Another funny post from MAGAts so afraid for"masculinity".....:heehee:
Why would we be afraid of masculinity? There isn’t enough masculinity in this country. You’re the ones droning on about “toxic masculinity” all the time and push this trans agenda to turn our boys into little girly fairies. You’re the one afraid of masculinity.
Mothers Against Greg Abbot is a fairly new group, but already has millons of viewers, all dedicated to firing Greg Abbot. You should check out some of their hard hitting videos showing just how bad Abbot is for mothers, women, and all Texans.

Making America Great is bad for China, Russia, North Korea and Iran and whatever Troll Farm you work for.
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He "Stood up" for what is right and moral. That's a crime in DemNazi Minds. You must submit to corruption of everything that is good and righteous in The World or else.
No, I meant real crimes. Not your grevences.

What crimes is the poster referring to that Abbott committed, that he should be replaced by Mr. West?
Mothers Against Greg Abbot is a fairly new group, but already has millons of viewers, all dedicated to firing Greg Abbot. You should check out some of their hard hitting videos showing just how bad Abbot is for mothers, women, and all Texans.
Beta is going to lose again and after this he'll be relegated to the annals of political has beens.
Again....that ever-present fear of the Righties over their...ahem...."masculinity".

Sorry commie, it's not my masculinity that's in question.

Even the name of the band reeks of beta boys.
Gov. Brylcreem just signed a law making Kalifornia a “Trans sanctuary” state where kids can get surgery without parental consent.

Nice way to slant a story.

Actually what Gavin Newsom signed into law was a bill protecting FAMILIES of trans children who have to flee their own regressive, redneck states to have these procedures done in Cali.

Do I "support" or necessarily "agree" with all this "transgenger" craziness.

But do I think the government has any right to prevent families from doing what they want regarding their own children.

What is the Republican stance on this?
That only the government has the right to make these decisions for families?

Better be careful with THAT slippery slope.

"On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is currently running for reelection against Republican challenger Brian Dahle, signed into law SB 107, blocking states with anti-trans laws from prosecuting families who seek gender-affirming care in California. The law, which was introduced by state senator Scott Wiener in April, takes several measures to protect families of trans youth who flee their home states due to legal threats or investigations in states including Florida and Texas."
Nice way to slant a story.

Actually what Gavin Newsom signed into law was a bill protecting FAMILIES of trans children who have to flee their own regressive, redneck states to have these procedures done in Cali.

Do I "support" or necessarily "agree" with all this "transgenger" craziness.

But do I think the government has any right to prevent families from doing what they want regarding their own children.

What is the Republican stance on this?
That only the government has the right to make these decisions for families?

Better be careful with THAT slippery slope.

"On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is currently running for reelection against Republican challenger Brian Dahle, signed into law SB 107, blocking states with anti-trans laws from prosecuting families who seek gender-affirming care in California. The law, which was introduced by state senator Scott Wiener in April, takes several measures to protect families of trans youth who flee their home states due to legal threats or investigations in states including Florida and Texas."
Democrats support child sex change operations with or without parental consent.

Soon, Democrats will support open pedophilia, with or without parental consent. No redneck is going to stop guys like John podesta from having sex with their kids.

Democrats will deny this till the day it comes up, then suddenly support it. Some Democrats here are so brainwashed they deny child trans surgery is real.
Why would we be afraid of masculinity? There isn’t enough masculinity in this country. You’re the ones droning on about “toxic masculinity” all the time and push this trans agenda to turn our boys into little girly fairies. You’re the one afraid of masculinity.
You are afraid FOR you masculinity.....terrified to be though un-masculine. :heehee: Too late.
Nice way to slant a story.

Actually what Gavin Newsom signed into law was a bill protecting FAMILIES of trans children who have to flee their own regressive, redneck states to have these procedures done in Cali.

Do I "support" or necessarily "agree" with all this "transgenger" craziness.

But do I think the government has any right to prevent families from doing what they want regarding their own children.

What is the Republican stance on this?
That only the government has the right to make these decisions for families?

Better be careful with THAT slippery slope.

"On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is currently running for reelection against Republican challenger Brian Dahle, signed into law SB 107, blocking states with anti-trans laws from prosecuting families who seek gender-affirming care in California. The law, which was introduced by state senator Scott Wiener in April, takes several measures to protect families of trans youth who flee their home states due to legal threats or investigations in states including Florida and Texas."
Performing sex change surgery on minors is RAPE, just as giving a minor puberty blockers is RAPE. That's what the DemNazi Party has become. A bunch of raping, grooming, hair sniffing, indoctrinating sexual perverts who are destined for an eternal Hell.

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