MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!

With 3 week remaining on Trump's first fiscal budget; during a strong economy and tax cuts, he's on pace to add $1.3 trillion to the nation's debt.

…… and the rabid right cult remains defiantly silent.

When the economy is doing good, THAT is when you want to be paying DOWN the debt.

Republicans, conservatives, the GOP, these people are all a bunch of hypocritical azzholes.

I will be glad when the economy TANKS (and it will) and all of your GOP kids & your GOP grand kids will be sent out into the streets to eat fvcking mud pies & hypodermic needles for dinner.

See how that works for you, jackazzes.
That's fucked up. I would much rather see the economy soar, even if it were to the credit of Trump, than to see the economy collapse just to benefit Democrats.

doesn't matter; the GOP guys fuck it up every time. It WILL happen.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't; but you're fucking crazy to want it to happen. :cuckoo:

It WILL happen & it WILL happen while a GOP POTUS is in office.

I can't help that, you can't help that but these GOP azzholes that believe their shit doesn't stink will learn another lesson.

Humility. STFU.
Wow Obamas first budget was a 1.29 billion dollar deficit but that was back when deficits were good right ?
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.

Yea he'd been president LESS THAN 8 months at that point. You don't think the planning for 9/11 didn't happen for YEARS prior to this?

It was Clinton, who was worried about where to deposit his semen on a college intern, who owns 9/11. Hell Bin Laden tried to blow up the WTC once under Clinton. So like I'd said, Clinton owns 9/11 and he knows it.

blah, blah, blah,

Nothing to refute what was said.

I win. That was easy. You seem to forget about WTC bombing number 1. ALL ON CLINTON.

Selective memory. A liberal thing indeed.

September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

All the planning took place under Clinton, starting in 1996. Right about the time Clinton was receiving his blowjob.

The idea for the attacks came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996.[64] At that time, bin Laden and al-Qaeda were in a period of transition, having just relocated back to Afghanistan from Sudan.[65] The 1998 African Embassy bombings and bin Laden's 1998 fatwā marked a turning point, as bin Laden became intent on attacking the United States.[65]

In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot. A series of meetings occurred in early 1999, involving Mohammed, bin Laden, and his deputy Mohammed Atef.[65] Atef provided operational support for the plot, including target selections and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.

There was an attempt to pull off a 9/11 attack while Clinton was president. Like Bush, he was warned about it in a PDB and he thwarted it.

A couple of years later and a retard in the Oval office and the terrorists were able to pull it off.
Trump called three thousand dying in Puerto Rico a "fantastic job".

I wonder what he would have called it if 9 thousand had died? A celebration?
That would earn a quadruple fist pump.
Wow Obamas first budget was a 1.29 billion dollar deficit but that was back when deficits were good right ?
No, deficits are not good but the deficit was mostly due to the collapse of the economy in 2008-2009.

Trump is looking at a $1.3t deficit while the economy is humming.
At least with Trump we get something for our money. 1.25 trillion in debt with 7 trillion added wealth. That's a pretty good return on investment.
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Who knows? Maybe if we had a president in office and not a retard, he would have raised airport security and possibly could have thwarted the attack.
yea hindsight a wonderful thing...the same security people at those airports who were there when clinton was in were there when bush was sure they did their best.....if gore had won and the same shit happened you people would be saying what im saying right now....sometimes the bad guys get one....and the righties would be here calling gore the retard for allowing it to happen....
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Who knows? Maybe if we had a president in office and not a retard, he would have raised airport security and possibly could have thwarted the attack.
yea hindsight a wonderful thing...the same security people at those airports who were there when clinton was in were there when bush was sure they did their best.....if gore had won and the same shit happened you people would be saying what im saying right now....sometimes the bad guys get one....and the righties would be here calling gore the retard for allowing it to happen....

fantasy isn't always about dreaming about screwing the blonde next door BUT nice fvcking try
With 3 week remaining on Trump's first fiscal budget; during a strong economy and tax cuts, he's on pace to add $1.3 trillion to the nation's debt.

…… and the rabid right cult remains defiantly silent.

When the economy is doing good, THAT is when you want to be paying DOWN the debt.

