Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind U.S.’s Venezuela crusade

... Ths is what happens when two murderous dictators screw it all up, chavez, maduro, and try to nationalize the oil industry. .
Don't forget trading in real gold instead of our fiat petro-paper.
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View attachment 244326


Venezuela should be wealthy and prosperous but instead it’s run by a dictator who hogs all the wealth and distributes it to corrupt military leaders and allows Drug Kingpins to run his country.

Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

Chavez and Maduro have fucked Venezuela up so much, the nation with the largest oil reserves on the planet, can barely export 1 million barrels of low quality oil a day.

When were oil prices the highest? Let me see, let me see...……….oh yes, the 90s!

And what happened to their GDP? Why it tanked to less than a 3rd of what it was prior to that.


Because government has no idea how to run much of ANYTHING! And ANYTHING a SOCIALIST government does get, it takes their cut off the top before any redistribution.

Lets look at our prominent socialists in this country to see how their genius could possibly go wrong, shall we!

Bernie-----------------> Unless when he was very young, he has NEVER held a job outside of government; which might explain why he believes that government is the solution to everything. We would want this person to dictate how an oil business was run? How healthcare is distributed? How much wealth your household can afford to give to him so as he can make everybody in this country's life easier?

AOC------------------> Yes, the charming and delightful Alexandria Cortez. Purported to be the very best BARTENDER in her congressional district. She has had endless conversations with patrons as they fell off their barstools about FREE BOOZE for all, and everyone cheered. Why, Americans across this country are clamoring to give her control of healthcare, their economics, and of course their schools. There is absolutely no doubt of this young womans genius, by just looking at her exalted success in life before her constituents voted her into office. Just think, JOBS FOR EVERYONE according to her. I suppose we should all get prepared for the future by taking a mixology course! In this brilliant way, we to could solve the problems of the world why drinking Jack Daniels!

Angelo----------------> A keyboard warrior of the highest repute. Able to feed untold thousands with the cost of a single barrel of oil, if only the evil United States would stay out of the way. Never mind that he and his ilk have absolutely no idea how to extract the oil from the earth, that is a minor problem. It is all about the IDEAS, and not the outcome because he only means well.

Just remember if people like these manage to get in power and you end up hungry, you can have a large bowl of "good ideas," with a side dish of "great intentions" to tide you and your family over. And to wash it down? Why AOC will show you how to create moonshine of course-) She is a genius ya know-)
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

If you think the US is after the oil, gold, gas diamonds ets... then you are a special kind of stupid.

I remember the left saying the reason we invaded Iraq was for the oil. How much oil did we get out of it? Not even a pint!!
The international oil leases were for 99 years..

International oil leases are for oil companies , not countries.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

If you think the US is after the oil, gold, gas diamonds ets... then you are a special kind of stupid.

I remember the left saying the reason we invaded Iraq was for the oil. How much oil did we get out of it? Not even a pint!!
The international oil leases were for 99 years..

International oil leases are for oil companies , not countries.
Yes but without the military there there would have been no leases for them.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

If you think the US is after the oil, gold, gas diamonds ets... then you are a special kind of stupid.

I remember the left saying the reason we invaded Iraq was for the oil. How much oil did we get out of it? Not even a pint!!
The international oil leases were for 99 years..

International oil leases are for oil companies , not countries.
Yes but without the military there there would have been no leases for them.

Bullshit. Oil companies have leases all over the world without military having to be there.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade
better solutions at lower cost is what should be discussed at any board meeting.
danny you find ellis island yet?....
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the whole and entire Right Wing.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

What does this have to do with the fact Venezuela farms and companies, have stopped producing food, because the government controlled economy has been destroyed?

What sanctions do you think, somehow caused farmers to close their farms, and move to Columbia?
What does this have to do with the fact Venezuela farms and companies, have stopped producing food, because the government controlled economy has been destroyed?

What sanctions do you think, somehow caused farmers to close their farms, and move to Columbia?
It's Colombia, and who is the US to interfere at all ? You can't justify the sanctions we placed on them.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

What does this have to do with the fact Venezuela farms and companies, have stopped producing food, because the government controlled economy has been destroyed?

What sanctions do you think, somehow caused farmers to close their farms, and move to Columbia?
Socializing costs is what socialism is Good for. State Capitalism can make things happen in a fine and wonderful and Capital manner.

