MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

Page r8 of a thread whining about something that was never illegal...

STILL No crime
STILL No evidence
Which is why he doesn't need to meet with Mueller.
You would refuse a meeting with an investigator... because you were innocent?

That makes you insane.

No, it makes you smart. Kind of like not paying more taxes than you're legally required to pay.

When you're facing a prosecutor with nearly unlimited power, time and resources who is determined to charge you with something, you talk to them as little as possible. Something as innocuous as changing the wording of an answer opens you up to charges of lying under oath.

Why do you think defendants have lawyers with them all the time?
“The tape does not contain any evidence of crime,” said Dershowitz. “How do I know that? A former judge, appointed by Judge Kimba Wood, made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. And criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege.

So we already have a judicial determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime.”

You can lead a liberal / snowflake to evidence / facts but you can't make them THINK! They just continue to parrot ignorance and propaganda!

Dershowitz Explains Why Trump-Cohen Tape Couldn’t Contain Evidence Of A Crime
The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal attorney, said Donald Trump knew in advance about a meeting during the 2016 campaign in which Russians were expected to offer negative information about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to a report by CNN.

Citing sources with knowledge of Cohen’s claims, CNN said the attorney is willing to share that information with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting occurred at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. They met with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin and a Russian businessman who initially had offered to disclose dirt on Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied having any knowledge about the meeting and told The New York Times in July 2017 that he “didn’t know anything” about it.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting With Russians In Advance: CNN

I wonder who leaked this story. Cohen side denies leaking it.

No one cares. They were sent by the state department, Susan Rice and Obamakov.

Now we know they were let in to the country by Obamakov's state department.

Besides, talking to a Russian is not a crime or we would've put Obamakov in jail after he met with Putin and reminded Putin's puppet he'd be more flexible after the election.

Sorry to ruin your day, believe me I am.

Yeah and lets not forget the fact that the Obama intelligence and cyber folks all new what the Russians were doing and did nothing about it.

Hell. The FBI warned the DNC IT guy about hackers and he did nothing either.

Guess having the DNC servers hacked wasn't a big deal because they all though Hitlery would win.

Rudy Giuliani goes full Shakespeare on CNN, says Cohen betrayedTrump "like Iago betrayed Othello and Brutus put the last knife in Caesar."
So true.

No, it makes you smart.
No it doesn't. If you are completely innocent of a crime and refuse to talk to investigators, you are a goddamn idiot.
The investigators are not there to help you
Reaching out to them will not help you
They want to pin something on you

Please have correct experiences or facts before posting as facts; otherwise it’s fake
No it doesn't. If you are completely innocent of a crime and refuse to talk to investigators, you are a goddamn idiot.
You are suggesting that if a man who has revealed himself to want to take you down no matter what the cost - a man who has the power to send you to jail, who has sent innocent people to jail in the past - comes up to you and asks you to testify under oath, to answer some of his questions about a crime that never happened and a crime he has no evidence to prove ever happened - then to refuse to comply with his request means 'you' are guilty.

There is nothing to be guilty of since the person in investigating something that never happened, something he has no evidence to prove something happened.

KNOWING that the investigator is trying to create a 'Gottcha' moment in which he can entrap you, you would be stupid to play his game.
The investigators are not there to help you
Of course they are, if you are innocent.

Trump has turned you people's brains to tapioca.
Yes, it was exposed just how much the FBI wants to help Trump by exposing the fact that they altered witness testimony AFTER the interrogations was over and changed reports / wording.....


FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with 'false information,' GOP Rep says

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics
No it doesn't. If you are completely innocent of a crime and refuse to talk to investigators, you are a goddamn idiot.
You are suggesting that if a man who has revealed himself to want to take you down no matter what the cost - a man who has the power to send you to jail, who has sent innocent people to jail in the past - comes up to you and asks you to testify under oath, to answer some of his questions about a crime that never happened and a crime he has no evidence to prove ever happened - then to refuse to comply with his request means 'you' are guilty.

There is nothing to be guilty of since the person in investigating something that never happened, something he has no evidence to prove something happened.

KNOWING that the investigator is trying to create a 'Gottcha' moment in which he can entrap you, you would be stupid to play his game.
Your whining and false claims about Mueller are irrelevant.

Go ahead and twist yourself into a little pretzel...I will no longer respond to this idiocy.

Trump is not talkimg to Mueller because he is exposed to legal jeopardy. He runs the risk of perjury and prosecution for his illegal activity. That much is obvious.
Your whining and false claims about Mueller are irrelevant.
No, SNOWFLAKE whining and butt-hurt is irrelevant.

50 pages of this shit, and it should have never made it past 1 but has because snowflakes refuse to accept the fact that for all their bit@hing they can not accept the fact that NONE of this was / is illegal.

The only evidence of criminal activity by a candidate is that against HILLARY, the Obama administration, and the Special counsel.

No matter how many links / evidence is posted, nothing can get through snowflake opinion and butt-hurt.
Your whining and false claims about Mueller are irrelevant.
No, SNOWFLAKE whining and butt-hurt is irrelevant.

50 pages of this shit, and it should have never made it past 1 but has because snowflakes refuse to accept the fact that for all their bit@hing they can not accept the fact that NONE of this was / is illegal.

The only evidence of criminal activity by a candidate is that against HILLARY, the Obama administration, and the Special counsel.

No matter how many links / evidence is posted, nothing can get through snowflake opinion and butt-hurt.
And yet here you sit, pulling your own taffy, with the real world completely oblivious to your angry, whiny little delusions. Of course, that could not possibly be because you are an insane idiot, and is clearly due to a vast conspiracy of all rational people.
“The tape does not contain any evidence of crime,” said Dershowitz. “How do I know that? A former judge, appointed by Judge Kimba Wood, made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. And criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege.

So we already have a judicial determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime.”

You can lead a liberal / snowflake to evidence / facts but you can't make them THINK! They just continue to parrot ignorance and propaganda!
“The tape does not contain any evidence of crime,” said Dershowitz. “How do I know that? A former judge, appointed by Judge Kimba Wood, made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyer-client privilege. And criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyer-client privilege.

So we already have a judicial determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime.”

You can lead a liberal / snowflake to evidence / facts but you can't make them THINK! They just continue to parrot ignorance and propaganda!
Haha...pure fantasy. dershowitzs overwrought defense of Trump is based 100% on there being literally no other information in the universe about this. That, of course, is not true

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