Maga candidate wins mayors race in heavily dem McAllen

One facet of their identity politics that Democrats thought they had wrapped up, was the Hispanic vote. Looks like Joe Biden might have miscalculated. The chaos he has created at the Mexican border is taking its toll, and Hispanics living there are not liking it. In McAllen, Texas—a border town that went for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by 40 points in 2016—just elected a Republican mayor. McAllen is 85% Hispanic.

The times they are a'changin.

With the major influx of migrants, could be the Hispanic Americans in McAllen have gotten a view of what Trump said about illegal immigration, back in 2016. "They're bringing crime. They're bringing drugs. They're rapists."

Republican wins mayoral race in 85% Latino Texas town where Hillary Clinton won by 40 points

Javier Villalobos defeated Democrat Veronica Vela Whitacre by 206 votes in a runoff election over the weekend, according to unofficial election results reported by KRGV.

Wow. Let's get real here. This was a town of 139,000 where only 9000 people voted in this race.

Where a Republican squeaked by because no one was paying a lot of attention.

This is the problem with local races. They don't get a lot of attention.
Then, explain Starr county going to Trump by 64%.
One only needs to look at the Miami/Dade region in Florida to the shift. THE big Dem stronghold in Florida. Hillary won that area by over 20 points in 2016. The edge fell to about 8-9% in 2020. Hispanics (and especially the Cubans) are breaking towards Republicans.
Yup. They came out and supported Trump. They were very vocal about it too.
Hispanics also tend to be very socially Conservative. That is a very good thing.
Oh I agree. Most are very conservative. LOL Don't tell the lefty loons though.
Since the gop offers El zilcho to these voters perhaps they form a third party since the main 2 are overflowing with bad folk.
For decades that would be a true statement but thanks to trump who is not part of the corrupt two party system,the gop has not been successfully fully penetrated by terrorists funded by the CIA as the democrat party has.Our last great president JFK is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become now.
You can post all day long but neither party offers me anything to believe in and nothing to support. They are not full of people I'd ever respect.
Well I’m sorry you feel that way.Believe me I was the exact same way as you are ever sense the early 90,s when I finally woke up to how evil and corrupt are government is,that it’s propaganda that this is a free country and that citizens elect their presidents.everybody thst knows me knows I have always said that as long as we have this corrupt two party system there is no hope for the future of America or the world because it is really a one party system disguised as two and a third party is needed.

Because of that when trump first got in,I was the most skeptical person in the world,I thought to myself,well I don’t expect him to be any differerent than bush or Obama because he is a Republican so as always I don’t expect anything to change,but boy he proved me wrong,he is the most anti war president ever sense jimmy carter,he brought jobs back to America instead of destroying the economy as every president sense Reagan has,he brought more jobs to Alaska more than any president ever in fact.The stuff he was saying really caught my attention as well,he came out and told the truth that cnn was fake news. :thup:

That was all said in his first days in office and I was thinking,wow who is this guy,he is telling it like it I can never in my lifetime remember a president telling it like it is that the CIA controlled msm media is fake news.:thup: This guy struck a chord into me like no other president in my lifetime.:banana: He is the first president sense carter who did what he said he would.Obama TALKED about ending the wars in the Mideast,but took no action,instead expanded the wars.Trump comes along and he starts withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He then blew me away in his final days in office coming out telling the truth that wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from president ever not even the great jfk,ever came out and had the balls to say that on live tv.:thup: That should have been said by a president DECADES ago.

if trump was part of the corrupt two party system that every single president we have had has been since Lyndon Johnson,the house and senate would NOT be scared of him as they are and trying to put him behind bars as they are dude,they are terrified of him.I can’t ever remember a president sense the great jfk,brave enough to go out there and step on powerful toes in Washington as he has done.:thup::banana::yes_text12: Did you know the elite and the CIA have tried to do the same thing to Trump they did to kennedy,that there have been 28 assassination attempts on his life? I’m guessing not.

Because of trump,we got honest politicians in the gop party That serve the people instead of the corporations and bankers like Desantis,Noem,and Kelly what’s her name who is running for governor of Alaska and is pure at heart that if there ever was a politician that was pure of heart,she is that one.Murkowsik now she is an evil gop politician,there are still a lot of gop evil politicians out there like bush,graham,mukowski,Romney and others,that can’t be debated,but unlike the dems,they DO have some people in the gop party who are not evil monsters trying to destroy America,that can’t be said fir the dems.

