MAGA Update: Federal judge says DrumpF's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful! WHEEEEE!

Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Irreverent humor. If only Liberals put all that energy into actually being respectful and illegals put that much effort into actually immigrating legally, POOF! No more immigration issues.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Appointed by Bill Clinton.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Irreverent humor. If only Liberals put all that energy into actually being respectful and illegals put that much effort into actually immigrating legally, POOF! No more immigration issues.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Appointed by Bill Clinton.

FFS! The Great Douche wall? That's not important anymore. We need to get to the moon.
As the great Douche said. Really I see no free flowing Mexicans getting there.
Click below to get the new Great Douche DOPer plan.

Political Cartoon
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Just another loss coming your way
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Just another loss coming your way
More DOPer WEAK deflections.

But did you get the new Great Douche directive?

Read all about it here below. Glad to help!.

Political Cartoon
Just to be current. Did I miss anythang today?

Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Just another loss coming your way
More DOPer WEAK deflections.

But did you get the new Great Douche directive?

Read all about it here below. Glad to help!.

Political Cartoon
On 9-11-2001 we had a national emergency. There is no military national emergency on the southern boarder. It is an obvious abuse of the law that was intended to ensure the continuance of government in the case of a real national emergency. However most all of the Emergencies that have been declared are not real emergencies either, they have mostly been about sanctions and rarely get questioned by Congress. I don't expect either party to put that genie back in the bottle.

Of course the fight is going to be about the Feds taking peoples land to build this wall based on a so-called national emergency.
Tell us that when one rapes your wife! Or robes and beats you as they do almost daily in on America!
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Just another loss coming your way
More DOPer WEAK deflections.

But did you get the new Great Douche directive?

Read all about it here below. Glad to help!.

Political Cartoon

How about ANOTHER MAN on the moon.....Damn you commie fuckers sure like to pick on useless info!
Too late.

71 miles of wall completed.
162 miles under construction.
276 miles under pre-construction.

Over 500 mile will be completed by the election.

Wiithout any special funds alocated, there is 1.43 billion in funds available for replacement, maintaining and new construction already in the budget by law. It's been there (adjusted for inflation) since 2006 (1.3 bil) all along. On the average, Bush did 142 miles of wall and security fencing construction. The rest of the 733 miles was done by Obama. This isn't maintenance or replacement, it's new construction. The total amount of new construction by Rump is ZERO. That's right, ZERO. Now, I am not saying that this is a bad thing but to make you rumpsters wet your pants like it's all new construction then someone is lying to someone here. And it really is Rumps responsibility to tell you the truth instead of allowing you to keep with the stupid, "Build that Wall, Build that Wall" chant. He is NOT building a wall. He's building a security fence and replacing other fencing in areas where it's the easiest to build in. There is a reason that there isn't going to be much more New wall or security fence construction. The easy parts are done and only replacements can be done.

Rump hasn't completed 71 miles of new wall construction. He's completed 71 miles of old wall replacement and has 162 miles under construction of old wall or security fence replacement and he's thinking about building the last 276 miles that can be conceiveably be built but that last 276 miles is a hard build for a lot of reasons like Terrain, Property Rights and more. Rump has had the funds allocated to him so that he should have already finished the 71 miles of Security Fence Replacement, and the 162 miles of Security fence replacement as well. He should be already finished with all that And be well on his way to another 224 miles of that last 276 miles in completion without taking a single dime from other things. It's all already been paid for.

Rump doesn't need a bigger budget. What Rump needs is a good old fashioned audit.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report

^^ Batshit crazy Baz celebrates the idea of open borders.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report
Any funds that Trump uses out of the military's budget, for National Security is just delayed. The SCOTUS will reverse any federal judge's ruling against the border wall, simply because the hordes of people trying to get in illegally without being properly vetted, are an "invasion" and can easily be considered a "threat" to our national security.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report

^^ Batshit crazy Baz celebrates the idea of open borders.
DOPer never want real solutions. Like arresting homeowner employers and other employers.
Fine them 60% gross income for life. Give illegal 20% of that per year to go home.
The other turns a profit so we all pay less in taxes we can hope. After the national debt is paid.
And if an illegal turns in 5 employers they get a green card only good for three years.
And they can still get employers to hire them as illegals to get a new green card later for three more years.
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report

^^ Batshit crazy Baz celebrates the idea of open borders.
DOPer never want real solutions. Like arresting homeowner employers and other employers.
Fine them 60% gross income for life.

Give illegal 20% of that per year to go home.
The other turns a profit so we all pay less in taxes we can hope. After the national debt is paid.
And if an illegal turns in 5 employers they get a green card.
Blame belongs to democrats in congress that allow illegal aliens to be in this country
Federal judge says Trump's use of emergency funds to build wall is unlawful - CNNPolitics

A federal judge in Texas ruled Friday that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a border wall is unlawful and appears poised to block the use of those funds.

Judge David Briones of the US District Court for the Western District of Texas, asked challengers of the wall to propose the scope of a preliminary injunction.

:yes_text12: And like the Great Douche will win going to the SCOTUS. But
we all know it won't be around to really get the wall started for real DOPers.
You know nothangggggg has changed at the border. Stop lying about it.

In other news...
See the guy get over the Great Douche wall juggling balls in one hand..LOL!

Great American Heros: Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute

Mountain climbers scale replica of Trump's border wall in under one minute: report

^^ Batshit crazy Baz celebrates the idea of open borders.
DOPer never want real solutions. Like arresting homeowner employers and other employers.
Fine them 60% gross income for life. Give illegal 20% of that per year to go home.
The other turns a profit so we all pay less in taxes we can hope. After the national debt is paid.
And if an illegal turns in 5 employers they get a green card only good for three years.
And they can still get employers to hire them as illegals to get a new green card later for three more years.

most illegals don’t work. They are here as gang members and rapists. Others just steal SS numbers and defraud the government for welfare. Any families hiding illegals should be fined and jailed as well, and have their property confiscated and auctioned off to help pay the cost of Border Patrol.

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