Maga candidate wins mayors race in heavily dem McAllen

What are you talking about.....his effort to put up a wall was not to promote peace was to prevent the invasion of uncontrolled and catastrophic population shift which is absolutely no way to promote peace. Those being kept out are not going to feel peaceful....neither is a bank robber who gets caught in the commission of his crime...he is also not going to feel just interrupted his robbery so he's going to be pissed at you not peaceful.

Actually, the Wall was kind of stupid, because most undocumented immigrants come here legally and overstay their visas. They aren't sneaking under a fence.

If anything, fences have made things worse, because before we started doing that, migrants would come up, work for the season and go home. Now they come and they stay, because we've made crossing the border such a pain in the ass they only want to do it once.

We could solve the immigration problem in five minutes. Go after the white people who hire them. We won't do that. They're rich.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
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I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long as that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
One facet of their identity politics that Democrats thought they had wrapped up, was the Hispanic vote. Looks like Joe Biden might have miscalculated. The chaos he has created at the Mexican border is taking its toll, and Hispanics living there are not liking it. In McAllen, Texas—a border town that went for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by 40 points in 2016—just elected a Republican mayor. McAllen is 85% Hispanic.

The times they are a'changin.

With the major influx of migrants, could be the Hispanic Americans in McAllen have gotten a view of what Trump said about illegal immigration, back in 2016. "They're bringing crime. They're bringing drugs. They're rapists."

Republican wins mayoral race in 85% Latino Texas town where Hillary Clinton won by 40 points

Javier Villalobos defeated Democrat Veronica Vela Whitacre by 206 votes in a runoff election over the weekend, according to unofficial election results reported by KRGV.
Since when do political parties in power never get elected out in areas?
Let me know of a time when party affiliation in an area never changed.
you sure prove you troll here 24/7 and are paid to do so the fact you so many times are almost always the first to post on threads that expose democrat corruption.

the problem with your babble is never in our history has there been so many thousands around the country doing so

Gracie who i checked with and said she did not mind me posting this,she was a long time democrat and always voted that way going back to JFK and voted for Obama the first time but after seeing he was a clone of Bush and lied to the people about everything he said he would do that he would reverse all of Bushs dreconian policys and only expanded them,she has fled the Democrat party.:up:

there are hundreds of thousands out there just like Gracie around the country dumbass. these people that see the obvious that the Dems are out to destroy America. they other problem with your babble is it is on an unprecedented level like never before. This group had been a democrat for DECADES same as Gracie dumbass.:ahole-1::laughing0301: suck it up Bart boy.:itsok:
I can't help it if yer octogenarian friends are a little slow..I can remember when Okiehoma all voted straight Democratic party, now they don't..Not that it matters much anyway since both parties do the same damn thing the other party does on 99% of the govt. functions...
You still failed to counter my facts,you still have been checkmated by me.:abgg2q.jpg:
One only needs to look at the Miami/Dade region in Florida to the shift. THE big Dem stronghold in Florida. Hillary won that area by over 20 points in 2016. The edge fell to about 8-9% in 2020. Hispanics (and especially the Cubans) are breaking towards Republicans.
Yup. They came out and supported Trump. They were very vocal about it too.
As an extreme far leftist (left of Marx), I hate the Democrats. I hope the the Republicans beat their azzes in the 2022 midterms and also in 2024. I'd like the see the Dem party destroyed and replaced with a left of Marx party.
Now I know how Libertarians appear to leftists when they claim they want the GOP to be destroyed so the L Party can take over. That's why they laugh so hard.
Demoncrats losing in the Rio Grande Valley is yuuuuuge.
McAllen Texas used to be so reliably democrat that the communist democrats looked to that city to justify believing that Texas was on the verge of turning blue. Now they flipped and have a republican city government.
2 possible reasons for this.

1. Hispanics are jumping ship and voting GOP.
2. Ken Paxton's crackdown on illegal voting prevented thousands of Mexicans from crossing the border and voting in our elections.

I actually believe it is a combination of both. No cheating + less trust in the direction of the Dem party.
Demoncrats losing in the Rio Grande Valley is yuuuuuge.
McAllen Texas used to be so reliably democrat that the communist democrats looked to that city to justify believing that Texas was on the verge of turning blue. Now they flipped and have a republican city government.
2 possible reasons for this.

1. Hispanics are jumping ship and voting GOP.
2. Ken Paxton's crackdown on illegal voting prevented thousands of Mexicans from crossing the border and voting in our elections.

I actually believe it is a combination of both. No cheating + less trust in the direction of the Dem party.
Blue collar legal Meskins don't like competing for their jobs with illegal interlopers any more than anyone else does.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
When has the GOP ever insulted and rejected them?

Hint: insulting MS-13 thugs isn’t insulting all Hispanics.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
When has the GOP ever insulted and rejected them?

Hint: insulting MS-13 thugs isn’t insulting all Hispanics.
The national party? Never, that I know of.

Republican voters and Trumpsters? Regularly. Perhaps you haven't seen the thousands of posts on this very board that characterize Hispanics and Latinos as essentially subhuman filth (ask BrokeLoser, for example, who has used those exact words more than once).

Feel free to comically deny that. Be my guest.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
When has the GOP ever insulted and rejected them?

Hint: insulting MS-13 thugs isn’t insulting all Hispanics.
The national party? Never, that I know of.

