MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

No - Steele has Russian connections up the yang. If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

Steele got info from employees of the Russian government?
And Trump Jr didn't get info from an employee of the Russian government?

Sounds serious!

You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.
What “dirt” did Hillary get??

All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?
You can still take the 5th, moron.
You are pitifully uninformed...

Under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, Americans are protected against self-incrimination, but people who have been pardoned are no longer under any legal jeopardy, Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe told TIME.

I respectfully refuse to answer as that may incriminate me in crimes I haven't yet been pardoned for...…...
Why are you pivoting to other crimes? We’re talking about crimes for which an individual was pardoned. And for crimes for which they’ve been pardoned, they can’t employ the 5th.

Can't plead the 5th......I can plead the 5th all fucking day. Watch me.

Yep, and then you can meet Bubba -
Understand he's a great conversationalist :D


Yeah, your old boyfriend looks sweet.
The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal attorney, said Donald Trump knew in advance about a meeting during the 2016 campaign in which Russians were expected to offer negative information about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to a report by CNN.

Citing sources with knowledge of Cohen’s claims, CNN said the attorney is willing to share that information with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting occurred at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. They met with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin and a Russian businessman who initially had offered to disclose dirt on Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied having any knowledge about the meeting and told The New York Times in July 2017 that he “didn’t know anything” about it.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting With Russians In Advance: CNN

Here is the original CNN source: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

I wonder who leaked this story. Cohen side denies leaking it.
Trump even announced that he would be announcing dirt on the Clintons that Monday

Yep and then no meeting - Either the dirt either wasn't quite what he hoped for, or it was beyond his wildest expectations and he figured sharing it would expose him to possible conspiracy charges,
If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

Steele got info from employees of the Russian government?
And Trump Jr didn't get info from an employee of the Russian government?

Sounds serious!

You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.
What “dirt” did Hillary get??

All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?

Hillary didn't get the dossier? Why not?
Russia was listening...

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

The same day that Donald J. Trump asked Russians for help in hacking Hillary Clinton's emails, Russia began efforts to target her personal servers.

Hillary was out of government for over 3 years at that point.
How could she still have classified info on her private server at that point?
That would make her a criminal.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server is almost as pitiful as your unawareness about pleading the 5th on crimes after being pardoned for them.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server

Her email server was still intact and connected to the internet on that day?
I thought she had turned it over to the Feds?
More strawmen?? Where does the article state Russia was successful at hacking her server? It only says they tried.

It only says they tried.

If I tell you to try to hack a server I took apart 2 years ago, how successful will you be?

It's 3 feet away from me. Unplugged.
I'll let you know if it suddenly powers up and connects to the internet.

$100 says you can't do it. GO!
More strawmen...

The article says Russia tried to hack her server. You have no counter to that other than strawman arguments.
You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.
What “dirt” did Hillary get??

All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?

Hillary didn't get the dossier? Why not?
Nope. Don’t know. But you said she got “dirt.” What “dirt” did she get? Seems you can’t answer that question. Maybe you should plead the 5th? :badgrin:
Yep - and equating what the DNC did with a trusted US asset Mr Steele did with double agents

Double agents? Wow! Sounds very exciting!!

Where did the FBI go to confirm they were double agents?
Or are we relying on Steele's word that they're double agents? Or your word?

Sounds like hearsay.

Derp - If they are in Russia and providing information not favorable to Putin or his candidate of choice Trump, then they are obviously double agents.

Hearsay, still not proof.

Oh, so you think hardcore Putin loyalists are going to be communicating with a British MI6 veteran?
If so, I can't help

You think Russian spies are just going to give some British ex-intelligence office a bunch of info without
Putin's approval? Good way to get dead over there.

Imagine this scenario.

Steele: "I need some juicy info on Trump"

Co-Worker "How are you going to get that?"

Steele: "I'll just make it up. I'll say it came from a double agent. No one will check"

Co-Worker "But that's hearsay"

Steele "After Hillary's check clears.....who cares?"

