Trumps Budget calls for cuts in VA programs in exchange for.....

This tax payer based budget cuts nothing. It reduces some automatic increases but cuts no dollars from anything.
Many of the so called cuts are because Trump wants the states to take over more control of social needs with grant money and federal dollars so on paper it looks like a cut but it's not. He is just keeping another promise to return more control over to the states. This is a good thing. Compassion is best when dealt out locally.
Been to four different VA hospitals in three different states, went from bad to god awful.

VA hospitals need to be shut down.

Veterans (and their immediate family) should be able to go to a hospital of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment.

The way this country treats it's veterans is a disgrace.
The Gov cannot control the costs outside of the system.

They need to fix the gd system and leave the vets and disabled vets alone. Someone who had the fortitude to join the military and serve their time honorably does not need benefits taken away.

Reading the comments on FB from this article and there aren't many vets happy about this and neither am I.

So if you are receiving extra compensation due to unemployability just take it away when they draw social because it's double dipping? I know many who retired from military worked after and draw retirement from both systems, wonder if they're going to eventually get rid of that so called double dipping.

I am a Vet, and I have fought. I agree with you. But if you let anyone go outside of the system they become subject to the pricing at large. Me? I wish I was smart enough to know what to do.

I'm a disabled vet and stopped using the VA years ago, not because of the treatment, I had group insurance so didn't want to take up space for the ones who did not have private insurance. A couple of vets I know have used the choice program and the doctor to this day hasn't been paid after several months and will not see them again. So you throw money at a program when they need to throw it into hiring more docs and weeding out the bad ones and admin at the VA.

But the pricing on the outside will bankrupt the govt and provider's aren't going to stand not being paid in a timely manner.

As I said, I wish I was smart enough to fix it.
Been to four different VA hospitals in three different states, went from bad to god awful.

VA hospitals need to be shut down.

Veterans (and their immediate family) should be able to go to a hospital of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment.

The way this country treats it's veterans is a disgrace.

My VA scars look like Frankenstein scars.
Meh, the vets are over rated anyways. Hail Trump and all that is good...which is Trump.

If that is the way you think liberal dogshit, you need to be on the front lines your damn self asshole. I have a lot of friends family in the ground and 6 years of my life in military organizations, not by choice mostly. so any VET is a better person than any pile of shit rider on their back. VA is much better than it was BUT the centers are so far for some to travel that it is good to see those that are far away given the option of choice. The thing is the main VA hospitals need to be the best we have. It has come light years from 20 years ago, but it is not perfect. It has become a vet first organization instead of a Liberal "they are here so I can get a job" center like public schools are now.
He can go over to Saudi Arabia and give them a $110 billion months after Obama gave them $115 billion, but wants to cut the vets? This guy is a fucking idiot.

How did he give them $100 billion?

Making crap up as you go?

That's the liberal way.

I apologize he just gave them a big kiss right on their assholes. So go fuck your liberal way comment.
Who's budget lying liberal? Trump does not write a budget just like billyshit head didn't! Congress writes budgets!! BY THE CONSTITUTION THEY ARE THE ONLY place it can originate. LIAR.

Uh, you have that backwards. The president is required to submit a budget.

"In 1921, the Budget and Accounting Act moved many of the preliminary budget-setting functions to the President and the Executive Branch."

The Constitution and the federal budget process - National Constitution Center
It would take me 9 hours to get to a VA hospital, totally worthless to me. It needs to be freed up where I can get care from a local doctor. This is what Trump wanted and he stated so in the campaign.
This is not a bad thing.
Meh, the vets are over rated anyways. Hail Trump and all that is good...which is Trump.

If that is the way you think liberal dogshit, you need to be on the front lines your damn self asshole. I have a lot of friends family in the ground and 6 years of my life in military organizations, not by choice mostly. so any VET is a better person than any pile of shit rider on their back. VA is much better than it was BUT the centers are so far for some to travel that it is good to see those that are far away given the option of choice. The thing is the main VA hospitals need to be the best we have. It has come light years from 20 years ago, but it is not perfect. It has become a vet first organization instead of a Liberal "they are here so I can get a job" center like public schools are now.

Oh yea, back in the early 70's the VA hospital I went to was a shithole, dingy and dirty no one that examined me washed their hands. It has come a long way.
It would take me 9 hours to get to a VA hospital, totally worthless to me. It needs to be freed up where I can get care from a local doctor. This is what Trump wanted and he stated so in the campaign.
This is not a bad thing.

It's already been in place.

9 hours? My god.
Been to four different VA hospitals in three different states, went from bad to god awful.

VA hospitals need to be shut down.

Veterans (and their immediate family) should be able to go to a hospital of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment.

The way this country treats it's veterans is a disgrace.

My VA scars look like Frankenstein scars.

Sorry. When I did go to the local VA I heard stories from vets that were 10 to 20 years my senior from their trips to the actual VA hospital a couple hours away.
Been to four different VA hospitals in three different states, went from bad to god awful.

VA hospitals need to be shut down.

Veterans (and their immediate family) should be able to go to a hospital of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment.

The way this country treats it's veterans is a disgrace.

My VA scars look like Frankenstein scars.

Sorry. When I did go to the local VA I heard stories from vets that were 10 to 20 years my senior from their trips to the actual VA hospital a couple hours away.

You can see every stitch hole. They kept me from being a competitive Bodybuilder.
It's already been in place.

9 hours? My god
No one told me...

You didn't get a card about 2 years ago? That's about the time they sent me a
letter and a different VA card. It's been in the budget but I think if I remember what the article said without reading it again, it only has 10 billion left and when that runs out I take it the program was going to over unless someone extended it.
Well I'm done here, just wanted to make all vets aware of this. It's good for some and not so good for others. I just think there could be cuts somewhere else and not to vets.
You didn't get a card about 2 years ago? That's about the time they sent me a
letter and a different VA card. It's been in the budget but I think if I remember what the article said without reading it again, it only has 10 billion left and when that runs out I take it the program was going to over unless someone extended it
Nope didn't get a new card. I did go to Balboa hospital in San Diego for a esophagram because my health plan didn't cover it and it was a two day ordeal. Should have just bit the bullet and paid for it.
Who's budget lying liberal? Trump does not write a budget just like billyshit head didn't! Congress writes budgets!! BY THE CONSTITUTION THEY ARE THE ONLY place it can originate. LIAR.

Uh, you have that backwards. The president is required to submit a budget.

"In 1921, the Budget and Accounting Act moved many of the preliminary budget-setting functions to the President and the Executive Branch."

The Constitution and the federal budget process - National Constitution Center

The House has to originate all spending , the Presidents budget REQUEST is submitted, and the House originates all spending and levies

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

The budget is passed by the House and the Senate just like any other bill. It has many steps in the process including the departmental request, reconcilliations votes and committees Presidential request possible vetoes, and if passed in session it can be implemented without signing in certain circumstances. (ie avoiding pocket veto) due to recess and insufficent time for resubmission.

From your post >>>> So today, the Congress and the President share budget responsibilities, under a very general mandate from the Constitution. The President proposes annual budget guidelines. The proposed budget from the President is considered and amended in many cases by House and Senate committees. At some point, a group of House and Senate members meets to work out differences between these appropriations bills. And then the President signs the individual bills, or the one bill that includes the entire budget. If not all the bills are signed by October 1, Congress can pass a continuing resolution until all the bills are passed. But in some cases, a deadlock can lead to a government shutdown if continuing resolutions aren’t passed by that deadline.
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