MAGA Georgia Election Board Is Doing Everything They Possibly Can To Steal Georgia For Trump

The corrupt Georgia MAGA election board has ruled a hand vote count of the entire state....just weeks before the 2024 election.

Four major problems with this:

Most election workers have not been trained for performing hand counts. And there is little time left to provide this training.

2) More people will now be allowed to touch the ballots, which increases the chances of cheating among some election workers. And rest assured, most of those cheaters will undoubtedly be MAGA election workers.

3) Hundreds, if not thousands, of additional election workers will need to be hired at the last minute in order to perform this hand count, costing the state of Georgia millions of dollars for no good reason.

4) It will take months to do a hand count of all these ballots.

The Georgia MAGA election board could give a flying fuck about ensuring the "integrity" of this election. Nobody in their right mind truly believes that human beings will do a better job counting ballots than voting machines will.

The whole point of this hand count is to create total chaos on election day and after, so that SCOTUS ultimately decides who wins the state of Georgia.

/—-/ I stopped reading at your first bullshyt excuse. I was an election inspector in New York for 8 years. The training to hand count vote takes 30 minutes.
I guess you don’t listen to Trump. Makes sense. A lot of his supporters just zone out when he drones on and on.

Thanks for admitting your question in deflection to your admitting you rely on your "opinions" to make decisions....was stupid.
First of all, you are assuming that they won't have to recount any of the millions of votes. A very bad assumption. Secondly, you are assuming that they have enough manpower and training to do this quickly. Another very bad assumption.

You're making a bunch of stupid assumptions about how easy this will be. --

Research and practice have shown again and again that hand-counting of ballots is less accurate than machine tallies — and that it can take days, weeks or months, depending on the size of the jurisdiction.

Some critics say that because the hand-counting requirement would almost certainly inject error into the tabulation process, it could give county boards the evidence they need to investigate results and delay certification. Some questioned whether the two rules together amount to intentional sabotage of state elections.

A "jurisdiction" as big as the entire state of Georgia? Yeah, I think it will take months.

They, like you are using the wrong definition of hand counting ballots versus hand counting votes. Did you look at your source? The WP is the DNC's newspaper division in DC, just like the NY Times serves for NY?
/—-/ Or democRATs can stop cheating.

Harris left off of ballot in Montana.

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