Republicans, conservatives, the GOP, these people are all a bunch of hypocritical azzholes.

I will be glad when the economy TANKS (and it will) and all of your GOP kids & your GOP grand kids will be sent out into the streets to eat fvcking mud pies & hypodermic needles for dinner.

See how that works for you, jackazzes.
Republicans, conservatives, the GOP, these people are all a bunch of hypocritical azzholes.
and democrats are just great people right caddo? hypocrites there....
Wow Obamas first budget was a 1.29 billion dollar deficit but that was back when deficits were good right ?
No, deficits are not good but the deficit was mostly due to the collapse of the economy in 2008-2009.

Trump is looking at a $1.3t deficit while the economy is humming.
Cash for clunkers shovel ready jobs ?
Your strawman is noted and discarded -- meanwhile, FY2009 was already projected to post a $1.2t deficit before Obama was even president. And losing some million jobs lost enough revenue accounted for much of that.

Now we have a strong economy … best evah according to some on the right … and we're facing a $1.3t deficit.

…. and nary a peep from the brain-dead right.

Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Who knows? Maybe if we had a president in office and not a retard, he would have raised airport security and possibly could have thwarted the attack.
yea hindsight a wonderful thing...the same security people at those airports who were there when clinton was in were there when bush was sure they did their best.....if gore had won and the same shit happened you people would be saying what im saying right now....sometimes the bad guys get one....and the righties would be here calling gore the retard for allowing it to happen....

fantasy isn't always about dreaming about screwing the blonde next door BUT nice fvcking try
like the shit you put up aint a fantasy?....what hole did they dig you out of?...but in other words you know dam well what i said is the fucking party people are all alike....
With 3 week remaining on Trump's first fiscal budget; during a strong economy and tax cuts, he's on pace to add $1.3 trillion to the nation's debt.

…… and the rabid right cult remains defiantly silent.

When the economy is doing good, THAT is when you want to be paying DOWN the debt.

Republicans, conservatives, the GOP, these people are all a bunch of hypocritical azzholes.

I will be glad when the economy TANKS (and it will) and all of your GOP kids & your GOP grand kids will be sent out into the streets to eat fvcking mud pies & hypodermic needles for dinner.

See how that works for you, jackazzes.
That's fucked up. I would much rather see the economy soar, even if it were to the credit of Trump, than to see the economy collapse just to benefit Democrats.
die hard party people put party ahead of the country....
G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Who knows? Maybe if we had a president in office and not a retard, he would have raised airport security and possibly could have thwarted the attack.
yea hindsight a wonderful thing...the same security people at those airports who were there when clinton was in were there when bush was sure they did their best.....if gore had won and the same shit happened you people would be saying what im saying right now....sometimes the bad guys get one....and the righties would be here calling gore the retard for allowing it to happen....

fantasy isn't always about dreaming about screwing the blonde next door BUT nice fvcking try
like the shit you put up aint a fantasy?....what hole did they dig you out of?...but in other words you know dam well what i said is the fucking party people are all alike....

Keep on crying those GOP tears 'cause you know G. W. fvcked up on 9/11.

You guys gotta get better candidates; it aint about WINNING. It's about doing a GODDAMN JOB when you are in office.

G. W. did not do his job.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Who knows? Maybe if we had a president in office and not a retard, he would have raised airport security and possibly could have thwarted the attack.
yea hindsight a wonderful thing...the same security people at those airports who were there when clinton was in were there when bush was sure they did their best.....if gore had won and the same shit happened you people would be saying what im saying right now....sometimes the bad guys get one....and the righties would be here calling gore the retard for allowing it to happen....

fantasy isn't always about dreaming about screwing the blonde next door BUT nice fvcking try
like the shit you put up aint a fantasy?....what hole did they dig you out of?...but in other words you know dam well what i said is the fucking party people are all alike....

Keep on crying those GOP tears 'cause you know G. W. fvcked up on 9/11.

You guys gotta get better candidates; it aint about WINNING. It's about doing a GODDAMN JOB when you are in office.
you should learn about those you post with before you open your yap.....i could not stand bush....and i despise both parties.....unlike you a die hard party over country asswipe...

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