Performing sex change surgery on minors is RAPE, just as giving a minor puberty blockers is RAPE. That's what your DemNazi Party has become. A bunch of raping, grooming, hair sniffing, indoctrinating sexual perverts who are destined for an eternal Hell.
Totally. Democrats are raping kids.

Any support for the Child abusers will condem your soul to hell where you will burn along side them.

Tree, you remember me telling Americans about the secret labs where trans meds are developed?
Beta is going to lose again and after this he'll be relegated to the annals of political has beens.
Perhaps, but this election is more an effort to get the MAGA out than getting any one else in. Just like the last presidential election. Might not succeed this time, but it eventually will, and it might be this time.
Word on the streets from people who know the cartels business say Democrats are running secret labs where certain kids are delivered to. These kids under go horrible surgery and many of them die.

Word is these labs look like a cross between a nazi death camp and a day care center.
WOULD Not surprise me at all.
Perhaps, but this election is more an effort to get the MAGA out than getting any one else in. Just like the last presidential election. Might not succeed this time, but it eventually will, and it might be this time.
Cuz CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN, and NORTH KOREA think MAGA is bad for them. Hope MAGA comes back and you get laid off at the trollholio farm.
It's The Evil Times we live in.
Democrats are saying now that if a kid wants to be trans, they will provide the surgery and meds with or without parental consent.

Soon, if that kids wants to have sex with guys like John podesta, it will be okay, with or without parental consent.
Mothers Against Greg Abbot is a fairly new group, but already has millons of viewers, all dedicated to firing Greg Abbot. You should check out some of their hard hitting videos showing just how bad Abbot is for mothers, women, and all Texans.

Most of whom are bots.

Of course the Democratic Party is against requiring minors to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

That is not even what this is about.

It is about RepubliCONS trying to violate people's constitutional rights and democrats (as usual) defending those rights.

"Alabama’s lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law," Psaki said.

Boy, are you misinformed.
And you have proof of that, or is your remark just more stuff that you pulled out of your ass?
Most Democrats are bots and paid shills. Very few Americans claim to be Democrats in this era.

If you want to know how many actual Democrats there are, you have to poll, would you abort a baby the day before it's born. You get about 17%
Most Democrats are bots and paid shills. Very few Americans claim to be Democrats in this era.

If you want to know how many actual Democrats there are, you have to poll, would you abort a baby the day before it's born. You get about 17%
So just more MAGA crazy talk, then.

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