MAGA Republicans $30 billion in budget cuts to veterans programs threaten health care, housing services, mental health & support for homeless veterans

Your words.....we can't go to a non VA doctor anymore.

Nothing about distance or anything else, just a blanket statement.
If you live in range of a VA hospital... which I do... just like millions of vets....
So you think Biden did a good thing here?... is that what you are suggesting because I'd love to hear you explain that one... you are a lying POS you know that?....
As the husband of a VA nurse I would strongly disagree with you.
As a nurse, she is one of the few people who are actually working. Go to her clinic check-in desk. 5 stations. 2 or 3 chairs occupied. 1 person actually doing his job. 1 person talking on a personal phone call. 1 person browsing the internet for who knows what. 30 patients waiting to be seen. Employees from other departments visiting the employees at the clinic for no apparent reason. Small herds of employees walking the hallways for "exercise." Lunchrooms and snack bars full of mostly employees for long periods of time.
I could go on and on. Do your country a favor and check it out and report it. I always do when I get the e-mail from VA titled "Rate Your Visit to the VA on March 9, 2023."
As a nurse, she is one of the few people who are actually working. Go to her clinic check-in desk. 5 stations. 2 or 3 chairs occupied. 1 person actually doing his job. 1 person talking on a personal phone call. 1 person browsing the internet for who knows what. 30 patients waiting to be seen. Employees from other departments visiting the employees at the clinic for no apparent reason. Small herds of employees walking the hallways for "exercise." Lunchrooms and snack bars full of mostly employees for long periods of time.
I could go on and on. Do your country a favor and check it out and report it. I always do when I get the e-mail from VA titled "Rate Your Visit to the VA on March 9, 2023."
Golfing Gator is full of crap I catch him in lie after lie....
Biden just cut out all of the good things Trump did for the VA... from being able to fire bad VA employees to now we can't go to a non VA doctor anymore.... there is plenty of money for the VA now if Biden would stop sending it to Ukraine... you found fake exaggerated news my friend....
Dems want to send more troops and money to fight Russia but they don't want to care for the veterans we have now....
You are full of shit if you claim we can't go to a non-VA doctor or specialist, I am currently seeing a non-VA orthopedic neurologist and getting treatments.
You are full of shit if you claim we can't go to a non-VA doctor or specialist, I am currently seeing a non-VA orthopedic neurologist and getting treatments.

I only go to the VA every 6 months for a face to face with my Primary Care quack, and to have blood drawn. I have been treated by only civilian doctors and clinics for years.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz? You gotta be kidding. Democrats don't even bother leaking stuff anymore. This lame Op Ed was written by three radical lefties democrat representatives in response to ongoing debate about the upcoming budget. Anybody can see it's a cheap shot with little basis in truth but lefties on the board eat it up as if it was Scripture.
I'm going to address something here right now... there are no MAGA republicans... there are republicans who voted for Trump along with millions of democrats... using Biden's words (MAGA republican) to describe a section of the republican party is dishonest and short sighted and is a way the dems can divide the party...
Every time they use MAGA Republicans I use Douchebag Democrats.
Walk into any veterans clinic or hospital and go around to any office or work space. Count how many VA employees are actually performing any work. Then come back and give your report. Spend the whole day there and I'll bet your tune will change. The VA is the biggest waste of money than any other government function I have ever seen.
With Few White Employees, It Is a Another Multicultie Welfare Scam
But I do have this...

Yes, Veterans choice was expanded and many docs did not want to accept it but around where I live many doctor's do.

I receive veterans newsletter's monthly and nothing in there ever that Biden got rid of anything. I get a letter once a year with my raise once a year and nothing in between. Have no idea what the the ram is trying to push over.
Typical, Democrats caught LYING again. First off VA programs will be protected from the sound of things the GOP is saying. Second, the actual cut is 8%. All the GOP has proposed is to roll back spending to 2022 levels, oh god the horror right. But Dems as typical lie and spin and distort to scare people.

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