Maga Hats, Chaperones, and Catholic Boys, a Priest opinion.

What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter
He’s standing there among a peaceful group of youth supporting Trump when the Injun decided to get in his face and lefty twits like you blame him for not turning away? The Injun started the whole thing but it’s the kid and his peaceful cohorts’ fault? It’s bullshit like this that’s gonna help make November a dimocrat bloodbath.
In a fair a just society the kid would have been a hero. It show what happens in a society where the elitist media is on the opposite side of the American people.
Let me see if I have this right.
lol...more like "lets see how many more things I can get wrong"...
...the next time you get something right will be the first timel

I assume that you support Trump,
I didn't vote for him [johnson] am not voting for him [biden most likely]...I've known trump for over 40 years [not personally] and while I like him better now than I ever have [because he sticks it to the dummies on the left] I have never liked the man even when the NY media was singing his praises [the boy builder they called him] lets look at that/your claim, a six word sentence and you still managed to get all that wrong [at least three things], I guess in your world that makes you a wordsmith

who never bought steel in America manufactured by union men until he became president.
all this proves is how much it is you and not me that has so much in common with trump, neither of you uses unions...maybe the rest of the country can learn something from you two? just kidding

I'll tell you what. As soon as I become president, I won't hire painters who are non-union.
In other words unions are never ever going to be considered by you, non American citizens are more preferable/desirerable to you than union workers, is that correct?...the liberals are blaming the wrong people for breaking the backs of unions, it isn't illegals, it is un-American guys like you.
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Actually, I am grateful for the Trump hats, many of which are made in China. It tells me instantly just who I am dealing with. For example, I had contractors out to the house to give me a quote for painting the entire interior, a job which eventually went for $3,500. The first contractor showed up wearing a Trump hat. Needless to say, he did not get the job.
Fake News Lies:

Official Trump MAGA hats are made in the US

CLAIM: Trump’s “Make America Great Again” caps are made in China, not the U.S.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The hats are made by a manufacturer in California.

THE FACTS: A post circulating on Facebook with a picture of a red MAGA hat that bears a “Made in China” label falsely claims President Donald Trump’s official caps are not made in the U.S. Such claims have circulated for years on social media and have re-surfaced in recent months as the president engages in a tariff war with China.

Brian Kennedy, president of Cali Fame of Los Angeles, a California-based company that makes the official hats, confirmed to The Associated Press on Tuesday that the hats are produced entirely in Carson, Calif.​

Official Trump MAGA hats are made in the US


Telling the truth will make you feel very happy inside!

What is an "official" MAGA hat? One that has been autographed to the owner of Donald J Trump, clothing, which is all manufactured in Asia?
maga hats made in usa - Google Search


Don't be fooled by Fake News!
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

Where were they supposed to go? Into the road?
Ironic yet appropriate for a democrat fascist to put the onus of liberty forfeiture onto Americans standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Indeed, tyrants really hate it when good people stand their ground. They hate it when any effort to bully them is met with anything but cowardly submission.

That, truly, is the point of the OP.
The CNN "older generation" pedophiles and homos are full of shit! The high school kid should have smacked that fake ass Indian for getting in his face after enduring that INSANE, GENOCIDAL, HATE, RACIST shit preached by the Congressional Black Hebrews.

Fake News CNN, NY Times, HuffPo etc., describe the Congressional Black Hebrews as "street preachers." :p

Indeed. For all the criticism and slander and libel that young Mr. Sandmann received, my opinion was that he was much more restrained that he should be. When that piece of shit got in his face, banging that stupid drum of his, Mr. Sandmann should have had the guts to at least calmly advise him to back away if he didn't want a fight. Letting bullies get away with that sort of behavior only encourages it. That's something that I learned very young; the worst thing you can do, in dealing with a bully, is let him have his way without a fight. Even if you lose the ensuing fight, at least next time, the bully will pick on someone else who won't put up a fight. Bullies are generally cowards of the worst sort, and only pick on those that they think will not fight back.
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That he didn't clock the Injun was proof enough that he was well brought up. I dread to think what Trayvon or Big Mike would have done.

To be fair, even I would have given the Injun a fair warning, to get out of my face with his stupid drum, and only clocked him if he persisted in harassing me after being thus warned.
So moral of the story is white boys should always run away when confronted by hateful bigots.

