MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!

MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!


© Getty Images
The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal 2018, an increase of $222 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period the previous year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The nonpartisan CBO reported that the central drivers of the increasing deficit were the Republican tax law and the bipartisan agreement to increase spending. As a result, revenue only rose 1 percent, failing to keep up with a 7 percent surge in spending, it added.

Revenue from individual and payroll taxes was up some $105 billion, or 4 percent, while corporate taxes fell $71 billion, or 30 percent.

Earlier analysis from CBO projected that deficits would near $1 trillion in 2019 and surpass that amount the following year.Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B

:dunno: Gee The great Douche should've given out 8 Trillion in that BS Tax Scam of 2017
giveaways tax breaks to the 1% never show good returns... Like do they lower their prices? FFS NO!
Do they stop ordering china made goods? FFS NO!

Maybe giving out 8 Trillion would've done better for the National debt.
MAGA: The Art of the Failure! But hey! Some morons got a stupid red hat.

BTW.. FYI:...MAGA DOPers! Conservatives plan. Let's just spend more money! Whee!
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

LOL! Spend more to get us to bankruptcy faster.
MAGA BOOBS -Big Orange Orangutan Buffoon Solutions... What a plan!

The bush boy did what his dad and reagan did too. Left with historic levels of deficit. The bush boy left 1.4 trillion in deficit. Keep in mind Clinton handed the bush boy a balanced budge with zero deficit and billions in surplus.

By the time Obama left office he has slashed the the bush boy's deficit down to 400 and something billion.

In just a year and a half trump has nearly doubled the deficit. I think that's a new republican record. trump was handed a good economy with lower deficit. There's no reason for trump to be running up that deficit and debt in a good economy. Those who are responsible use good economies to pay down the deficit and debt. But then democrats do that. Republicans don't.

He also said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, and you believed him.....Bwaaaahhhhaaaahhhhhhaaa..

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
He before Obama had FORCED upon the US the largest TAX INCREASE in history, increasing also the TAX on Social Security, thus taking more from the elderly...That was why in 1994 the house for the first time in 40 years went to the republicans and the contract with America that made Bill look like genius until he got caught with his pants down and a Cuban in a interns vagina..
MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!


© Getty Images
The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal 2018, an increase of $222 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period the previous year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The nonpartisan CBO reported that the central drivers of the increasing deficit were the Republican tax law and the bipartisan agreement to increase spending. As a result, revenue only rose 1 percent, failing to keep up with a 7 percent surge in spending, it added.

Revenue from individual and payroll taxes was up some $105 billion, or 4 percent, while corporate taxes fell $71 billion, or 30 percent.

Earlier analysis from CBO projected that deficits would near $1 trillion in 2019 and surpass that amount the following year.Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B

:dunno: Gee The great Douche should've given out 8 Trillion in that BS Tax Scam of 2017
giveaways tax breaks to the 1% never show good returns... Like do they lower their prices? FFS NO!
Do they stop ordering china made goods? FFS NO!

Maybe giving out 8 Trillion would've done better for the National debt.
MAGA: The Art of the Failure! But hey! Some morons got a stupid red hat.

BTW.. FYI:...MAGA DOPers! Conservatives plan. Let's just spend more money! Whee!
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

LOL! Spend more to get us to bankruptcy faster.
MAGA BOOBS -Big Orange Orangutan Buffon Solutions... What a plan!

Obama in his first years raised the national debt to 1.5 trillion dollars. Then when he spent less than that each year, the rate was down but totally with 9.5 trillion over his 8 years, the average was 1.15 trillion a year, but a liberal wont tell the truth....

That was mostly due to the Great Recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, has no excuse other than malfeasance.
Yep; offer those TAX CUTS to the wealthiest & tax receipts GO DOWN. But the GOP guys already know this FACT.

Yes; we ALL knew this would happen except the beneficiaries of the current fiscal abomination are,
1. the top 0.001% of the wealthiest individual Americans
2. corporations
Anyone that was paying attention KNEW that the GOP would (again) offer the GOP donor class everything they wanted.
Well, they are getting it.
All while they profit, what is left of the 'middle class,' the working stiffs, and the working poor, the top 0.0001% will make out like bandits, until which time the GOP machine AGAIN tanks the economy, as Bush did in late 2008, and everything will go to Hell, once again.
We have seen this movie before & we all know how it ends; WORSE than last time.
Yeah sure.....The economy has always gone up and down, liberals love it when it tanks, so then they can save the day with socialist policies.

and isn't it strange that when the GOP is in control of government the economy goes to Hell, all over again
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?
So? The housing bubble burst due to loans made years before Pelosi got her hands on the House gavel.

How fucked in the head are you to think her being in charge of the House had anything to do with the utter collapse of the housing markets? :cuckoo:
MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!