They could also have been Russian operatives working abroad. There are thousands of those. Steele was MI6 for 22 years. You think he didn't develop an entire network of assets, then you're nuts.

Oh wait .. let's just go with it - You're nuts :D
Hillary was out of government for over 3 years at that point.
How could she still have classified info on her private server at that point?
That would make her a criminal.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server is almost as pitiful as your unawareness about pleading the 5th on crimes after being pardoned for them.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server

Her email server was still intact and connected to the internet on that day?
I thought she had turned it over to the Feds?
More strawmen?? Where does the article state Russia was successful at hacking her server? It only says they tried.

It only says they tried.

If I tell you to try to hack a server I took apart 2 years ago, how successful will you be?

It's 3 feet away from me. Unplugged.
I'll let you know if it suddenly powers up and connects to the internet.

$100 says you can't do it. GO!
More strawmen...

The article says Russia tried to hack her server. You have no counter to that other than strawman arguments.

The Feds had her server. How could the Russians "try" anything at that point?
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.
What “dirt” did Hillary get??

All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?

Hillary didn't get the dossier? Why not?
Nope. Don’t know. But you said she got “dirt.” What “dirt” did she get? Seems you can’t answer that question. Maybe you should plead the 5th? :badgrin:


She paid for a dossier and didn't get it?

Is that kind of efficiency the reason she could spend $1.2 trillion and still lose to an amateur?

Well, two amateurs.
Russia was listening...

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

The same day that Donald J. Trump asked Russians for help in hacking Hillary Clinton's emails, Russia began efforts to target her personal servers.

Hillary was out of government for over 3 years at that point.
How could she still have classified info on her private server at that point?
That would make her a criminal.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server is almost as pitiful as your unawareness about pleading the 5th on crimes after being pardoned for them.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server

Her email server was still intact and connected to the internet on that day?
I thought she had turned it over to the Feds?
More strawmen?? Where does the article state Russia was successful at hacking her server? It only says they tried.

It only says they tried.

If I tell you to try to hack a server I took apart 2 years ago, how successful will you be?

It's 3 feet away from me. Unplugged.
I'll let you know if it suddenly powers up and connects to the internet.

$100 says you can't do it. GO!

Looking inside your server would be a little like looking inside your brain.
Empty barrel - I'll pass

Yep - and equating what the DNC did with a trusted US asset Mr Steele did with double agents

Double agents? Wow! Sounds very exciting!!

Where did the FBI go to confirm they were double agents?
Or are we relying on Steele's word that they're double agents? Or your word?

Sounds like hearsay.

Derp - If they are in Russia and providing information not favorable to Putin or his candidate of choice Trump, then they are obviously double agents.

Hearsay, still not proof.

Oh, so you think hardcore Putin loyalists are going to be communicating with a British MI6 veteran?
If so, I can't help

You think Russian spies are just going to give some British ex-intelligence office a bunch of info without
Putin's approval? Good way to get dead over there.

Imagine this scenario.

Steele: "I need some juicy info on Trump"

Co-Worker "How are you going to get that?"

Steele: "I'll just make it up. I'll say it came from a double agent. No one will check"

Co-Worker "But that's hearsay"

Steele "After Hillary's check clears.....who cares?"

They could also have been Russian operatives working abroad. There are thousands of those. Steele was MI6 for 22 years. You think he didn't develop an entire network of assets, then you're nuts.

Oh wait .. let's just go with it - You're nuts :D

Steele was MI6 for 22 years. You think he didn't develop an entire network of assets,

Wow! An entire network!! Cool. Sounds like James Bond.

Unless/Until the FBI interviews his sources, it's still hearsay.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server is almost as pitiful as your unawareness about pleading the 5th on crimes after being pardoned for them.

Your pitiful attempt to deny Russia tried to hack her email server

Her email server was still intact and connected to the internet on that day?
I thought she had turned it over to the Feds?
More strawmen?? Where does the article state Russia was successful at hacking her server? It only says they tried.