Republican voters and Trumpsters? Regularly. Perhaps you have seen the thousands of posts on this very board that characterize Hispanics and Latinos as essentially subhuman filth (ask BrokeLoser, for example, who has used those exact words more than once).

Feel free to comically deny that. Be my guest.
everyone knows that BrokeLoser is an antifa/BLM-commiefascist provocateur.
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
When has the GOP ever insulted and rejected them?

Hint: insulting MS-13 thugs isn’t insulting all Hispanics.
The national party? Never, that I know of.

Republican voters and Trumpsters? Regularly. Perhaps you have seen the thousands of posts on this very board that characterize Hispanics and Latinos as essentially subhuman filth (ask BrokeLoser, for example, who has used those exact words more than once).

Feel free to comically deny that. Be my guest.
everyone knows that BrokeLoser is an antifa/BLM-commiefascist provocateur.
A fine representative of Trumpism, indeed!
I always thought the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, had it wrong when it came to Hispanic voting patterns. In the short term hispanics may vote Democratic but in the long terms will be Republican voters. They are very conservative in many areas.
Yep. The primary reason it has taken so long Is that the GOP has done everything it can to insult and reject them.

The Democrats haven't learned that pandering doesn't work on everyone, not forever.
When has the GOP ever insulted and rejected them?

Hint: insulting MS-13 thugs isn’t insulting all Hispanics.
The national party? Never, that I know of.

Republican voters and Trumpsters? Regularly. Perhaps you haven't seen the thousands of posts on this very board that characterize Hispanics and Latinos as essentially subhuman filth (ask BrokeLoser, for example, who has used those exact words more than once).

Feel free to comically deny that. Be my guest.
Words used on forums like these may be taken lightly after a while. Aggravation and frustration leads to name calling..
No surprise,thousands in this state and other states as well are fleeing the corrupt Democrat party left and right.They are seeing the Obvious that Biden and the Dems are there to serve the elite instead of the people. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You can see in these videos below as well long time Democrat politicians are leaving them as well.
That's what you tin foil hats have been saying for years and look what happened in 2020.
another one of the paid shills of langley.cant refute facts so goes into insult mode,one more pathetic lying shill from langley to add to ignore.
Aldo raine another one,hates me telling that truth of a fellow lying
One facet of their identity politics that Democrats thought they had wrapped up, was the Hispanic vote. Looks like Joe Biden might have miscalculated. The chaos he has created at the Mexican border is taking its toll, and Hispanics living there are not liking it. In McAllen, Texas—a border town that went for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by 40 points in 2016—just elected a Republican mayor. McAllen is 85% Hispanic.

The times they are a'changin.

With the major influx of migrants, could be the Hispanic Americans in McAllen have gotten a view of what Trump said about illegal immigration, back in 2016. "They're bringing crime. They're bringing drugs. They're rapists."

Republican wins mayoral race in 85% Latino Texas town where Hillary Clinton won by 40 points

Javier Villalobos defeated Democrat Veronica Vela Whitacre by 206 votes in a runoff election over the weekend, according to unofficial election results reported by KRGV.
Hispanic Americans are not politically monolithic, of course, but most prefer the Democratic Party.

Screen Shot 2021-06-09 at 10.14.41 AM.png

[What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion]

... Murguía said the Biden administration's attitude toward immigrants and minority communities is already having a positive effect on policy.
"Times have been really hard not just because of the previous administration but because of this extraordinary pandemic we find ourselves in," she said.
One only needs to look at the Miami/Dade region in Florida to the shift. THE big Dem stronghold in Florida. Hillary won that area by over 20 points in 2016. The edge fell to about 8-9% in 2020. Hispanics (and especially the Cubans) are breaking towards Republicans.
Yup. They came out and supported Trump. They were very vocal about it too.
Hispanics also tend to be very socially Conservative. That is a very good thing.
Let me know of a time when party affiliation in an area never changed.
you sure prove you troll here 24/7 and are paid to do so the fact you so many times are almost always the first to post on threads that expose democrat corruption.

the problem with your babble is never in our history has there been so many thousands around the country doing so

Gracie who i checked with and said she did not mind me posting this,she was a long time democrat and always voted that way going back to JFK and voted for Obama the first time but after seeing he was a clone of Bush and lied to the people about everything he said he would do that he would reverse all of Bushs dreconian policys and only expanded them,she has fled the Democrat party.:up:

there are hundreds of thousands out there just like Gracie around the country dumbass. these people that see the obvious that the Dems are out to destroy America. they other problem with your babble is it is on an unprecedented level like never before. This group had been a democrat for DECADES same as Gracie dumbass.:ahole-1::laughing0301: suck it up Bart boy.:itsok:
I can't help it if yer octogenarian friends are a little slow..I can remember when Okiehoma all voted straight Democratic party, now they don't..Not that it matters much anyway since both parties do the same damn thing the other party does on 99% of the govt. functions...
Except when it comes to presidents you tell lies,you said trump has done what every president sense Reagan has done start wars and expand the wars that Reagan got the ball rolling on for the destruction of America,that’s a lie which is the norm for you the fact Trump was the most anti war president sense carter and was the first president sense carter to not start a new war,because of that he suffered the same fate carter did,a rigged election sense in both cases,the elite knew their boys Reagan and now Biden would do their bidding fir them and get the war machine going again.
Hope you are right about Hispanics going Republican because illegals from S. America have been dumped into red states for years. Good summary by Candace Owens below:

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