Now because of the fact the majority of American presidents from both parties have been corrupt sense America was founded with only a couple of great ones in the 20th century like JFK and Calvin Coolidge,I agree with you whole heartedly because of their long history they have thst BOTH parties need to be dissolved and abolished and we need a third party,one that represents the people instead of the corporations and bankers.

Shows what happens when you have a backwater election no one was paying attention to.
I asked some hispanic people at a local cantina what they thought of the racist dem party. They said it was racist.
They are also staunchly religious in contrast to the current makeup of the Democrat party (8-to-9 out of 10 people in South and Central America are Catholic, whereas the vast majority of modern Democrats either self-identify as non-religious, or they're "lapsed Catholics" etc) -- to that end, the people of Catholic faith from that part of the world find the very concept of abortion to be utterly reprehensible and an eternal sin.

The Democrats are so used to categorizing everyone under their "big tent" by whatever victim role they assigned them and giving it no further thought, that they're completely incapable of recognizing that their in-your-face virtue signaling to appease one of their whacko fringe groups directly conflicts with the religious/moral tenets of the people in their coveted immigrant voting block. But that would require Democrat politicians to have a modicum of integrity and a basic familiarity with those religious principles -- which to Democrats, are the equivalent of garlic & sunlight to a vampire.
Hispanics also generally despise homosexually and related lunacies. They also respect law enforcement and don't appreciate leftist police defunding lunacies. They are also more aware than the average American about the rape culture of Mexico & Latin America, and they don't like Biden & Democrats' crazy, massive program of importing illegal aliens. They understand what Trump meant when he said "They're rapists."
Wow. Let's get real here. This was a town of 139,000 where only 9000 people voted in this race.

Where a Republican squeaked by because no one was paying a lot of attention.

This is the problem with local races. They don't get a lot of attention.
150,000. A lot more than most polls that Democrats think so highly of.
So is 9,000, not that I have any confidence that you got that number right either.

Yeah, let's get real.
3.3% of the population. (6.5% of the town actually bothered to vote at all, which tells me that no one really cared about this race that much).

My suburb had an election this year. Even though it was barely a contest, the incumbent mayor got 9% of the population to vote for him. (Out of 12% of the population that voted.)
Democrats have a huge problem with open borders.

Naw, we really don't. It's only a fake crisis in the minds of the right.
That is about the stupidist thing I've seen all this year.

Harms of illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

I'm so grateful for you tertiary education and allowing us access to your vast storage of knowledge. We would never have known that Other wise.

It still is the xenophobic republicans who hate some one escaping to get a better life.
The subject I some of obviously was of greater depth than anything you could comprehend you dumb prick.
Xenophobia is a good thing. It is the fear of losing national, ethnic or racial identity, which is a very justifiable fear, as national identity is what makes a nation a nation. Without it you have no nation at all. You have a mish mash of people speaking different languages, unable to understand each other. As Teddy Roosevelt called it "a tangle of squabbling nationalities". Not healthy.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE AND LANGUAGE in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Making the Mexico and Central American influx even worse, is the RAPE CULTURE of Mexico and Latin America. As if we don't have enough problems in the US, without getting an increase in sex crimes from, as Trump correctly said it in 2016 > "They're rapists."
Hispanic Americans are not politically monolithic, of course, but most prefer the Democratic Party.

Not any more. Democrats have gone too far into the lunatic fringe with LGBT, police defunding, abortion, CRT, and hate toward Catholics et al Christians.
I see, the point is one upmanshit or the fact that a republican got elected or that you think it is significant and will change the world?
Post # 86 is your answer.
Are you unable to cut-n-paste?

The major reason BLM and ANTIFA are hurting the Democrats because they see them as allies of the Dems and the Dems supplicating themselves to their causes and the violence along with the destruction of property and looting turns minorities off, but the Dem leadership has entrapped themselves into a race hustling mode of operation they think they must continue to win offices...
It is a quandary much like the GOP has with Trump- and how Trump hurts the GOP because the Trump coalition has contempt for the very system that elects people like Trump...
I think this is another indication decent hispanics(non-fascists) despise the bigoted democrats

No I think this is a real example of voter suppression.