It only says they tried.

If I tell you to try to hack a server I took apart 2 years ago, how successful will you be?

It's 3 feet away from me. Unplugged.
I'll let you know if it suddenly powers up and connects to the internet.

$100 says you can't do it. GO!
More strawmen...

The article says Russia tried to hack her server. You have no counter to that other than strawman arguments.

The Feds had her server. How could the Russians "try" anything at that point?
How does her server being offline prevent someone from trying to hack it?

That’s like saying it’s not possible to attempt trying to access because such a domain is not online. :cuckoo:

Yep - and equating what the DNC did with a trusted US asset Mr Steele did with double agents providing information unfavorable to Russia with campaign members cavorting around conducting 82 separate meetings with known, Putin loyalist Russian spies and then lying about every last one is .. well, GOOFY

Hillary Clinton violated election law by using (unverified) foreign opposition research she PAID FOR in a US election.

No matter how or how many times snowflakes try to spin it that is still a CRIME.

They even openly admit where she got it and that both the FBI and Hillary used it illegally.


It has been reported, recorded, evidence presented and posted.

As for as your BS about Trump...

ZERO evidence of a crime involving Russians and Trump

The latest leftist circle jerk is an emotional orgasm by short bus riders who are trying desperately to hold on to the hope of a successful treasonous coup.

Meeting to obtain opposition research, which is not what happened, is not, I repeat, not illegal.

So why the rabid frothing at the mouth by mouth-breathing anti-Trumpets?

According to FEC lawyer, Adav Noti, said what the Hillary campaign did was not illegal.

By contrast... Noti said that if the Trump officials solicited the information, "the act itself was unlawful."

They don't see any difference, which demonstrates a chronic form of willful ignorance ;-)
Says the idiot who has parroted the claim that meeting to obtain opposition research is a long as it is a Republican doing it...

Says the idiot who claims using a foreign report - BOUGHT & PAID FOR from foreign spies and Russians - in a US election is not illegal...

Says the idiot who claims refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena is not a crime...

Says the IDIOT.
Says the idiot? I was referring to FEC lawyer Adav Noti. I'm not a lawyer; so I defer expertise to those who are competent in the subject. I'm sure you're not a lawyer either.
Derp - If they are in Russia and providing information not favorable to Putin or his candidate of choice Trump, then they are obviously double agents.

Hearsay, still not proof.

Oh, so you think hardcore Putin loyalists are going to be communicating with a British MI6 veteran?
If so, I can't help

You think Russian spies are just going to give some British ex-intelligence office a bunch of info without
Putin's approval? Good way to get dead over there.

Imagine this scenario.

Steele: "I need some juicy info on Trump"

Co-Worker "How are you going to get that?"

Steele: "I'll just make it up. I'll say it came from a double agent. No one will check"

Co-Worker "But that's hearsay"

Steele "After Hillary's check clears.....who cares?"

They could also have been Russian operatives working abroad. There are thousands of those. Steele was MI6 for 22 years. You think he didn't develop an entire network of assets, then you're nuts.

Oh wait .. let's just go with it - You're nuts :D

Steele was MI6 for 22 years. You think he didn't develop an entire network of assets,

Wow! An entire network!! Cool. Sounds like James Bond.

Unless/Until the FBI interviews his sources, it's still hearsay.

Aside from the nutty stunts, skydiving hijinks, explosions and shit ... Yes, Steele is every bit like Bond

Steele had known Russia as a young spy, arriving in Moscow as a 26-year-old with his new wife and thin diplomatic cover in 1990. For nearly three years as a secret agent in enemy territory, he lived through the waning days of perestroika and witnessed the tumultuous disintegration of the Soviet Union under Boris Yeltsin’s mercurial and often boozy leadership. The K.G.B. was onto him almost from the start: he inhabited the spy’s uncertain life, where at any moment the lurking menace could turn into genuine danger. Yet even at the tail end of his peripatetic career at the service, Russia, the battleground of his youth, was still in his blood and on his operational mind: from 2004 to 2009 he headed M.I.6’s Russia Station, the London deskman directing Her Majesty’s covert penetration of Putin’s resurgent motherland.

