MAGA movement widely unpoplar in new poll

They should be embarrassed to carry the name.

They should be embarrassed to carry the name.
What’s sad is how the dems don’t like the idea of a great America. I was thinking of this today. Trump said “make America great again” and the dems immediately went into overdrive to turn something that intended to be good, into something about racism, when no racism was ever even mentioned. It was a fabrication invented 100% by the left, and because they own most of the media, they did it with great effect.

It’s no wonder why people are afraid to be associated with “maga” after the hatchet job you all did on it.

Congratulations, an agenda that was meant to make America respected on the world stage again, and you all destroyed it, as we slid into the laughing stock of the world, and you all cheered for it all along the way.
25% of the electorate identify as Republican.

MAGA is an insult to all previous administrations and generations. While we are far from perfect, we have alway been the greatest nation on earth since the end of WWII when we led the way to ending the Fascist scourge of the 1930's. Trump was a Chump for campaigning on the message that we were no longer great. Anyone who believed him Chumped the USA as well. You are an embarrassment to the memory of all those who sacrifice everything for this nation.
25% of the electorate identify as Republican.

MAGA is an insult to all previous administrations and generations. While we are far from perfect, we have alway been the greatest nation on earth since the end of WWII when we led the way to ending the Fascist scourge of the 1930's. Trump was a Chump for campaigning on the message that we were no longer great. Anyone who believed him Chumped the USA as well. You are an embarrassment to the memory of all those who sacrifice everything for this nation.

I hope there comes a day when we can bag a liberal progressive and take it to the game warden's check station and collect a bounty.
I'm not talking about Jews I'm talking about liberal progressive vomit.

Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party,

This general inclination toward the Democratic Party and liberal values goes hand-in-hand with disapproval of former Republican President Donald Trump. In this survey, conducted roughly five to 12 months before the 2020 presidential election, nearly three-quarters of Jewish adults disapproved of the job Trump was doing as president, while just 27% rated him positively – far below the 65% who approved of President Barack Obama’s job performance in 2013.

Let's carve the USA into 2 countries, Dem and Rep. That would be a sweet deal for Dems they could write their own constitution and laws, build a liberal utopia. Deal? :hands::hands::hands:
Let's not and say we did.

Most American still want compromise solutions.

Seventy percent of Americans said they want federal government officials to achieve compromise and find solutions. That includes majorities in both parties: 83 percent of Democrats, 54 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of independents.

Meanwhile, 28 percent of Americans said they want the nation’s lawmakers to stand on principle, even if it creates political gridlock. Republicans were more likely to agree with that idea at 44 percent, compared to 14 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of independents.
First of all asshole Dems have no interest in compromise. The lying trash can't be trusted to stick to the terms of any compromise that much is clear. Secondly, we hate their guts.
Well when they run across New Republicans who think and say stupid shit like that I can't blame them if that feeling is mutual, but they still need to set aside their feelings and work it out like adults.
Well when they run across New Republicans who think and say stupid shit like that I can't blame them if that feeling is mutual, but they still need to set aside their feelings and work it out like adults.
How do you think this is going to end? Go look at human history, hint not well for the left.
Let's not and say we did.

Most American still want compromise solutions.

Seventy percent of Americans said they want federal government officials to achieve compromise and find solutions. That includes majorities in both parties: 83 percent of Democrats, 54 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of independents.

Meanwhile, 28 percent of Americans said they want the nation’s lawmakers to stand on principle, even if it creates political gridlock. Republicans were more likely to agree with that idea at 44 percent, compared to 14 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of independents.
lol a PBS poll. They are a 24/7 racist propaganda channel.

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