Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind U.S.’s Venezuela crusade

Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade
Same thing that happened in Iran in the 50's when the CIA overthrew the democratically elected president of Iran.
Their biggest problem is that they voted in a socialist government, which means they voted in a bunch of criminals.
Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo came along.

The standard of living in Venezuela was pretty high prior to Hugo. Venezuela was a net exporter of food all over south America. The sale of automobiles declined 99% from 1998.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Venezuelan Car Sales Have Declined 99% From Record-High: Chart
Patricia Laya
August 25, 2016, 7:00 AM EDT

Everything suggests that vehicle sales in Venezuela, were not too far off from vehicle sales in the US, prior to Hugo Chavez.

So, no I don't agree with your unsupported claims that Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo. There is nothing to even elude to such a claim.
So, no I don't agree with your unsupported claims that Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo. There is nothing to even elude to such a claim.
To be honest, I heard Abby Martin say that in an interview and I figured she knew because she has reported from there. And so I didn't actually fact-check that.
He uplifted the invisible voices, and now they have no food or toilet paper.
Great job, asshole!
Yeah. I always forget that Venezuela doesn't have their own private Federal Reserve money-printing mob.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
By April Fools Day we'll be at $22 trillion.
Maybe they'll make it a national holiday so
bankers who screwed us over the last 40 years will
get another much-needed and appropriate-for-American's day off.
He uplifted the invisible voices, and now they have no food or toilet paper.
Great job, asshole!
Yeah. I always forget that Venezuela doesn't have their own private Federal Reserve money-printing mob.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
By April Fools Day we'll be at $22 trillion.
Maybe they'll make it a national holiday so the bankers who screwed us
will get another much-needed and appropriate-for-American's day off.

They're so screwed up, their central bank has to pay foreign companies to print their currency. LOL!
Their biggest problem is that they voted in a socialist government, which means they voted in a bunch of criminals.
Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo came along.

The standard of living in Venezuela was pretty high prior to Hugo. Venezuela was a net exporter of food all over south America. The sale of automobiles declined 99% from 1998.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Venezuelan Car Sales Have Declined 99% From Record-High: Chart
Patricia Laya
August 25, 2016, 7:00 AM EDT

Everything suggests that vehicle sales in Venezuela, were not too far off from vehicle sales in the US, prior to Hugo Chavez.

So, no I don't agree with your unsupported claims that Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo. There is nothing to even elude to such a claim.
It's a flat out lie, but when did that ever prevent an obstacle to the true believers?
So, no I don't agree with your unsupported claims that Venezuela was dirt poor before Hugo. There is nothing to even elude to such a claim.
To be honest, I heard Abby Martin say that in an interview and I figured she knew because she has reported from there. And so I didn't actually fact-check that.
Whether she knows or not, she's a liar.
Whether she knows or not, she's a liar.
Not even close to this level;

@ 9:30 to 10:00 is where she says it ...

Right, there is a difference between, some poor people, and the entire country being dirt poor. Huge difference there.

That's like going to Appalachia, East Liverpool Ohio, seeing this massive dead town of impoverished people, and saying that represents the United States, and the US is dirt poor.

There are poor in every country in the world today. If you focus on the poor of any country, and pretend.


That's Sweden. You could say these people were left behind by the oligarchs. They unheard, without a voice, and all the other left-wing nonsense that lady would spewing.

Now it is true that the mid to late 90s, were not golden times in Venezuela.

The problem is, socialism in Venezuela started before Hugo Chavez. In fact you could say the poison of socialism that harmed the country, caused them to inject themselves with even more poisonous socialism.

Venezuela in the 1980s, the 1990s and beyond

This book out of Harvard, is pretty good at detailing how even in 80s, the move towards collectivism was slowing going forward.

It was spiral of socialist policies, economic down turn, more socialist policies, and more economic down turn.

And we kind of see that in the US. Every time a socialist policy cause problems in our economy, the first demand is for more socialism.
Took the liberty of changing the title from 'Trump' to 'U.S.', because this has obviously been happening since before Hugo Chavez even became president of Venezuela in 2002 and Donald Trump was busy renovating Trump Park Avenue' at the time.

Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.

“What is Donald Trump’s ‘casus belli’ against Venezuela? The ‘casus belli’ is the oil of Venezuela, the riches of Venezuela, its gold, gas, iron, diamonds, other material riches,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.

The US has steadily toughened sanctions on Venezuela in recent years in an effort to weaken the government and destabilize economy. Some international observers believe the sanctions and economic war hit Venezuela’s people in the first place, contributing to the lack of medicine, malnutrition and mortality.
Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade

If you think the US is after the oil, gold, gas diamonds ets... then you are a special kind of stupid.

I remember the left saying the reason we invaded Iraq was for the oil. How much oil did we get out of it? Not even a pint!!
What WAS true, among other reasons, was to keep our trading partners' supplies of oil from being interrupted.

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If we can stop a cancerous government from continuing in our hemisphere, you dont think that would be enough to support a Liberty leader?

You are an enemy of America.
92% of Venezuelan's have NEVER heard of the guy. 7 million voters elected Maduro.
Crisis in Venezuela

A socioeconomic and political crisisbegan in Venezuela in 2010 under the presidency of Hugo Chávez and has continued into the current presidency of Nicolás Maduro. The current situation is the worst economic crisis in Venezuela's history[6] and among the worst crises experienced in the Americas,[7][8] with hyperinflation, soaring hunger, disease, crime and death rates, and massive emigration from the country.[9]Observers and economists have stated that the crisis is not the result of a conflict or natural disaster but the consequences of populist policies that began under the Chávez administration's Bolivarian Revolution,[10][11][12][13][14][15]with the Brookings Institution stating that "Venezuela has really become the poster child for how the combination of corruption, economic mismanagement, and undemocratic governance can lead to widespread suffering".[16]

Crisis in Venezuela - Wikipedia

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A true social command economy should muster entire Corps of the People and regulate them well into the means of production of the State.

Where are the Corps of Agricultural and the Martial Arts for engineering?

There should be no food or housing shortage in a true social economy for the People.
And toilet paper?
A true social command economy should muster entire Corps of the People and regulate them well into the means of production of the State.

Where are the Corps of Agricultural and the Martial Arts for engineering?

There should be no food or housing shortage in a true social economy for the People.
And toilet paper?
any well managed command economy can simply command sufficient toilet paper be manufactured, even if it may require new manufacturing jobs.

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