Corps of engineers could be deployed to rebuild any given "colonia", agricultural or urban.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade
better solutions at lower cost is what should be discussed at any board meeting.
danny you find ellis island yet?....
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the whole and entire Right Wing.
yea whatever danny, let me know when you find ellis island,i hear its somewhere in Arizona so keep looking...
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade
better solutions at lower cost is what should be discussed at any board meeting.
danny you find ellis island yet?....
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the whole and entire Right Wing.
yea whatever danny, let me know when you find ellis island,i hear its somewhere in Arizona so keep looking...
let me know when you find an immigration clause in our Constitution. i am sure it must exist in right wing fantasy.
When were oil prices the highest? Let me see, let me see...……….oh yes, the 90s!
2004 - 2008

Right, and they had food shortages starting in 2003. Please explain?

Latin American Cities: Caracas

Venezuela imposes currency, price controls

Venezuela Imposes Currency Controls to Shore Up Economy

Mr. Chávez, in a nationally televised address that ended just past midnight, said that the controls were necessary to stem capital flight and to prop up the local currency, the bolivar, which lost nearly 30 percent of its value during the two-month strike. With growing numbers of Venezuelans abandoning the country, international reserves dropped $2 billion during the walkout, which ended on Sunday.
"Even under what we consider optimistic assumptions about the speed with which oil production comes back this year, Venezuela faces a fiscal crisis of major proportions," the UBS Warburg report said.​

So what have we learned?

We learned that shortages existed before any of this "blame the US Sanctions" existed.

We learned that people were leaving Venezuela, long before Trump, or even Obama was in office. We learned that bad economic Socialist policies fail, with or without US intervention.

We learned that dumb as crap left-wing idiots, will blame everyone, and everything, for the failure of their garbage ideology.
And what is Trump doing???
Letting Pence and Bolton do the dirty work ?The IMF has been schooling this guy Juan Guaido for about 10 years now. 90 % of the Venezuelan people had never heard of him before this.

China and Russia have their back, so if they try sneaking in 'opposition' from Colombia and Brazil, they're gonna be ambushed big time.

When were oil prices the highest? Let me see, let me see...……….oh yes, the 90s!
2004 - 2008

Right, and they had food shortages starting in 2003. Please explain?

Latin American Cities: Caracas

Venezuela imposes currency, price controls

Venezuela Imposes Currency Controls to Shore Up Economy

Mr. Chávez, in a nationally televised address that ended just past midnight, said that the controls were necessary to stem capital flight and to prop up the local currency, the bolivar, which lost nearly 30 percent of its value during the two-month strike. With growing numbers of Venezuelans abandoning the country, international reserves dropped $2 billion during the walkout, which ended on Sunday.
"Even under what we consider optimistic assumptions about the speed with which oil production comes back this year, Venezuela faces a fiscal crisis of major proportions," the UBS Warburg report said.​

So what have we learned?

We learned that shortages existed before any of this "blame the US Sanctions" existed.

We learned that people were leaving Venezuela, long before Trump, or even Obama was in office. We learned that bad economic Socialist policies fail, with or without US intervention.

We learned that dumb as crap left-wing idiots, will blame everyone, and everything, for the failure of their garbage ideology.

We learned that..... the failure of their garbage ideology.
Authoritarian suckers like you will believe whatever their leaders say like little puppets.

That's what we learned.:alcoholic:

Wrong Angelo, what has been taught in this thread by the facts brought out by myself, Andy, and others is-------->

Your threads premise is at best faulty, at worst, an attempt to lie about where the blame for Venezuela's fiasco has its roots. You Socialists are the biggest phony-e-baloneys on the planet.

It has amazed most of us students of history, how the Nazi's and Facists have rightfully been tagged as murderers and absolute crazies, while Socialists/Communists have gotten a pass, when they have been responsible for far more death and destruction than either of the other 2 political ideologies.

All 3 of these political bents have one thing in common----------->promise to people things they KNOW they can not deliver to get in power, then kill and maim the people who elected them. If that is how you think a country's population should be treated, then you are in the miniscule minority. and in polite company be laughed at profusely!
We learned that..... the failure of their garbage ideology.
Authoritarian suckers like you will believe whatever their leaders say like little puppets.

That's what we learned.:alcoholic:

Dude, Venezuela was in a death spiral since 2003.

If you are so unbelievably stupid, that even with that absolute, uncontested, documented facts before you.... then the only puppet here, is you.

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