What a message.

That's the message from the very worst of hateful bigots, anyway; who ironically are the first and loudest to falsely accuse others of being hateful bigots.

As I said before, bullies really hate it when their intended victims stand up to them.
Sure you walk away. You don't stand their [sic] smirking while your buddies say racist shit.

That's surely what you would do, but then that's only because you're a worthless, cowardly, Gillettized pussy. That's probably what you've done all your life, which is likely why you grew up to be such a hateful, bitter, empty shell of a human being.
Sure you walk away. You don't stand their smirking while your buddies say racist shit.
Why shouldn’t he stand there smiling? He had every right to.

Because JoeB131 sympathizes with bullies. It's likely that the only thing preventing him from being a bully himself is that he's too weak, cowardly, and impotent to pull it off. I bet that he's tried it, and only ever had the result of getting the solid digestive waste beaten out of him by whomever it was that he tried to bully. Hence, his hatred, in particular, toward anyone who has the guts to stand up to a bully.
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Sure you walk away. You don't stand their [sic] smirking while your buddies say racist shit.

That's surely what you would do, but then that's only because you're a worthless, cowardly, Gillettized pussy. That's probably what you've done all your life, which is likely why you grew up to be such a hateful, bitter, empty shell of a human being.

Nick Sandmann's life was ruined. Colleges have said they will not enroll him, employers will not hire him because of the publicity by CNN et al.

That's just not right to ruin a teenager's life. Giving him a settlement so he doesn't have to go to college or work, is the FAIR thing to do.

If CNN or other parties are ruining people's lives, they have to rectify it.
Let me see if I have this right.
lol...more like "lets see how many more things I can get wrong"...
...the next time you get something right will be the first timel

I assume that you support Trump,
I didn't vote for him [johnson] am not voting for him [biden most likely]...I've known trump for over 40 years [not personally] and while I like him better now than I ever have [because he sticks it to the dummies on the left] I have never liked the man even when the NY media was singing his praises [the boy builder they called him] lets look at that/your claim, a six word sentence and you still managed to get all that wrong [at least three things], I guess in your world that makes you a wordsmith

who never bought steel in America manufactured by union men until he became president.
all this proves is how much it is you and not me that has so much in common with trump, neither of you uses unions...maybe the rest of the country can learn something from you two? just kidding

I'll tell you what. As soon as I become president, I won't hire painters who are non-union.
In other words unions are never ever going to be considered by you, non American citizens are more preferable/desirerable to you than union workers, is that correct?...the liberals are blaming the wrong people for breaking the backs of unions, it isn't illegals, it is un-American guys like you.

You seem to feel that you know all about me, which I find amusing. The short answer is this. In spite of your claim that remodeling contractors in AZ hire union laborer, they do not. They have card files of people with the skills they need, and hire them on a per job basis.There are no union contractor employees in Southern AZ, 35 miles from the border where I live. My father worked for Ford, when he had security personnel in his parking lots, and if someone showed up driving any other car, they were fired. The union stopped that kind of stuff. Unions today are not fighting that kind of injustice. They just demand free health insurance. The need for unions disappeared during the time when the American automobile and steam train workers insisted on better benefits in a dying industry. I have not purchased an American made car in 20 years., because they are junk.
If he would had stood there and smirked, he’d still be alive. Instead he attacked the guy from behind and tried to kill him. Unless you forgot Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
Uh, no, he didn't. He shot an unarmed black kid because his fat doughy ass was being beaten up.

Shooting someone because he's beating you up is pretty much the definition of self-defense.
You seem to feel that you know all about me, which I find amusing. The short answer is this. In spite of your claim that remodeling contractors in AZ hire union laborer, they do not. They have card files of people with the skills they need, and hire them on a per job basis.There are no union contractor employees in Southern AZ, 35 miles from the border where I live. My father worked for Ford, when he had security personnel in his parking lots, and if someone showed up driving any other car, they were fired. The union stopped that kind of stuff. Unions today are not fighting that kind of injustice. They just demand free health insurance. The need for unions disappeared during the time when the American automobile and steam train workers insisted on better benefits in a dying industry. I have not purchased an American made car in 20 years., because they are junk.
good story

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