McAllen has a population of 143,000 people, of which 9,282 people voted???? That's less than 6.5% of the population of the city, and since the voters were pretty evenly split between the two candidates, with the Republican winning by 200 votes, the Republican won with less than 4% of the population voting for him.

If less than 7% of the people are deciding who runs the city, that's not democracy, or anything close to it. This indicates that efforts in Texas to suppress non-white votes is working. 143,000 people, 85% of them Hispanic - that's 121,550 people. But the election was decided by a mere 9,282 votes.

That's probably the number of WHITE voters in McAllen. Voter suppression will keep Republicans in power FOREVER!!!

They are also staunchly religious in contrast to the current makeup of the Democrat party (8-to-9 out of 10 people in South and Central America are Catholic, whereas the vast majority of modern Democrats either self-identify as non-religious, or they're "lapsed Catholics" etc) -- to that end, the people of Catholic faith from that part of the world find the very concept of abortion to be utterly reprehensible and an eternal sin.

The Democrats are so used to categorizing everyone under their "big tent" by whatever victim role they assigned them and giving it no further thought, that they're completely incapable of recognizing that their in-your-face virtue signaling to appease one of their whacko fringe groups directly conflicts with the religious/moral tenets of the people in their coveted immigrant voting block. But that would require Democrat politicians to have a modicum of integrity and a basic familiarity with those religious principles -- which to Democrats, are the equivalent of garlic & sunlight to a vampire.
Hispanics also generally despise homosexually and related lunacies. They also respect law enforcement and don't appreciate leftist police defunding lunacies. They are also more aware than the average American about the rape culture of Mexico & Latin America, and they don't like Biden & Democrats' crazy, massive program of importing illegal aliens. They understand what Trump meant when he said "They're rapists."

Yes, and those Central American cultures are also very family oriented, with a healthy respect for the father figure and discipline. That goes hand in hand with the machismo personality that's respected as a cultural norm by both men and women in Latin America. That is why I believe the Democrats are incorrect to believe their open border policy will result in guaranteed votes for Democrats at the federal level. Specifically, I think it's unlikely that a substantial portion of the adult males would vote for anyone who openly supported the positions that were mentioned above. The numbers would likely be higher in certain demographic categories, such as single mothers, although even then, I doubt it would be a sizeable majority, for the same cultural and religious conflicts mentioned above.

Where it starts to break in the Democrats' favor is with the children of those immigrants, who are either very young when they come here or are born here, and end up in the public school system getting brainwashed with radical leftist ideology. Based on the average family size for Latin American immigrants, those kids will end up outnumbering the parents by double or triple. And the odds are the majority of them will indeed vote Democrat when they're old enough, after more than a decade in the public school system, being told how terrible this country is at its very foundation, and learning to hate anyone with a viewpoint that diverges from the left's agenda, or who disagrees with anything said by a Democrat politician or the approved narrative from the leftist media.

That is undoubtedly one of the primary goals of the Democrats' long game, and while I think their expectations are naive and out of touch in terms of how their radical leftist agenda will resonate in future elections with the immigrants who come here as adults after experiencing hardship and suffering caused by leftist policies, their long game for securing a new permanent voting block vis-a-vis indoctrination of the youth will be a smashing success if nothing is done to stop the rapid explosion of radical leftist ideology, cancel culture and censorship in this country.

The survival of this country truly does come down to the current generation of children, who will be voting in the next decade, but are living in an age of unprecedented efforts to control the exchange of information and ideas in order to silence and eliminate all disfavored viewpoints and dissent.
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How does a state flee a party?
Shhhhhh....trump fluffers aren't very smart.
they sure outsmarted democrat genius, ivy league educated Hillary clinton

But they didn't get fooled a second time. That's why you're here, lying about who won the election. People aren't nearly as stupid as the Trump Cult. They quickly recognized their mistake in staying home in 2016, and made sure it didn't happen a second time.

That's why Trump lost the House in 2020, and the White House and the Senate in 2020. The American people won't get fooled again.
Shows us what its like to have a fair honest fraud free ID verified election....

Shows what happens when you have a backwater election no one was paying attention to.

He won 4744 votes to 4538 votes in a runoff election.

In a city with a population of 143,268

So he got a whopping 3% of the population to vote for him.
Explain Starr County going 64% for Trump.

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