MAGA: Largest holiday sales in six years

It’s not, that was the point...but I am not the one that started the thread indicating it was different

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I created the topic to show that we had huge holiday sales this year. How people pay for it is another subject. That was not my intent here. I think holiday sales reflect consumer and economic confidence in our leadership. I expect that to change next month when Democrats take control over Congress. Democrats are not business friendly people.
See post 62.

Your reports seem to both hinge on the stock market alone. The market bounces up and down, and people who are doing well at work are paying little attention. As for consumer confidence, holiday sales point to the exact opposite.
Wow. It's like you are schizophrenic or something!

You start out by saying something does not hinge on a single factor, and then you cite a single factor to deny consumer confidence is the lowest in six years!

Read the links, dumbass. The stock market is reacting to the consumer confidence index, it is not the index itself!


No dumbass, the market is shaky because of the tariffs and trade negotiations. Once that gets settled so will the market.

What leads you to believe it will get settled?

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Get it for it later.

Is this a new concept for you?

No but it's apparently a new concept for you.

For example: I bought everything for Christmas using a credit card, yet I paid zero interest, got cash back from the issuer and ended up with a bunch of $5 Whole Foods credits from Amazon....

Any Idea how my "buy now and pay it later" strategy of credit use is different from say someone using a card and paying nothing but minimum payments on that balance?

Now I ask again...

Define "put on credit".

If you're able to come up with a cogent response I might just help you answer your original question.

you are the exception, not the rule. I am not going to play this stupid game with you. You can pretend that the US does not have a debt problem all you like, just do it without me helping your little fantasy.

Average Credit Card Debt in the U.S. in 2018 - MagnifyMoney

Americans paid banks $104 billion in credit card interest and fees in 2018, up 11% from the prior year, and up 35% over the last five years, as Fed rate increases have been passed on to consumers. MagnifyMoney analyzed FDIC data through March, 2018 for each bank whose deposits are insured by the FDIC.

The Average U.S. Household Owes $16,000 In Credit Card Debt

The average U.S. household owes $16,061 in credit card debt, up from 10% from $14,546 from 2006,

Sure sounds like people are confident of our economy for the long run.

And that is the problem, one we keep having.

The economy will go into recession again, it was designed to fail on a regular basis, we are due soon.

When you are confident in the economy is the time to save and pay off debt. Individuals are making the same mistake the Fed Govt...adding to debt in a good economy is a begging for a disaster. Then when things head down there is no where to go but even more in debt.

We added 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt this the midst of a booming economy...just imagine what will happen to the debt in a recession.

If that's what you think, then you're in good hands. The Democrats are in charge of spending now. Let's see what they come up with. Hint: look at what happened to spending last time they took over.

TDS dictates you try to take a positive......any positive, and turn it into a negative. It's something you simply can't help.
The last two times the Republicans have taken over full power, they ACCELERATED spending and the deficit.

Fool me once...

The Republican have already doubled the DECLINING deficit they inherited and have INCREASED it.

Trump just submitted a budget with a trillion dollar deficit. Deficit Donald's budget also exceeds Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

And you tards have been willfully ignoring these facts.

Right on cue, though, just as I predicted, once the Democrats take the House you will suddenly notice there's a lot of spending going on!

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
No but it's apparently a new concept for you.

For example: I bought everything for Christmas using a credit card, yet I paid zero interest, got cash back from the issuer and ended up with a bunch of $5 Whole Foods credits from Amazon....

Any Idea how my "buy now and pay it later" strategy of credit use is different from say someone using a card and paying nothing but minimum payments on that balance?

Now I ask again...

Define "put on credit".

If you're able to come up with a cogent response I might just help you answer your original question.

you are the exception, not the rule. I am not going to play this stupid game with you. You can pretend that the US does not have a debt problem all you like, just do it without me helping your little fantasy.

Average Credit Card Debt in the U.S. in 2018 - MagnifyMoney

Americans paid banks $104 billion in credit card interest and fees in 2018, up 11% from the prior year, and up 35% over the last five years, as Fed rate increases have been passed on to consumers. MagnifyMoney analyzed FDIC data through March, 2018 for each bank whose deposits are insured by the FDIC.

The Average U.S. Household Owes $16,000 In Credit Card Debt

The average U.S. household owes $16,061 in credit card debt, up from 10% from $14,546 from 2006,

Sure sounds like people are confident of our economy for the long run.

And that is the problem, one we keep having.

The economy will go into recession again, it was designed to fail on a regular basis, we are due soon.

When you are confident in the economy is the time to save and pay off debt. Individuals are making the same mistake the Fed Govt...adding to debt in a good economy is a begging for a disaster. Then when things head down there is no where to go but even more in debt.

We added 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt this the midst of a booming economy...just imagine what will happen to the debt in a recession.

If that's what you think, then you're in good hands. The Democrats are in charge of spending now. Let's see what they come up with. Hint: look at what happened to spending last time they took over.

TDS dictates you try to take a positive......any positive, and turn it into a negative. It's something you simply can't help.
The last two times the Republicans have taken over full power, they ACCELERATED spending and the deficit.

