MAGA! President Trump Flips NY Based 2nd Circuit To Red

Didn't Moscow Mitch say you can't replace a SC judge in an election year? The Republicans have no mandate and their clown is about to be impeached.
Nobody said that.

You're thinking of Biden referring to a POTUS 8th year.

So keep that whine on mind 4 years from now.

Actually we are thinking about what YOU guys claimed (and Mitch affirmed) when you rejected Garland.
Didn't Moscow Mitch say you can't replace a SC judge in an election year? The Republicans have no mandate and their clown is about to be impeached.
Nobody said that.

You're thinking of Biden referring to a POTUS 8th year.

So keep that whine on mind 4 years from now.

Actually we are thinking about what YOU guys claimed (and Mitch affirmed) when you rejected Garland.
No you aren't.

Mitch was just evoking the Biden Rule, that only pertains to a Lame Duck POTUS in his last year.

Bookmark this and pull it up in 4 years.

He previously flipped the 3rd Circuit. And he is on the cusp of flipping the 9th Circuit. Now this. The transformation of America into a Christian Conservative Nationalist Nation continues. Winning!

Trump Flips New York-Based 2nd Circuit as Menashi Confirmed (2)
Courts are not supposed to be red or blue.
Transforming America into a conservative Nationalist Nation means it's imperative that he flips the circuits red.
Didn't Moscow Mitch say you can't replace a SC judge in an election year? The Republicans have no mandate and their clown is about to be impeached.
Nobody said that.

You're thinking of Biden referring to a POTUS 8th year.

So keep that whine on mind 4 years from now.

Actually we are thinking about what YOU guys claimed (and Mitch affirmed) when you rejected Garland.
No you aren't.

Mitch was just evoking the Biden Rule, that only pertains to a Lame Duck POTUS in his last year.

Bookmark this and pull it up in 4 years.
Sure ....

Translation: the rule only counts when we WANT it to.

He previously flipped the 3rd Circuit. And he is on the cusp of flipping the 9th Circuit. Now this. The transformation of America into a Christian Conservative Nationalist Nation continues. Winning!

Trump Flips New York-Based 2nd Circuit as Menashi Confirmed (2)
Courts are not supposed to be red or blue.
Transforming America into a conservative Nationalist Nation means it's imperative that he flips the circuits red.
Thank you for clarifying the fact you view justice as not constitutional but partisan.
and this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason for the Schiff Show being put on by the hypocritical democrats and their sycophants in the corrupt & dishonest media

THANK YOU Mr President!

THIS is why I voted for you!

Confirmation of latest Trump judicial pick tilts balance of 11th Circuit Court

The Senate confirmed yet another of President Trump's picks to a federal circuit court seat Wednesday in a vote that tilts the balance of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to a GOP-appointed majority.

The 11th Circuit is now the third court to undergo such a transformation during Trump's presidency.

With an 80-15 vote, the Senate confirmed Barbara Lagoa to the seat formerly held by Judge Stanley Marcus, a Clinton appointee who sat on the appeals court that handles cases from Florida, Georgia and Alabama since 1997. Lagoa, the first Cuban-American woman confirmed to the 11th Circuit, tilts that court, which was previously split between six Republican appointees and six Democratic appointees, to a GOP-appointed majority. Trump's nominees alone now hold five of the 12 seats on the 11th Circuit.
Trump has been very successful in overturning a lot of the damage done by Obama. I think his greatest achievement (outside of the booming economy) is the change for the better in the Federal courts.

Obama was lazy in doing his job and too bright. He was more interested in sending barrels of cash to his Iranian Mullah buddies or working on basketball playoff bracket predictions than he was in appointing Federal judges. Of course his sorriness in this case was a good thing for the country.
I'm still not sure what run-of-the-mill conservatives think they are getting with a bunch of judges.
I'm still not sure what run-of-the-mill conservatives think they are getting with a bunch of judges.
a band-aid to slow down the insanity in the new clown world

Somebody needs to flip the 9th in the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia.

That should take care of some of their culturally suicidal Pro-Illegal-Aliens decisions, which need to be overturned.
The Klown Kar reps play their insane game and the Senate continues to help the president establish a bright future for this country.
I'm still not sure what run-of-the-mill conservatives think they are getting with a bunch of judges.

Because judges can overrule presidential decisions.

Not that they ever do that, of course. I mean, when have we ever seen that happen?

The constitution literally rests on the decisions of judges. Not many things are more important than having the right judges in place.
Curiously, Obama left over 100 judge seats vacant before he left. That doesn’t usually happen. He left those seats open for Hillary to fill to finalize the 16 year plan to end the republic. You people have no power anymore. The leftist agenda is all but dead at this point. Soon as RBG goes, that seat will be filled and the Supreme Court will be taping the torn up pieces of the constitution back together to redisplay to the country again.
lol the courts are almost all republican now lol hahaha

scream in the air democrats lol
The voters don't want activist judges and the ACLU turning the US on its head.

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