MAGA TAKEDOWN: Facebook Removes Trump Campaign Posts, Ads for Violating Policy Against Organized Hate

I hope you libtards think Trump is losing right up to November 3rd.....:muahaha:
I personally think he has a good chance of winning again, actually.
Because people like you are JUST THAT STUPID.
Lots of people just like you AND a whole lot of cash in Trump's campaign that will be spent buying the election. Everybody's got a price. Good thing he's got a lot of cash.

What's with your menacing avatar and sig? You're probably the sweaty guy at the back of the bus, with Coke-bottle glasses and late-life acne.
He isn't having that bad of a week. He got a birthday present from the country of 14 million dollars in one day. Not too shabby.
I hope you libtards think Trump is losing right up to November 3rd.....:muahaha:
I personally think he has a good chance of winning again, actually.
Because people like you are JUST THAT STUPID.
Lots of people just like you AND a whole lot of cash in Trump's campaign that will be spent buying the election. Everybody's got a price. Good thing he's got a lot of cash.
So we are stupid and you are smart? voted for a worthless leader in Obama who couldn't save the nation from a recession....and couldn't get us out of a 20 year war to save his Kenyan ass....just who is stupid?....
usmb faggot.jpg

This OP has to be the most lying pos here.
Take note of what this thread is about. The left wrong-wing piece of shit, who started this thread, did so to crow about an instance of #FacebookCensorship in which Facebook flat-out lied about its justification for censoring a legitimate political ad as “hate speech”, indirectly invoking Godwin's Law in the process; with a few other LIbEral piles of filth chiming in to support this.

late butt deport the zuker
Facebook should be designated as a subversive organization
They colluding with China and the Democrats to steal the election.
That was Drumpf and china that had that agreement. Its in that guy Boltens book.
I hope you libtards think Trump is losing right up to November 3rd.....:muahaha:
I personally think he has a good chance of winning again, actually.
Because people like you are JUST THAT STUPID.
Lots of people just like you AND a whole lot of cash in Trump's campaign that will be spent buying the election. Everybody's got a price. Good thing he's got a lot of cash.

What's with your menacing avatar and sig? You're probably the sweaty guy at the back of the bus, with Coke-bottle glasses and late-life acne.
Trump has an excellent chance of winning. It's because democrats are really, really, stupid. Either you are totally clueless and have no idea or you just refuse to accept how much you are hated, loathed and despised. A vote for Trump is a vote against you and everything you stand for. A vote for Trump is a vote against the virus shitstain obama bought. It's a vote against the lockdowns, the riots, the looting, the arson and the persecution of police. It's a vote against black lives matter, against the destruction of our history, against groveling on your knees and shaving women's heads. Every time a monument is defaced, a grave desecrated, a statue torn down Trump gets more votes.

You are so fence post stupid you can't see it.
Have they had the beer hall putsch yet? Can Trump not get elected without using hate speech?
Comparing political rivals to Nazis? Nothing "hateful" about that, is there.

Nice moronic effort. Another "quality" post from a veritable chimpanzee with a keyboard.
He's losing his ass this week.
Bolton book.
DACA upheld.
And now Facebook has deleted some of his hate ads. LOLOLOLOL

(Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Thursday it took down posts and ads run by the re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump for violating its policy against organized hate.

The ads showed a red inverted triangle with text asking Facebook users to sign a petition against antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist movement.""""
You will turn on each other at some point. But now is not the time. A lot of groups. You know who all of them are.
Facebook said Thursday that it is working to help Americans vote by mail, including by notifying users about how to request ballots and whether the date of their state's election has changed
Read the article
He's losing his ass this week.
Bolton book.
DACA upheld.
And now Facebook has deleted some of his hate ads. LOLOLOLOL

(Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Thursday it took down posts and ads run by the re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump for violating its policy against organized hate.

The ads showed a red inverted triangle with text asking Facebook users to sign a petition against antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist movement.""""
Hate is Trump’s sole reelection strategy.
He's losing his ass this week.
Bolton book.
DACA upheld.
And now Facebook has deleted some of his hate ads. LOLOLOLOL

(Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Thursday it took down posts and ads run by the re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump for violating its policy against organized hate.

The ads showed a red inverted triangle with text asking Facebook users to sign a petition against antifa, a loosely organized anti-fascist movement.""""
Hate is Trump’s sole reelection strategy.
You shit stains should be arrested and charged with treason.

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