© Getty Images
The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal 2018, an increase of $222 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period the previous year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The nonpartisan CBO reported that the central drivers of the increasing deficit were the Republican tax law and the bipartisan agreement to increase spending. As a result, revenue only rose 1 percent, failing to keep up with a 7 percent surge in spending, it added.

Revenue from individual and payroll taxes was up some $105 billion, or 4 percent, while corporate taxes fell $71 billion, or 30 percent.

Earlier analysis from CBO projected that deficits would near $1 trillion in 2019 and surpass that amount the following year.Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B

:dunno: Gee The great Douche should've given out 8 Trillion in that BS Tax Scam of 2017
giveaways tax breaks to the 1% never show good returns... Like do they lower their prices? FFS NO!
Do they stop ordering china made goods? FFS NO!

Maybe giving out 8 Trillion would've done better for the National debt.
MAGA: The Art of the Failure! But hey! Some morons got a stupid red hat.

BTW.. FYI:...MAGA DOPers! Conservatives plan. Let's just spend more money! Whee!
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

LOL! Spend more to get us to bankruptcy faster.
MAGA BOOBS -Big Orange Orangutan Buffon Solutions... What a plan!

Obama in his first years raised the national debt to 1.5 trillion dollars. Then when he spent less than that each year, the rate was down but totally with 9.5 trillion over his 8 years, the average was 1.15 trillion a year, but a liberal wont tell the truth....

That was mostly due to the Great Recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, has no excuse other than malfeasance.

I just posted a whole bunch of feckless shit Obama did, also on the news, the WH economist showed the trend of the economy before the election and after. I guess you just kept your head up your ass didn't you and ignored the FACTS, as typical of a useless liberal.(redundant statement I know).
Yep; offer those TAX CUTS to the wealthiest & tax receipts GO DOWN. But the GOP guys already know this FACT.

Yes; we ALL knew this would happen except the beneficiaries of the current fiscal abomination are,
1. the top 0.001% of the wealthiest individual Americans
2. corporations
Anyone that was paying attention KNEW that the GOP would (again) offer the GOP donor class everything they wanted.
Well, they are getting it.
All while they profit, what is left of the 'middle class,' the working stiffs, and the working poor, the top 0.0001% will make out like bandits, until which time the GOP machine AGAIN tanks the economy, as Bush did in late 2008, and everything will go to Hell, once again.
We have seen this movie before & we all know how it ends; WORSE than last time.
Yeah sure.....The economy has always gone up and down, liberals love it when it tanks, so then they can save the day with socialist policies.

and isn't it strange that when the GOP is in control of government the economy goes to Hell, all over again
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?
So? The housing bubble burst due to loans made years before Pelosi got her hands on the House gavel.

How fucked in the head are you to think her being in charge of the House had anything to do with the utter collapse of the housing markets? :cuckoo:
Loans made during Bill Clintons years? Thank you for proving your worthless being bitch.
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
You really are a stupid fuck. A little history about Jamie Gorelick

Jamie Gorelick’s wall
The disclosure that Jamie Gorelick, a member of the September 11 commission, was personally responsible for instituting a key obstacle to cooperation between law enforcement and intelligence operations before the terrorist attacks raises disturbing questions about the integrity of the commission itself
Bill Clinton's security advisor told the CIA and FBI not to communicate with each other. That meant that the CIA picked up chatter from Afghanistan of Osama Bin Ladin with his big event in the US and FBI knowing the Muslims learning to fly but not land were being talked about, but couldn't put the DOTS together, thanks to Jamie.....Fucking rtards like you , should walk in front of a box truck, going down the sidewalk.

G. W. Bush was well aware of all potential threats via the PDBs, as much as Bush has DENIED this.
Also, Bush was on vacation for a solid fucking month immediately preceding 9/11.
Isn't that a LAZY azzhole? Bush waltzes into The White House & six months later he decides to take a fucking month off.
What a POS Republican jackazz.
Just keep on calling everyone else a "stupid fuck" you jack ass; we all know it is Bush that is the "stupid fuck."
And you pussies just really hate that & the fact that your boy allowed an attack on US soil that is still costing our nation.
And you assholes sit around & have the nerve to bitch about Benghazi. Go fuck off.
MAGA: Federal deficit soars 32% to $895B. Glad CIC Bone Spur is on the Job. Obama did better, Btw!


© Getty Images
The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal 2018, an increase of $222 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period the previous year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The nonpartisan CBO reported that the central drivers of the increasing deficit were the Republican tax law and the bipartisan agreement to increase spending. As a result, revenue only rose 1 percent, failing to keep up with a 7 percent surge in spending, it added.

Revenue from individual and payroll taxes was up some $105 billion, or 4 percent, while corporate taxes fell $71 billion, or 30 percent.