And so, as Steele threw himself into his new mission, he could count on an army of sources whose loyalty and information he had bought and paid for over the years. There was no safe way he could return to Russia to do the actual digging; the vengeful F.S.B. would be watching him closely. But no doubt he had a working relationship with knowledgeable contacts in London and elsewhere in the West, from angry émigrés to wheeling-and-dealing oligarchs always eager to curry favor with a man with ties to the Secret Service, to political dissidents with well-honed axes to grind. And, perhaps most promising of all, he had access to the networks of well-placed Joes—to use the jargon of his former profession—he’d directed from his desk at London Station, assets who had their eyes and ears on the ground in Russia.​

How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier
Ex-MI6 spy who penned Trump file is 'real life James Bond' with strong views on Putin
What “dirt” did Hillary get??

All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?

Hillary didn't get the dossier? Why not?
Nope. Don’t know. But you said she got “dirt.” What “dirt” did she get? Seems you can’t answer that question. Maybe you should plead the 5th? :badgrin:


She paid for a dossier and didn't get it?

Is that kind of efficiency the reason she could spend $1.2 trillion and still lose to an amateur?

Well, two amateurs.
Why are you trying to deflect again? Can’t you answer the question? It’s rather simple for you — you said Hillary got “dirt” ... what “dirt” did she get?

If you can’t answer that, then your refusal to answer demonstrates you were simply full of shit when you said that.

Choice is yours.....
All the fake info in the dossier which was then used to get FISA warrants.
Hillary didn’t get that. So what “dirt” did Hillary get?

Hillary didn't get the dossier? Why not?
Nope. Don’t know. But you said she got “dirt.” What “dirt” did she get? Seems you can’t answer that question. Maybe you should plead the 5th? :badgrin:


She paid for a dossier and didn't get it?

Is that kind of efficiency the reason she could spend $1.2 trillion and still lose to an amateur?

Well, two amateurs.
Why are you trying to deflect again? Can’t you answer the question? It’s rather simple for you — you said Hillary got “dirt” ... what “dirt” did she get?

If you can’t answer that, then your refusal to answer demonstrates you were simply full of shit when you said that.

Choice is yours.....

I'm going to leave the Toddster dude to you to bat around further like a cat toy.
I'm bored and need to hop in shower ;-)

The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal attorney, said Donald Trump knew in advance about a meeting during the 2016 campaign in which Russians were expected to offer negative information about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to a report by CNN.

Citing sources with knowledge of Cohen’s claims, CNN said the attorney is willing to share that information with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting occurred at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. They met with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin and a Russian businessman who initially had offered to disclose dirt on Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied having any knowledge about the meeting and told The New York Times in July 2017 that he “didn’t know anything” about it.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting With Russians In Advance: CNN

Here is the original CNN source: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

I wonder who leaked this story. Cohen side denies leaking it.
An anonymous source allegedly said blah, bablah, bla,bla

So fucking what?
While they are hunting, pecking,changing purpose and direction endlessly we have Hillary with printed papers from Russians designed to hurt Trump
And we are looking for info on TRUMP???

This is why the planet laughs at us, not because of Trump but due to our continued permission For Trump to be witch hunted
While they are hunting, pecking,changing purpose and direction endlessly we have Hillary with printed papers from Russians designed to hurt Trump
And we are looking for info on TRUMP???

This is why the planet laughs at us, not because of Trump but due to our continued permission For Trump to be witch hunted

Awww - The poor lil man-child is being "witch hunted"?

:laugh2: :lmao: :lol:

Anyone who would believe anything Cohen says, are fools. Funny how the left hated Comey until they loved him. Just like Cohen. They slammed him over and over again not to long ago, and now all of a sudden, he's credible



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