Fool me once...

The Republican have already doubled the DECLINING deficit they inherited and have INCREASED it.

Trump just submitted a budget with a trillion dollar deficit. Deficit Donald's budget also exceeds Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

And you tards have been willfully ignoring these facts.

Right on cue, though, just as I predicted, once the Democrats take the House you will suddenly notice there's a lot of spending going on!

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

They are like a pig rolling around in the shit. They love the stench.
No but it's apparently a new concept for you.

For example: I bought everything for Christmas using a credit card, yet I paid zero interest, got cash back from the issuer and ended up with a bunch of $5 Whole Foods credits from Amazon....

Any Idea how my "buy now and pay it later" strategy of credit use is different from say someone using a card and paying nothing but minimum payments on that balance?

Now I ask again...

Define "put on credit".

If you're able to come up with a cogent response I might just help you answer your original question.

you are the exception, not the rule. I am not going to play this stupid game with you. You can pretend that the US does not have a debt problem all you like, just do it without me helping your little fantasy.

Average Credit Card Debt in the U.S. in 2018 - MagnifyMoney

Americans paid banks $104 billion in credit card interest and fees in 2018, up 11% from the prior year, and up 35% over the last five years, as Fed rate increases have been passed on to consumers. MagnifyMoney analyzed FDIC data through March, 2018 for each bank whose deposits are insured by the FDIC.

The Average U.S. Household Owes $16,000 In Credit Card Debt

The average U.S. household owes $16,061 in credit card debt, up from 10% from $14,546 from 2006,

Sure sounds like people are confident of our economy for the long run.

And that is the problem, one we keep having.

The economy will go into recession again, it was designed to fail on a regular basis, we are due soon.

When you are confident in the economy is the time to save and pay off debt. Individuals are making the same mistake the Fed Govt...adding to debt in a good economy is a begging for a disaster. Then when things head down there is no where to go but even more in debt.

We added 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt this the midst of a booming economy...just imagine what will happen to the debt in a recession.

If that's what you think, then you're in good hands. The Democrats are in charge of spending now. Let's see what they come up with. Hint: look at what happened to spending last time they took over.

TDS dictates you try to take a positive......any positive, and turn it into a negative. It's something you simply can't help.
The last two times the Republicans have taken over full power, they ACCELERATED spending and the deficit.

Fool me once...

The Republican have already doubled the DECLINING deficit they inherited and have INCREASED it.

Trump just submitted a budget with a trillion dollar deficit. Deficit Donald's budget also exceeds Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

And you tards have been willfully ignoring these facts.

Right on cue, though, just as I predicted, once the Democrats take the House you will suddenly notice there's a lot of spending going on!

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Spending goes on with both sides, however Democrats waste our money on social crap.

DumBama depleted our military and the Republicans are trying to repair the damage. That's not to say I agree with over spending, but what Republicans should have done is cut social spending and upped the military not quite as much.

Unlike you on the left, I won't make excuses for the actions of our party. They are spending way too much. But I heed the words of Dr Walter E Williams on this one.

"Let's say I'm going to run for Congress. My platform is I won't bring any money from Washington to our state. I won't vote for any spending, I won't sign on to an unbalanced budget. How many of you would vote for me?"
Spending goes on with both sides, however Democrats waste our money on social crap.

DumBama depleted our military and the Republicans are trying to repair the damage. That's not to say I agree with over spending, but what Republicans should have done is cut social spending and upped the military not quite as much.

Unlike you on the left, I won't make excuses for the actions of our party. They are spending way too much. But I heed the words of Dr Walter E Williams on this one.

"Let's say I'm going to run for Congress. My platform is I won't bring any money from Washington to our state. I won't vote for any spending, I won't sign on to an unbalanced budget. How many of you would vote for me?"

Trump upped the DOD budget by 50 billion.

Yet he added 1.3 trillion do the debt...and you want to give him a free pass because he was spending more on the military.

Typical partisan sheep
I created the topic to show that we had huge holiday sales this year. How people pay for it is another subject. That was not my intent here. I think holiday sales reflect consumer and economic confidence in our leadership. I expect that to change next month when Democrats take control over Congress. Democrats are not business friendly people.
See post 62.

Your reports seem to both hinge on the stock market alone. The market bounces up and down, and people who are doing well at work are paying little attention. As for consumer confidence, holiday sales point to the exact opposite.
Wow. It's like you are schizophrenic or something!

You start out by saying something does not hinge on a single factor, and then you cite a single factor to deny consumer confidence is the lowest in six years!

Read the links, dumbass. The stock market is reacting to the consumer confidence index, it is not the index itself!


No dumbass, the market is shaky because of the tariffs and trade negotiations. Once that gets settled so will the market.

What leads you to believe it will get settled?

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China is caving in slightly, but it shows they are very concerned. While our economy is roaring, theirs are not doing so well. So it's like a game of Chicken. Who is going to drive off the road first? However given our position of the worlds largest consumers, I think we have an upper hand in this one.

China cuts tariffs on more than 700 goods

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