay! Michael Jordan is gay! everyone who plays sports is gay! except me, "Harry Dresden"
Muhammad Ali is gay! Hulk Hogan is gay! Wayne Gretzky is gay! Michael Jordan is gay! everyone who plays sports is gay! except me, "Harry Dresden"
can you prove i said everyone who plays sports and is competitive is gay?......or was i talking about you?....lets see how honest you are....

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