
The entire nation of France can count all their tens of millions of votes and have the results by bed time.

Maricopa County cant count millions of fewer votes in 24 hours.

But there's no cheatery going on!
That's right, there isn't. And you whined like a little bitch the same way about places that can't even start counting absentee votes until after polls close. So you aren't fooling anyone.
Taylor Robson led throughout Tuesday night, but Lake narrowly overtook her early Wednesday morning.

Anytime someone is overtaken by counting done while we are sleeping, that means there was cheating going on.

That is what we have been told by you MAGa turds since Nov of 2020.
And you have repeatedly told us that's BS ... but man you sure flip fast when a Dem loses.

(All day reports were coming in that there had not been enough ballots, voting had been log-jammed, etc.... It wasn't like a ton of ballots showed up without explanation after midnight ... like last time. FAIL, snowflake)
And you have repeatedly told us that's BS ... but man you sure flip fast when a Dem loses.

Dude, it is a GOP primary, there is no Dem in the race.

Are you really so stupid you cannot see that I am mocking you all by holding you to the same standards you put forth since the last election?
Fuck off. I said what you all have been saying for the past almost 2 years without a single bit of evidence.

The fact you are too stupid to see the mocking sarcasm is not really my issue at all.
Yeah, your issue is mostly your inherent douchebaggery, huh?
Derp Derp Derp, you fail, fucktard.

Try again, dumbass. This is fun!

PS: I'm entertained by you failing more, so the moar you fail, the more I'm entertained.
He said he was imitating you. You said it was douchebaggery. Oops, yer stupid.

BTW, I know pathetic, frustrated trolls like you are not actually having fun.
It's a good thing America wasn't started by douchebags like you.

It's time to Thank God for that.
Aren't you the witty and snarky asswipe.

Would seem;
1) You did not understand my post.
2) You do not understand our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
3) You are grossly ignorant on our Nation's founding and Founders.
4) You are just here to troll.

I'm betting on all the above.

For the benefit of others reading here whom might think what you say has any value;
Our Nation's (U.S. America) Founders were mostly capitalists in today's terms, as well as Libertarian in how that would apply back @1775. They were also 'free enterprisers' and believed in smaller central government having endured overbearing rule from the King of England.

Clinton, Obama, and Biden (and their spouses) are all bottom feeding, parasitic opportunists seeking to grow government power and authority while pocketing the funds funneled their way by elites whom would tear down and destroy America. Check their Wiki page biographies and you'll see they have next to no experience in wealth creation and nearly their entire post college careers were engaged in collecting government paychecks from the taxpayers. (When not receiving the equivalent of bribes masked as "speaking fees", "consulting fees" and other covers.)

BTW, you are a disgrace to your username and avatar.
Trump registered to vote in his 40s and changed parties 5 times.
He declared for whatever party he thought would bring him short term gain.

When he was desperately trying gto be accepted into the east coast elite, he pretended to be a Democrat.

When he ran for president to boost his failing brand, he pretended to be republican.
That is because Lake cheated. Taylor Robson led throughout Tuesday night, but Lake narrowly overtook her early Wednesday morning. Anytime someone is overtaken by counting down while we are sleeping, that means there was cheating going on.
You mean like the Dims in all the battleground states in the 2020 election?
He declared for whatever party he thought would bring him short term gain.

When he was desperately trying gto be accepted into the east coast elite, he pretended to be a Democrat.

When he ran for president to boost his failing brand, he pretended to be republican.
So you believe the Biden isn't an opportunist? Really?

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