Earlier analysis from CBO projected that deficits would near $1 trillion in 2019 and surpass that amount the following year.Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B

:dunno: Gee The great Douche should've given out 8 Trillion in that BS Tax Scam of 2017
giveaways tax breaks to the 1% never show good returns... Like do they lower their prices? FFS NO!
Do they stop ordering china made goods? FFS NO!

Maybe giving out 8 Trillion would've done better for the National debt.
MAGA: The Art of the Failure! But hey! Some morons got a stupid red hat.

BTW.. FYI:...MAGA DOPers! Conservatives plan. Let's just spend more money! Whee!
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

LOL! Spend more to get us to bankruptcy faster.
MAGA BOOBS -Big Orange Orangutan Buffon Solutions... What a plan!

Obama in his first years raised the national debt to 1.5 trillion dollars. Then when he spent less than that each year, the rate was down but totally with 9.5 trillion over his 8 years, the average was 1.15 trillion a year, but a liberal wont tell the truth....

Sad that Obama put the off the books spending under Dubya years for needless wars on the books in 2009-10. How crazy was that, taking the hit for other conservative spending lies.
Some 1.7 trillion in the end was it?

The bush boy kept both of his wars off the general budget.

When Obama was inaugurated those wars were added to the general budget.

Over night the national debt skyrocketed from nearly 11 trillion to 13 trillion.

The republicans aren't being honest about the amount of debt and deficit that the bush boy created and left for Obama to clean up.
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
Neither party has the balls to address entitlements. Until that happens the deficit will continue.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.
what if you happen to have a job were you dont sit on your ass all day in an office and are outside doing a physical job that just might take a toll on your body?.....many of those people would have a hard time making it to 65 doing those jobs.......
Neither party has the balls to address entitlements. Until that happens the deficit will continue.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.
what if you happen to have a job were you dont sit on your ass all day in an office and are outside doing a physical job that just might take a toll on your body?.....many of those people would have a hard time making it to 65 doing those jobs.......

I have that job. Sort off. I am less worried about those people than I am about those sitting on their ass and getting fat with diabetes and high blood pressure, etc.
You know that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house when the Housing bubble burst?


Things were improving after the 9/11 attacks and the stock market crash that resulted. It seems a lot of people don't recall how devastating that day was to the economic health of the country.

1/3 of it's value wiped away over night IIRC. The first 6 month afterwards were rough on me. I was even homeless briefly. I stole a job for $6 an hour from a wetback just to survive living in a car for a couple months.

It was WAY WORSE than the obozo election crash in 2008 but we recovered quickly. All it took was a midterm win by leftist sociopaths in 2006 to stop the recovery, and the unfortunate 2008 election of a meat puppet to send the economy right down into the septic tank where it pretty much stayed until Trump was elected.

G.W. Bush should have been doing his goddamn job; then 9/11 would not have happened on HIS WATCH.
caddo i dont give a fuck who was president that still would of happened,sometimes the bad guys get one...
thats your response?....
Neither party has the balls to address entitlements. Until that happens the deficit will continue.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.

I agree in raising SS retirement to 70

Medicare and Medicaid are critical support services
same question to you RW.....

Medicare and Medicaid need major revision
Neither party has the balls to address entitlements. Until that happens the deficit will continue.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.
what if you happen to have a job were you dont sit on your ass all day in an office and are outside doing a physical job that just might take a toll on your body?.....many of those people would have a hard time making it to 65 doing those jobs.......

I have that job. Sort off. I am less worried about those people than I am about those sitting on their ass and getting fat with diabetes and high blood pressure, etc.
but it still did not answer my question.....some jobs you cant work till you are 75....
Neither party has the balls to address entitlements. Until that happens the deficit will continue.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.
what if you happen to have a job were you dont sit on your ass all day in an office and are outside doing a physical job that just might take a toll on your body?.....many of those people would have a hard time making it to 65 doing those jobs.......

I have that job. Sort off. I am less worried about those people than I am about those sitting on their ass and getting fat with diabetes and high blood pressure, etc.
but it still did not answer my question.....some jobs you cant work till you are 75....

Then you apply for a special exception. Or you receive less in SS.
Which ones?

Medicare and Medicaid. Also need to raise the retirement age for SSI collection to 75.
what if you happen to have a job were you dont sit on your ass all day in an office and are outside doing a physical job that just might take a toll on your body?.....many of those people would have a hard time making it to 65 doing those jobs.......

I have that job. Sort off. I am less worried about those people than I am about those sitting on their ass and getting fat with diabetes and high blood pressure, etc.
but it still did not answer my question.....some jobs you cant work till you are 75....

Then you apply for a special exception. Or you receive less in SS.
why should he/she receive less just because they happen to be doing a physical job?...

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